12, 1974, WHITBY FREE PRESS BIRD 'S EYE -IQ/A Yecchttl Turnips 1 can'î help it. When the doctor hits me on the kneecap with a little rubber hamm-er my leg goes twoilg and when you put a meal in front of me and there is a big pile of turnips on the plate 1 say, "Yecchtt, turnips!" The words are out of my mouth before 1 realize I'rn saying. them. lt's rather emb 'arrassing aI limnes. If you're out for dinner at a friends house or in an expensive rest- aurant you don't expect oneof your dinner guests 10 voice so poetically at the mnerest sighting of îurnips. Psychologises will tell you that most behaviour is learned, or in other words, you had t0 be taught Io like or dislike something. I don't kniow who taught me 10 distike lurnips but Imr sure glad il happened because I just can't picture me spooning down mouthfuls of the wretched stuff and actually smiling and rernarking on how good il was. Horrors, I break 0out in a turnip rash just thinking of such an impossibility. One lime aI dinner in a friends house in Port MeNicol I happened Io noice as thie plates were brought in Io the dining roumn that îhey included a healthy rashier of turnips alonig with the real food. I also nuticed after the hostess dropped off the plates and returned lu the kitchen that the dining room w~as emptv except for myself.' In a searching look 1 realized il might be unily haîf a minute before somebody returned, su. in my usuial un- abashied inanner. I whacked îîîy plate next Io the husts and proceeded 10 spoon those horrible îurnips off my plate and onto bis. As 1 surmised, wvthin a minute cverybudy gathered a- round the table and sat down. If anybody had gîanced at my plate il would have looked exactly like theirs. Whaî they didn't know was that I had transferred someof my mashed potatoes to the place where the turnips used to sit and I spread the thinest layer 1 could manage of turnips on topof the potatoes so it looked like a pile of those awful mashed turnips but it was mostly potatoes doing double duty. During the course of the meal 1I managed to eat my food in such a manner as to fool everybody into thinking I was suffering along and eating those fool turnips but I was worried about the amount of turnips the host now had 10 deal with on his own plate. Because I didn't have too much time I didn't get a chance lu really make a disguise of the added turnips on the hosts plate and it wound up that il looked like he had hardly goîten any mieat at aIl but ini reality the pile of turnips was su high on his plate it toppled uver and covered half his meat. After a couple of glasses of 'wine and the meal almost finished with desert to look forward to I was starting to relax and îhinking that 1 had actually golten away with the whole affairs. 1 say gollen -away because while the hiostess was certainly a gracious lady and has knownme for a number of years (she always hints that it's about *1 5 years too many) she has this kinky habit of giving me more of a certain kind of food if 1 voice a distike to it. 1 remember one lime having a meal at her house and she was having those terrible littie îhings called Brussels (they should have left them there) Sprouts. When I told her I îhoughit îhey were just awful things she immediately dum- ped another couple of pounds on my plate, adding, "Now- ent them ahl up, îhey're good for you! " so you can understand my nervousness at having the hostess discover my absolute hiatred for turnips. Well, as the main part of the meal wvas drawing to a close, the hostess - playing the dutiful wife serving the miaster - asked the hiost how he liked his meal. [le replied that lie enjoyed everything for the most part but thien he asked her if it was really necessary 10 give him so much bulk filI. Shie gave himi a questiuning look and he tuld ber hie wasn't used tu sïtting dowvn lu dinner and eating flive pounds of turnips at one sitting. Ail faces turned to me.- What could I do?? 1 got up and saîd 1 îhought the îurnips had upsel rny stomach and 1 retreated to the bathroom. Guess what the hostess gave me for dessert'?? - - - -- -«M«M' U& - -q « M Um- - - GRMLA GIRLS UAWA LOCAL 222 g Teamn Travelling Fund I $300. Cash Prize Mrs. Muriel Tummonds 224 Meadow Road I Whitby 1Ticket No. 2091' Lic. No. 138744-105-74 Proclamation Town of Whitby Senior Citimens Week June l6th -22nd , 1974 Take notice that the Council of the Town of Whitby has proclaimed the period of June l6th. to June 22fld, 1974 as "Senior Citizens Week" in and for the Town of Whitby. Dated at Whitby this 12th day of June, A.D., 1974. D.G. NEWMAN. MAYOR TOWN 0F WHITBY RitCHmoNO Se po-pered ond i reotedlike a King! She wer., Sur.hen bath. Nude *ody 1-LomSA" Nude phoIogf*0phyý prîvote voomrin -hom»,, Ladies aiso welcome. ~ I ONTARIO HUMANE SOCIETY Whitby Branch i HOUSE AND GARDEN TOUR I WEDNESDAY, JUNE l9th, 1974, 2-6 p.m. I TICKETS $2.50 ALL PROCEEDS FOR WORK OF ONTARIO HUMANE Cail 668-2576 -Whitby Brass Band T his house of H.E. Irwin, 238 Wellington St., Whiîby is one of the houses on the route of the Ontario Humane Society (Whitby Branch) House and Garden Tour, Wed- nesday, June 19. The tour starts aI 2 p.m. and runs lil 6 p. m. Tickets and maps are available on the day of the tour froni 1:30 p.m. 10 3 p.m. aI the Centennial Building, 416 Centre Street, South, Whitby._ BIBLE SCHOOL - 9:45 a.m. BUS SERVICE PROVIDED ThursdayN*ight Concerts Free. Admission Whitby Library Junel320,27 Faîrk ut pliM Church Il 419 Brock Street North Whitby, Ontario Telephone (416) 668-2508 SUNDAY SERVICES WORSHIP SERVICE - il a.mn. EVENING SERVICE - 6:52 p.m. NURSERY PROVIDED FOR ALL SERVICES JVOICE 0F FAITH - Cable 6 TUE 9 P.m. 1lst &3rd Sunday each month Mr. WaIt Huntley - Guest Speaker DennisPasco - Guest Gospel Accordianist SDAY: Pioneer Girls and - 6: 15 p.m. Christian Service Brigade to 7:45 p.m Bible Study and Prayer Meeting 8:00 p.mn MINISTER'0F OUTREACH RE.RALPH DN à I I I I I I I 41 - b g i I g g I g I g I I I I 2nd &3rd MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE *opefiMortgoes 0 No poyment for three months 0 No bomtses " No credif checks " No inquiry from ne.ghbours " Coofientia orraftgements mode in your home " SorrowoCulow os S 1600 " FoSt service cu Mr. wus 942-2611i (L.ed) 1308 B.yly St. Bay RIdg.s ------------------------------------------------ Port Perry, RentmAiI Now Open f0 Serve al your needs The rear of 108 Water Street. Water and Casser Streets. Cali 985M7356 Roto-tillers Lawn Mowers Lawn Rollers Power or hand post-hole augers Fence pullers, etc.. Power tools Drain augers Sprayers Demo. hammer Cernent Mixers Chain saws Power Trowels Sail Boats ibru 4~ ,~ .- - - - - - - - - - - - - - Canoes See you, at the Port ýPerry Homeshow g g I I I I om am «M m am M 1