Whitby Free Press, 22 May 1974, p. 5

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WIIITI3Y FREE PRESS, WE DNESDAY, MAY 22, 1974, PAGE 5 KALMINS ,ON.a.e Those Body Rub Parlours Several unsuccessful attcrnpts have been made lately ta r ub out the infamous body rub parlours in Toronto. But,, I sce, nothing has happened Sa far. The sleazy-looking joints are allowed ta carry on their shady business which is gauging people who are mislead by misleading advertise- ments. Moreover, these rub places, the way 1 see it, don't provide an honest service and there is no redeeming value whatsoever. AlI in ail, they are useless and they often foster petty crime.1 It is also- sad ta know that there is a newspaper in Toronto - 1 won't mention the name this tinie - which is still accepting dubiaus ads from body rub parlours ini Toronto. The paper now discreetly mixes the rub ads with so-called more respectable ads on entcrtainimen t pages. Also, 1 note that body rub ads have "shrunik" sonewhat in size, sa that no one can really gel toa offended by going through the newspaper columrns in search for weekend entertainrnent. Now, let's take a dloser look at these ads. 1 have five of thcm in front of nie. For 'instance, Sultan's Palace on Garrard Street West lias becam-e a '"Private Men's Club". anc of a kind with continuious movies. 0f course. they don't tell you wvhat kind of mavies are available on the prernises. A hard-scîl body rub on Sherburne St. now is called Playrnate Club ('no anc cisc lias it"). The club is offering ta ils customers continuas blue inovies and strip tease revue. Again, îlot a word about those relaxation-plus services which were offcrcd ta me at Playniate Club. Thien, the real Relaxation Plus body rub parlour now is better known as thc "Gentlemen's Leisure Spa" with lux- uriauis surrounidings, of course. The ad also offers Finnish sauina, Roman baths and -- get thi s -- private persanal attention (use your imagination this timie) and Victorian Lau age tliat serves. Again, the ad is very vague. It docs not specify the service you get in the Victorian Lounge. Down the line, an Action Cinema lias becomîe a "Mcîi's Club". However. here the ad tells you a little nmore: choose aur beautiful liostesses and escarts for great enjoyment. Finally, a wcll-knowîî body rub parlour on Yange Street in Willowdale lis a brand new nanie, the "Venus Health Studio" for men and ladies. It also tells you that the club has soft music (whiclî is okay witl me) and further it offers "personal attentioni"ta club niembers. Sure ena ugh, 1 would like ta get some of îlîat "personal" attentioni. 1 should also mention a body rub place in downtown Toronto which advertises "nude photography" but when 1 offered my photo services, the manager respondcd: "Sorry aur girls don't like ta pose in the nude". If there are more questions ta be asked, just drap me a line, I think it's high time ta get rid of these clip joints. "Don't b< Says Iea< Most gardeners prune and clip for a number of reasans accord iîg ta John Bradshaw's Lawîî and Garden Guide. Mr. Bradsliaw is anc of Canada's leading horticultur- ists and is well knawn through lus radio and television pro- grams. He prepared the easy ta understand guide for Can- adian Industries Limited and it is available free from CIL lawn and garden products dealers. Gardeners prune and clip ta rernove dead, damnaged or diseased parts; ta cut away weak spindly growth and sa produce a more vigaraus plant; and ta have shapely- laoking plants and hedges, according ta the guide. "Don't be afraîd ta prune, after . ail, you learn by your mistakes, and if you follow this basic guide, you won 't make many of those," Mr. Bradshaw points out. "Start with a good set af pruning shears. Kecp thcm dlean, sharp and ini alignmcnt. Wipe them cleaîî after use. Cilt'izenshilp Action. Program f or GM The implemenltaion of a GM Citizenship Action Pro- gramn has been announced by General Motors of Can- ada Lirnited. The program provides a voluntary, non- partisan and completely con- fidential means for GM sal- aried employees ta contribute ta the political party or candidate of their choice. D.C. Collier, President, stated that there is a need for more citizen participation in the political process and the requirernent of more fin- ancial support for candidates. The increaised cost of financ- ing political caimpaigns has resulted in mnany men and womien of limited financial resources finding it difficuit or impossible ta enter int public service. Mr. Collier said that Gen- eral Motors has developed a program which provides a