WHJTBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MAY 22, 1974, PAGE 9 BURGESS GIRL 0F THE WEEK, by Mari.e Rutter { Sweet i6-year-old Alana Crawley is a grade Il student who enjoys horseback riding, swîiming, tennis and track and licld. Not to mention the fact that she enjoys the outdoors wherc we found hcr. - Photo by Mike Burgess Durham College Convocatiîon Durham studcnts await the resuits of final examîn- ations before graduation cer- emonies take place in the Oslhawa Civic Auditorium on Tuesday, June 4 commencing at 7:30 p.m. Tis year there are 340 prospective graduates from i te Appiied Arts, Business, Technology. and Nursing Divisions and Deparimenrts. Convocation speaker is Mr. David- C. Collier, President of Generai Motors of Cana- da. He wiIl be introduced by Kathy Lawton, pastfPres- iclent ot the Students' Admin- istrative Council. Invocation wili be by Rev. John Morris and the benedi.ction by Rev. J.M. Markle. Chairman of the Durham Board of Governors, R.H. Donald, wiii preside at the graduation ceremonies. Dr. G.E. Willey, Coliege Presi- dent, wili confer dîplomas and certificates. SThe June 4 ceremonies wili makr the 'sixth annual Spring Convocation held by Durham Collegesince it came into being in 1967. Send you dollars to: GARE Canada Dept. 4 63 Sparks St. Ottawa Ki P 5A6 -~ GEMINI (May 21II une 20) Important decisions must bema; sïtuaiions arise Which'-test'your mettie. Finan. cialresponsibilities corne to the fore, don't purebase .any thing that is flot immediately necessary. