Whitby Free Press, 5 Jun 1974, p. 10

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PAGE 10, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 5, 1974, WlIITI3Y [RPF PRrESl( Free Press Emporium FOR SALE - Ultra-mod- ern Sound System for Di or rec-room. 3 portable sections, vinyl covered, tape-deck, co- ntrol paiel, switches, bogen amp., 2 gay-ard transcription turn tables, 2 audio empire tone arms, GE cartridges, 15 " JB Lansing. Speaker mount- ed in theatre cabinet. New cost $1,100. wiII take $700. or best offer. Cail 668-9746. emp._ .FOR SALE - dresser, 48" wide high, waînut, circa finished, S175.00. 4375. FOR SALE Antique and 36" 1825, e- Cali 668- emp. Ec onomny ~Camnper. 1967 VW Camper in excellent dlean conditionî. propain. must seIl, S 1195. or best offer. CalI 668--3889. eiup. FOR SALE - ne regis- ered 7/8 Arabian ye arling colt. Excellent for novice. S400.00. Also two p:îrt- bred weanlings. For sale eîs package or separately. Cal 668-4368. FOR SALE - wall tent, 10 x 12 with screen and floor, used 1 season, S85.00. Cali 655-3683. enîp. FOR SALE --211"tfour plate Jacobsen lawn triwer. Only 2 years oîd. S65.00. Phone 668-8675. a FOR SALE - Trim Gym Exerciser with instruction book. New condition, $50. Cal 655-4245. emp. FOR SALE - 24" Gene rai Eleetrie push-button heavy duty range. Good working condition. Asking $35.00. Caîl 668-5535. cmlp. FOR SALE - I dalma- ,tion, 10 months old, maie, has iad all shots, beautifually spotted, good with chidren. CaiI 728-5497. emp. FOR SALE - green rug, 12 x 14 with pad, S8.5.00; Caniister Vaccuurn, S3000; floor poiisher, S23.00; joli- nny-poie, S I3.00: cule man stove and cooler. S i 21.00 each: large frîdge anid stoVe (Vik- ingi. S 1 70.00 eaclh - livinigrooin drapes, Iloor length. S I 5.00 for 2 pairs; wval îiriror, S 7.00. Cait 655-3i144. FOR SALE edccirie iawni mnower anid grass cat cher, excellent condfitioni. S65.00. biglis Cas Di-ver. excellent conditioni. S9)8,00. Amnpli- flier in inalîogany cabinet, excellent conditioti, S45.00. Fridue. good wvorking order, S25.00. Please eau 942-4650) aniv tifiue aftter 06).inl. I FOR SALE -,Lloyd baby~ carriagC, - good Condition. Navy blue, $20.00. CutI 668.2987, FOR SALE portable radio and record piaycr, $ iS.,, eiectric kitchen dlock, white, $5., set of Iligurine bedroornl larnps, $6. Al tike nlew. Piease phone 668-4435LMM SPECIAL SAVINGS Contents of Mociet Homes. Chesterfields, tamp5s, dinet- te suites, velvet paintings, rugs, Atliln Showroom corn- dition. ELMER'S FUMNIURE 253 Bloor St. E. Oshawa 728-3473' FOR SALE .38 Iver Revolver, anltlique. 000- Pîîoiîc 655-3Ï505. emp. FOR SALI'S new kit- chen cui)boamd doon s, 51.50 ecdi. SelI vcmy reasonia by. Caîl 655-3534. Cil11. FOR 'SALÈ 4 Micheliju Super X tires (Steel Belted). Size: 180-IS-,XAS total S4000. Moderti Art: Moon- flisîî Patroni in Franie, gren bac kgrouînd. Teackwoid (inew" Haîf price -- 25.00. Cal 668-8527. cnip. FOR SALIS Coloinial setîe ýscats 3. Alsoai- chair te nmatchi plus ct isI. Ail l'Or S60.00. Sec ati 127 Qucen Sti.Irooklin. emiip - FOR SALIS- girls 2 wiîeel hicycie, good condîtîcît. 