convenient mecans for miore ernployees ta contribute and ta assume their slîare of re- sponsibility for good gaverra- nient. I t is inmperative ta the continued growth and \vell- beîng ofthei nation that re- sponsible. qualified individ- uials who fully reflect the will and best intercst of' the pecople be placed in positions of authority in goverrnment. T 'o ensure confidentîiality. each salaried eîîîployee is F. ALAN LAWSON C.A. TRUSTEE IN BANKRUPTCY 15 Go/bornie Street hEast Os/zawa, Ontarjo LIC IMI Telephoie. (416) 723-3800 aof raid to prune"fà ding hortilcultur*ist and put a spot ai' ail on themn occasionally. Blunit shears can produce tormi, rag- ged, bruising cuts wlîiclîlead ta diseased plants. "Always make your cut about ¼"' above a bud and the bud should be facing out from the centre of the growth. This keeps the plant shape open. "AIl cut stems over anc inch in diamneter should be protected with tree-wound paint." "An unpruned hedge boîts skyward, and soon becames full of hales. If yau have hales in the hedge they wdl neyer f11 in. The solution is ta cut aIl the hedge down to six inches in early spring before the buds start ta swell and apen. Feed the hedge with 'CIL Rase & Fîower Doctar' and prune it regularly. 'This hedge, and ail young hedges slîould be pruned or clippcd wider at the bottom th.an at the top. Keep the top law, and ail sideslîaots trimmied until tlîe hedge tlickens up. "One seasomi of neglectcd feeding or pruning can lead ta tluin patchy lîedgcs. Then you'îl have ta cut them back ta six inclies and start all aver again." "Early bloomners like Forsythia and Almond should be pruned immediately after blooming. Summer bloomers should be pruned in April before the buds start ta swell and apen." "Pru.ae aIl flawering shr- ubs ta preserve the natural shape. Remove or shorten any straight sucker-like branches. Preserve ail vig- orous curving branches." "Evergreens don't need much pruning - except ta preserve the natural shape." "Prune at the end of June when evergreens finish graw- imîg. Cut back the new seisomî'% grawthi by one hall'." provided with ai voluntary contribution card and two envelopes along with a sug- gestcd scale of giving. The complcted card and cheque or cash is sealed in one of the envelopes. The political party or candidate is desig- nated on this envelope and it is sealed into the second envelope and returned ta the employee's supervisor. These pre-addresscd envelopes are shippcd in bulk ta a firmi of chartered accouintants. This firini opens only the outside envelope and for- wards the unopened 'inside envelope dircctly ta the party or candidate designated by the cmnployec. The programn is schcedulcd for coînpletion by May 31, 1974, in order to assure del- ivery of thie contributions prior ta the cuirrent election. "Fashion Mogic" PLASTIC ~ TABLE COVER For Home, Cottage, Picnic sq. t. wILE HEYSTRAUSS 13 STATE "PA RTY T Premier' SERVIETTES RADIO + ~PACK< Lahrtt.o,, Gree. n lusrti0c8 case. Operates on two OnIy Gree PlaticAA batteries (mncl.). sofoi4for9 c 77 phono & carry handie. Dlop n , 4f oup om peih a BRING THEM TO YOUR LOCAL I.D.A. DRIUG STORE FOR BIG SAVINGS DA.COUPON BAND-AID BRAND SPLASTIC STRI PS 60'sl O0n1Y 88c Copo (Coupon expires June 1/74)I i ID.A. ,COU PON (RESTis150mi. 1 TOOTHPASTE 1.19 With This 011 CouponI (Coupon expires June 174)J BUFFERIN 'TABLETS 100's I ou, O 8/9oc ionhi I Coupon expires Janel1/74)I I ~ co ID OPON i CALAMIN E LOTION 1. D. A. 8 02. î '~'~ AOWith ThisI onflv 49. C Coup on S(Coupon expires June 1 /74)I 4LDA. MORT'S r JOHNSON,'S 9 oz. 'BABY OIL Only99C Cuo ( Coupon expires June 1/74) -Mý --- - ---- II.D.A. COUPON I SCOPE 12ox 1 Mouthwosh/Gargle o I87 ouo ( Coupon expires June 1/74)j Mtm- nom- m mm--qM %M I IDA.COUPON 1 : ENO Large Size SPARKLING ANTACID I On /4.07 with Tsis Inl oupo ( Coupon expires June 1/74)I NOXZEMA 1SKI NCREAM 4oz Olly8C With This I CouponI i<opn expires June 1/J74) -!our --------ý COURTICE-ALLIN PHARMACY, 117 Brock Street N. Wlitby 668-2394 iI.D.A. COUPON iNICE 'N EASYi Shampoo Hair color y1.39 With ThisI IOn/v Coupon I(coupon expires June 1/74) i IDA.COUPON -I ;.ARRID EXTrRA DRY.I IANTri-PERSPI RANT 60o.1 S(Coupon expires June 1/74) I.D.A. COUPON * IFOAMY 1liaZ. Instant Shave LatherI îOn/y 69C Coupo I(Coupon expires June 1 /74)I . ... .C.OU.P..N. :MILK OF iMAGNESIA 16oz WhThis 10111167C Coupo 1 <Coupon expires June 1/4 I.D.A. PHARIMACY Idwin Street Brookiiî 655-3301 Foskett Roofing & Remroofing Eavestroughing Aluminum Soffit Face r Trougli & Siding Whitby -668-5906

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