Free press' Emp orium FOR SALE - Ultra-mod-. ern Sound System for DJ or rec-room. 3 portable sections, vinyl covered, tape-deck, co- ntrol panel, switches, bogen amp., Z garrard transcription turn tables, 2 audio empire tone arms, GE cartridges, 15 " JB Lansing. Speaker mount- ed in theatre cabinet. New cost $1,100. will take $700. or best offer. Cali 668-9746. emp.__1 FOR SALE - dresser, 48" wide high, walnut, circa1 finished, 5175.00. 4375.- Antique and 36" 1825, re- Caîl 668- emp. FOR SALE- refrigerator -late model, AdmiraI, twe door SI 10.00, and Westing- house automatic washer $175. Both Guarantéed. Cal 668-3889. emp. FOR SALE- one regis- tered 7/8 Arabiani yearling colt. Excellent for novice. S400.00. Aise twe, part- bred weanlings. For sale as package or separately. Cail 668-4368. FOR SALE - wall tent, 10 x 12 with screen and floor, used 1 season, $85.00: Call 655-3683. emp. FOR SALE - 21"' four plate Jacobsen lawn mower. Only 2 years old. $65.00. Phone 668-8675. emp. FOR SALE - Trim Gym Exerciser with instruction book. New condition. $50. Cali 655-4245. emp. FOR SALE - 24" General Electric push-button heavy duty' range. Good working condition. Asking $35.00. Cal 668-5535. emp. FOR SALE - 1 dalma- tion, 10 months old, iliale, has had ail shots, beautifully spotted, good with childrenl. Cali 728-5497. ep FOR SALE green mug, 12 x 14 with pad, $85-00; Canister Vaccuumn, $30.00; floor polishier, $1-3.00; joli- nny-pole, $ 13.00; coleman steve and cooler, $1 2.00 eaclh; large fridge and steve (Vik- ing), S$170.00 each; livingroorn drapes, floor length, S 15.00 for 2 pairs: waill mirrer, S 7.00. Cali 655-3144. cm p. FOR SALE - electric lawn rnower and grass catcher, excellent condition, $65.00. Inglis Gas Dryer, excellent condition, $98.00. Ampli- flier in mahogany cabinet, excellent condition, $45.0 Fridge, good working ordet S25.00. Please caîl 942-4656 any time after 6 p.m. emp. FOR SALE - Lloyd baby carniage - good condition. Navy blue, $20.00., Cal 668-2987. 1 - - eme FOR SALE - portable radio and record player, $15S., electric kitchen dlock, white, $5., set of figurine bedroom lamps, $6. Ail like new. Please phon.e 668-4435. emp. CARPENTRY. Kitchen cupboards, home improvements, floor tiling and ceramic wall tiling, etc. Free estirnates. Phone after ,6 p.m., 668-4686. 1 FOR SALE - Revolver, antique, Phione 655-3505. .38 Iver $60.00. emp. FOR SALE - new kit- chien cupboard doors, $1 .50 cachi. SelI very rcasonably. Caîl 655-3534. enmp. SPECIAL SAVINGS Contents of Model Homes. Chesterfields, lamps, dinet- te suites, velvet painting-s, rugs, AUi n Showroom con- diion. ELMER'S FUMUTIRE 253 Bloor St. E. Oshawa 728-3473 FOR SALE- Colonial scttec -- seats 3. AIse armn- chair te miatch plus cushions. AIl for $60.00. Sec at I127 Quei St., Breoklin. cm p FOR SALE - girls 2 whecl bicycle, good condition, 20" wheel. S25,00. Telephone 668-5541.1 WHITBY FREE PRESS. WEDNESDAY, MAY 29, 1974. PAGE il FOR SALE - 1 clectric space heater, good condition $50.00. Cail 668-3573. emp. FOR SALE- lawn mower, good as new, 22" gas motor. $ 55.00. Call 723-4315. My97 FOR SALE- White Sarnoyed maie. 2 yeairs old. Good natured. FANTASiIC 'WITH KJDS!! Cali 579-0555. emp. FOR SALE - large size chrome table, 36" x 70" let out, and four chairs, good condition, $45.00. Large bathiroom basin withi pedes- taI, white, $5.00. Phione 655-3598. ARE YOU RETIRED, SEMI RETIRED, OR JUST WITH TIME ON YOUR HANDS? If so, woul d yeu be in te rcsted in extra incorne while being your own boss and werking at your own pace? We hiave vacanicies in your area te cail on farmiers and tell thien about Bell 's Min- eral/Vitamnin feeds and prernixes. If you know about farrniing and can spare some time evcry week to visit farniers you may well be just the mani we are looking for. Write te 'us for more details. 'It won't cost yen anytliing, but it mnight just open up a whole ncw interest for you. Bell & Sons (Canada) Ltd. 50 Goebel Avenue (P.O. Box Cambridge (Hespeler) 4) Ontario N3C 2V6 FOR SALE - 1966 Grand- Parisienne V8, 327 engine~ power breaks, power steer- ing. Lime coloured with black vinyl top. Good con- dition. $400.00. Phone 668-5105 after 6 p.m. enlp.. FOR SALE - 14"' Radial ply tire, spare, new, neyer used.' $30.00. Caîl before 3:30 at 668-7433. emp. FOR SALE - 1 Starite deep well pumnp witli 20 gallon tank, gauges and fit- tings. $80.00. Cali 942- 2569. emp. DAY CARE Pediatric' trained nurse offers day care for pre- schioolers and infants. $25. a week. Caîl 668-741 2. June 19/74 FOR SALE - Alouette 14 horsepower snowmobile in brand new condition, will include seat cover, helmet, and mitts. Cos 't, new. $800.. will seil for $400. Cal 668-6744. emp. FOR SALE - boys bic- ycle, almost brand new, 26" tires. Asking $35.00. Cal 668-3995. emn. GUS CASSANO PAVING AND CONSTRUCTION CO. Specialize in driveways Cail anytime - 728-3407. WORK WANTED Need someone to take' care of your animais while you are away on vacation? High. School student will give tender loving care to your anim'ais. Reasonable rates. Caîl 655-4776. June 5/74 PAINTING &DECORATING Painting and decorating - free estimates. No obli-' gation. Everyones in the groove - the big dlean-up. Cali Scotty 668-2692. June 19/74 FERRCO ENGINEERING. LTD. lias immediate openings' for Construction Supervisor and field Civil Engineer. Applicants must have min- imum 3 -years site experience plus design knowledge of industrial buildings. Site lo- cations outside Ontario. Excellent salaries and site benef its. For an interview send resumne or phone J. Kunaysir, 1400 Hopkins St., Whitby, Ontario. Telephone 416-668-9301f. May 29/74 104 harwood, Ajax Plaza, Ajax, Ontario 942-6611 SEALEYLD m m - --- - - AJAX Sparkling townhouse, 3 large bedreems, 2 baths, L-shaped living-dinjng room and nec room. Kitche breakfast nook. Broadloom throughout. Complete garage. Owner has bought. WHIIJ3Y 3 bedroom brick bungalow close te the Henry High Sehool. Large combination living-dining room, 2 baths, and finished rec room. ,huge n has cwith' WHITBY 3 bedroom, brick bungalc, shaped living dining room, rec 66 x 132 lot in choice north w( 121 )w 'with carpor. creation room has1 ,est location. Large L- rireplace - WHITBY Inground Pool 3 bedroom bungalow in Henry High School ýrea. Lot 98 x 95. Attached garage. Tastefully decorated with broadloom throughout. Good financing. Easy possession. BRO)CK STREETI NORTH WHIT .BY 668-7777