Whitby Free Press, 22 May 1974, p. 10

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PAGE 10, WEDNESDAY, MAY 22j 1974, WHIT13Y FREEjPRESS Free, Press Emporium FOR SALE - Ultra-mod- ern Sound System for DJ or rec-room. 3 portable sections, vinyl covered, tape-deck, co- ntrol panel, switches, bogen amp., 2 garrard transcription turn tables, 2 audio empire tone ais, GE cartridges, 15" JB Lansing. Speaker mnount- ed in theatre cabinet. New cost SI,100. wiil take S700. or best offer. Cati 668-9746. emp. Antique and 36" 1825, e- Cali 668- emp. ÂFOR SALE - dresser, 48" wide high, walnut, circa finished, S175.00. 4375. FOR SALE - refrigerator lute mnodel, AdmiraI, two door SI 10.00, and Westing- biouse autornatic washer $SI175. Both Guarantccd. Cuit 668-3889. rp FOR SALE -- one regis- tered 7/8 Arabian yearling colt. Excellent f'or novice. S400.00. Also two part- bred weanlings. For sale as package or separately. Cal 668-4368. emp. FOR SALE - wali tent, 10 x 12 with screen and floor, used 1 season, S85.00. Cati 655-3683. emp. FOR SALE- 21" four plate Jacobsen Iawn mower. Only 2 years oid. $65.00. Phone 668-8675. emp. FOR SALE - Trim Gymn Exerciser with instruction book. NeW condition. $50. Calit 655-4245. emp. FOR SALE - 24" Gene rul Electric puish-buitton hecavy duty range. Good working condition. Asking $35.00. Caîl 668-5535. C1i p. FOR SALE - 1 dalma- tion, 10 months otd, mate, has iiad ait shots, beautifulty spotted, good with children. Cali 728-5497. ep FOR SALE- green ruig. 12 x 14 with pad, S85-00; Cunister Vaccutimi, S30.00; floor polishier, $23.00; joli- nny-pole, $1 3.00; colernin stove and cooli, S$12.0each; large fridge and stove (Vik- ing), S I170.00 ecd; iivingrooin drapes, loor lingth, S 15.00 for 2 pairs: wvull mirror, $7.00. Cail 655-3144. emnp. FOR SALE -- electric tuwn mower and grass catcher, excellent condition, S65.00. Inglis Gas Dryer, exceltent condition, S98.00. 'Ampli- fier in mnahogany cabinet, excellent condition, $45.00. Fridge, good working order, $ 25.00. Please cail 942-4656 any time after 6 p.m. emp. FOR SALE - plort abe radio and record playerý, S 1 5., electrie kitchen dlock, white, $5., set of fligurine bedroomi lumps, $6. Ail like new. Pieuse phone 668-44ý5. cm p. CARPENTRY_ Kitehen cupboards, home improvemeilts, floor tilifig andi ceramic watt tiling, etc. Free estimates. Plione af ter 6 p.rn., 668-4686. FOR SALE - Revolver, antique, Plione 655-3505. .38 Iver $60.00. cm ip. FOR SALE 1 white sink with taps SI 0.00. 1 baby car bcd 510.00. Cali 668-2166. emip. ARTicm SFOR SALE SPECIAL SAVINGS Contents of Model Homes. Chesterfields, Iarnps, dinet- te suites, velvet paintings, rugs,. Ail in Showroomn con- dition. ELMER'S FURNiTRE 25313Bloo St. E. Oshawa 728-3473 FOR SALE -- 8 x 4 Pool Table, $ 120.00. Alrnost new. Cal668-664 1. emp. FOR SALE - girls 2 wbcel bicycle, good condition, 20" wheel. S25.00. Telephione 668-5541. m _________________________________________ s Words from West Lynde Awby Norm Mealing FAMILY FUN DAY, JUNE l6th My good buddy Dave Smith cbecked in to say that the Fun Day Commnittee had hieîd a second meeting to review the planning for the big day.' 1The committee bas arranged for a visit from Whitby Fire Department with one of their pumper trucks. This shouid prove to be a. big hit with the kids if the popularity of Emergency and Fîrehouse has any bearing on wlîat kids want to see. The ladies plan to serve hot dogs and pop wbich is always appreciated. The higblights of the day, however, should be the races and the games. Dave and a few of his friends are organizing this and they promise something for everyone. There will bc a kite-flying contest, a skipping contest, and a father vs. son soccer