20' wheei. S25.001. Telepîioîîe 668-55ý4 1. FOR SALE, - i .electric space heatcr, good condition $50-00. Cail 668-3573. eînp. FOR SALE -- .Whlite Samoycd, maie. 2 years old. Good natu red. FANTASTIC WITH KIDS!! Cali 579-0555. emp. FOR SALE-- large size chromc table, .36" x 70" let ,out, anîd tour chairs, good conitfion, S45.00. Large bathroomn basin with pedes- tai, white, S5.00, Plîonc 655-3598. FOR SALE - 4 Michelin Super X tires (Steel Bltecd). Sîze: 180-15-XAS total S40.00. Modemn Art: Moon- fisli Patron in F raine, green backgrouînd. Teackwood (ncw) Ilai prce S25.00.-('al 6688527.enip. FOR SALE - boys bic- ycle. dilliost brand liew, t i res. A sk, ili s31 5.00. Call cinp. MIKES FISSO SI-RVICEý,- iu Fie Line of Used I Ca rs 68-4 2 ý32' J-G RANCH, tIOISLiBACK RIDING ANtD IIORSES BOARDED. ýl* have 175 acres of goo)d land Lots of room for kiddies.J.ust Io mirnutei frum downtown ijshawa -Cali 263:-26;97 An%.- time M FOR SALE - 1966 Grand Parisienne V8, 327 engine power breaks, power steer- ing. Lime coloured with black vinyl top. Good con- dition. $400.00. Phione 668-5105 after 6 p.m. ernp. FOR SALE - 14*'-Radial ply tire," spare, new, neyer used. $30.00. CaîIl before 3:30 at 668-7433. en1p. FOR SALE I Starite deeî well pump with 20' gallin tanik, gauges and fit- tings. $80-00. Caîl 942- 2569. DAY CARIS lediatric trained niurse cHfers day cure for p)re- sciiooiers and infanits. S25. zi week.('al 008-741I2. J une 19/74 FOR SALI' Alouette 14 iiorsepowe r snlownîlel) in brand iiewv condition. will iniclude seat cuve r. lielniet anîd mâitts. ('osl. îew, $800.. wilil «(I)rbm-,400. ('ah 608-6744. elp FOR SAýLIS ý Simpilici ty spin dry Waslier and Drye;r lS-xcelletit (*oiditîi, S100 ('aIl 668-61)80 anly tie. iLine 5,/74 F()UNI) I>ioiie (66K-8, 5:30 a 11d 6: 30 Girls bicycle 72() betweenf 1).111. Junle 57 GUS -CASSANO PAVING AND CONSTRUCTION CO. Specialize in drivewayý Caîl anytiine - 728-3407. ,~WORK WANTED Nced someone to take care of your anim ais whiîe you are away on vacation? Highi School student wiII give tender loving care to your animiaIs. Reasonabie rates. CatI 655-4776. ue57 PAINTING &DECORATING Painting and decorâting froc estimates. No obli- gation. Everyonies in tule groove tule big ciean-uip. Caîl Scot ty 668-2692. June I19/74 M'AN WITFH TRUCK will do dlean up jobs or smnali ioving jobs. ('aIl 9421-55-58. June 26/74 WANTýED Cie.anin1g W0voman for Saturdays. West Lynide. Supply references. (Xîll 668-740-3. ue 5/74 P ION EE R FARMERS MA RK E T Prodtuce, fruit, and cgg Jealers îinvited to fumriers -ontaict Rudi Meeder -79-0202". June 5/74 MUIIipLE ISTINC SIRVICI We urgently require listings on farm. commercial. and -esidentiai properties. SALEYLD 6601177 SI 57 Acres vit h louse uand burn 25 mniuiirtes rive froin WhI it k. Veiîdor w Il COnlside r yOUri h ouSe n trade. Asking S90,ý000. Sec il and cnjoy a thiîsilingo icelîic View. For furthcr information on these and other proper- tics caîl 668-7777 or Torontou une. 282-1004. WHII 3 bedmooin, brick bungalo shaped living dining room, e( 66 x 132 lot in choice norli w( 121 1'BY w with carport. creation roorn lias ýst location. WHITBY ingrouind Pool 3 bcdroom bungalow in I-lenry Highi School area.' Lot 98 x 95. Attachied garage. Tastcfuîly dccomatcd wt broadloomn throughiout. Good finiancing. Easy possession. Largo L- fi replace. BRODCK STREET NORTH WVHIT BY 668-7777 I I MME 0 1

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