BURGESS GIRL 0F THE WEEK This winsome beauty is Barb Virgin,a Whitby elemnentary school teacher. Barb seems to be one of those dedîcated teachers who is forever taking special courses both winter SUMMER SCHOOL PROGRAM at the OSHAWA BUSINESS COLLEGE Commence as soon InyOur sc?¶oolyeor 15 completeci. PNOpM nae «Mmte iU*erà ty Stedeots, ifg1h Sehee aid Grade EW h t ul TYPING FOR BECINNERS AND ADANCED STuDENIS Attend 90-minute cluss sessions. Tulion S$12.50Oper week 9:00 a.m. fo 10:30 G.M. or 10:30 o.M.to 12:00 noore Odw ierpro ide&e Forkner Shorthad (Godfor Note-teakig) Clerical BOkeeping, Accounting Business Machines Any two Subi octs 120per week Dial 7284052 for Complote De*olls iSiosSt. M. i l t uiir% )jr;) M - o MAN WITH TRUCK will do dlean up jobs or small moving jobs. Cail 942-5558. June 26/74 ROOF REPAIRING Specialized in flat and eavestroughs. estimates. Cali after p.m. 1 - 4634059. .Juîy roofs Free 5:00 3/74 FREE - two kittens, to a good home. One grey and white, one calico. Phone 668-6490. June 12/74 FOR SALE - Dog house, semni-detached. Ideal for 2 dogs. Stained, tile roof. Reasonable price. See at 320 Ash St., Whitby. June 12/74 FREE - to a good home, 9 month old dog. Haif chihuahua, haif terriôr. Very good watch dog. Cal .668-8198. June 12/74 and summer. But in her sparetie, Barb sketches, curis, swirns and even manages to ....wliere we found her. PAINTING & DECORATING Pain tîg and decorating - frcc estimates. No obli- galtion. Everyones in the groove - the big cdean-up. Cail Scotty 668-2692. June-19/74 FOR SALE - 1 Starite deep welI pump with 20 gallon tank, gauges and fiît. tings. $80.00. Cali 942- 2569. ep FOR SALE - Simplicity spin dry Washer and Dryer. Excellent Condition, $80 Cail 668-6986 anytime. squeeze in the odd barbecue - P!,nin hvi Mîke R1urpes WANTED One set of bagpipes - must bc in good condition. Cali 668-5786. June 12/74 WANTED Babysitter, Whitby arca, for one child, 16 months old. Monday to Friday, cal collect, 1 - 985-2583 after 7 p.m. Ju ne 12/74 FOR SALE - "Slim Line" Beit Massage Machine for spot reducing. Cost $ 125.00 -$60. De-Luxe Projection Sereen -excellent condition $15. Cal 6,8-3727 Send your dollars to: GARE Canada, Department 4 63 Sparks St. Ottawa, K1 P 5A6 WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 12,1974, PAGE 11 by Marie -Rutter UBRA (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22) Use caution - don't let your less admirable characteristies corne to the surface. Behave 1w'ith restraint, comiplete your tasks quietly and try to achieve harmony. 'Your social life and popularity improve on the week - end. SCORPIO (Oct. 23 - Nov.'21)' Pay attention to the direction your career is taking - you may be on probation. If you have children, finances will greatly accelerate now that faîl is here - new clothes, dental bis, etc. Communications and advertising are stressed - keep on your toes. SAGITTARJUS (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21) Your social life wiIl be hectic, but with a littie manipulation you should be able to fit in your work schedule with your round of parties. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19) A long overdue boan may be repaid, or possibly you'll receive a cheque in the mail from an unexpected source. Beware of any speculative ventures, you neyer get anything for nothing and you may have been oversold. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20.- Feb. 18) During the next four week interval make sure your home is amply protected - check the locks on your doors and make sure that your windows are secure. Control your temper - keep your disposition at an even keel. PISCES (Feb. 19 - March 20) You are under great emotional pressure - you become more sensitive to ambitions and goals. The added respon- sibility is however worthwhile. A Caprîcorn individual. is involved in your climb to the top. ARIES (March 21 - April- 19) Professional interests are stressed on the weekend. You yearn for adventure - try to create your own excitement. Live adventures vicariously through TV shows, movies etc. If you're single you will meet a Virgo whom you corne to greatly admire. TAURUS (April 20 - May 20) Be diplomatic when handling domestic situations. A loved one rnay feel ignored and let down. Partnerships -and your reputation may be involved in intriguing, etc. Responsibility may be heightened this week. LEO (July 23 - Aug. 22) If changing your residence, don't make your mmnd up right away, comparison shop. Live within your means. You've been too volatile, calm down, stabilize yourself. VIRGO (Aug. 23 - Sept. -22) You may be travelling, visiting friends and generally relaxing. You may meet someone around the Sth of the month who could have long - range pôssibilities although relationship is slow to develop - it will be enduring and very advantageous.