game. So the girls won't feel left ont, there -will be a mnother vs. daugbiter volîcybaîl gaine. Thiere will be races by ages, three-leggcd and whicei-barrcl races, a football throwing contest and basebaîl throwing for the tbree year olds. The higblight of the garnes will be the best decorated bicycle or tricycle. Dave and 1leather Comien and Dan Pelletier nced A the hielp thiey can get so that' they are going to award famiiy participation prizes. If mom helps cook and serve the food. if dad hielps judge a contcst or mun a race or -game, tbey get family participation points. If somecone helps dlean out the park, they earn points. Anyonc who enters a contest, a race or a game gets points. Famniiy Fun Day wiIl be a success because people wvill corne forward and belp. But iakê it a success foi your family. Get involved. all of you, and do sorncthing. New subdivisions are great places to be. They brin- together quickly, and they dcvelop new social activities that older, -more establishied neigibourhoods don't have. * One such social activity is "comnplaining abouît the builder". Think back to your first duys iin your ncw home. If you were iike us, you moved iin to your "dreamn" bouse Sonly to' fînd it wasn't complete. You cither biad no rugs, no sereens, no plumbing, or no soinething cisc, but for *sure your house wasn't comple te. After moving in, and surveying the state of affairs, you FOR SALE - 1 electrie space heater, good condition S50. 00. Cati 668-3573. p4c emp. FOR SALE - slde proý, jector aLtostack 550 - S25. Gas welding outfft, S50.00. Cali 668 -8603 emp. FOR SALE -White Samoyed maie. 2 years old. Gond naturcd. FANTASTIC WITH KIDS!! Calit 579-0555. emip. FOR SALE-- large size chrome table, 36" x 70" let out, and four chairs, good condition, $45.00. Lariige bathroorn basin wi th pedes- taI, wlhite, $5.00.* Phone 655-3598. ARE YOU RETIRED, SEMI- RETIREL', OR JUST WITH TIME ON YOUR HANDS? 1Ifso, woutd you be iiiterested in extra inicomne wiiilc' being yoiir own boss and working at your owfl Pace'? We have' vacancies in your areu to cal] on fariuiers.and tell themn about BelI's Min- erul,/Vitamin feeds and premixes. If you know about furming and can spare some timie every week to visit farmers you may wetl be just the rman we are looking for. Write to us for more details. It won't cost you anything, but it might just open up a wholc new interest for you.' Bell & Sons (Canadal Ltd. 50 Goebel Avenue (P.O. Box Camnbridge (Hespeler) 4) Ontario N3C 2V6 went ont to survey the neighibourhood. You mecet your new neighbours, and you compared notes. The mIles of this activity wcrc very strict. You îold of one of your miis- fortunes, fotlowed by your ncigbibour and so forth until you had both finishced. You rcpeated the prôcess withi euch ncw arrivaI on the street, and you continued the gaine untîl the majority of your comipiaints were fixed. The "conmplaining about the builder" game was very serious business. Even Mien you t hink back and renemiber it, it is very liard to be lighltcartcd about it. t know it was, and is, for me. It biad one vcry big pius though. It brougbt yon and your new neighbours together very qnickly becanse you shu mcd something. With each iniprove- nient, tbe sense of sharing was their again. As new people arrived, it created an eider class who could offer insighits on dealing witlb the problemn. I uni convinccd tbat tbe "compiaining about the builder gaine". was the start of the community thing for most people. The community tlîing is developing, and can be fostered in mnany ways, but il, got its start thanks to the builders of West Lyrnde. Su tip your bats to themn in thanks, and Write your letter to îhem outîining the tbings that necd fixing before the warranty runs out. Nex t wcek, i will talk about aniotiier conimun ity endeavour wlîich cani have vcry different results- fence bulding. $92 Price Hike For 1974 GM Cars Geîîeral Motors of Cana- da Limiited unnlouniced today a sLIggested list price increase on I1974 passenger cars. tru- cks and options averaging. S92 or 1.9 percent. Th is iiicreased price only partial ly recovers sorte of the ullpre- cedented cost increases cx- l)eieiiced ini recent nîonilhs, and does not cover the sub- stuntial inecases aîîticipated for thieI1975 niodels. The reovised prices are eff- ective wîth vehiicie shipmcents starting May 17. Dealers are being infornmed that price p)rotection on cars wilI be granted for bona fide custom- er orders iin dealer bands tbrough May 17. M V- P.O. Box 206 Whitbv. FOR SALE ge Monaco. conîdition. CatI 1969 Dod- Excelle nt 668-7648. May 22/74 FOR RENT Basement apartnient. Pri. vate entrance. Cati 668-7648. May 22/74' FOR SALE- 4 Michelin SuperX tires (Steel Belted). Size: 180-15-XAS total 40.00. Modem Art: Moon- f'ish Patron in Frame, green background. Teackwood(new Haîf price $25.00. Call 668-8527. emp. FOR SALE - 32' steel bull, custorn buiit cruiser with 2 - I155 hip. Chrysler inboard-outboard. Teak trirn, stceps seven, 4-burner alcobol stove witlî ov en, 6 and 12 volt eiectric refrigerator (4 cu. ft.), built in cabinets and stainlcss steel sink, full size two piece head, pressurized freshwater systemn', vinyl up- 'holstery, full bead room with canvas up. For further in- formation eali 668-6000. GUS CASSANO PAVING AND CONSTRUCTION CO. Specialize in driveways Cail anytime - 728-3407. I- BROKEN APPLIANCE?' Cali Reynold - 579-0073 Certiried Technician Gas or Electric Appliances Very Reasonable Free Estimates Nassau's newest craze safe andpleasant sport NASSAU, Bahamas-Hnrry, hurry, hurry folks and step right this way. It's exciting, daring and diferent-but abso- lutely safe. It's parasailing, the Iatest craze in water sports in Nassau, capital city of the Bahamas. The parasail consists of a nylon parachute, specialiy de- signed to.give Iift rather than simpiy collect air. On a large platform near the shore, 'the paaalris strapped into a,, Seat harness and attached by a 200-foot line to a ski boat. When the boat accelerates the parasail lift 's you high into the sky-as much as 150 feet-for a truly different experience. As the boat slows the para. sailer loses altitude slowly and is gently deposited back onto the platform. There is no skill required and no age limit. Everyone from children to little old ladies visiting Nassau have tried- this safe and pleasant w>atersport. LL NOTICE TO READER. Advertise ýFREE, in the FREE 'PRESS EMPORIUM, pay ONLY whe'îi you seIl! There wiil not be any charge to advertisers *.n the Whitby FREE-PRESS unless the advertls- ed item is'-,oid. Mien the advertised item is sold, you pay a commissio'n based on the advertised price as illustrated below. MlI advertisements must be. placed on an exclusive basis with the Whitby FREE PRESS. - ATEs (if article is soloi): 5% of advertised price Up to $400.00 12% of the balance over $4 00.00 <minimum commission is $ 1.00).' P i v a te a d v e rtisin g o n ly ! P le a se n o tify u s if y o u findE X t m s l s f r $ 0 0a-c m i s o s d e -$ 1 5 ret-iiler îisted as a private advertiser.-. Please notify, the Whitby Free Press immediateiy when item is sold so that we maydelete it from f.ollowing issues. Services, help wanted, clothing, reai estate, and personal message type ads can only be handled on a prepaid basis. If in doubt caîl: 668-6111 Mail ail ads to: Whitby Free Press Emporium -r-; -

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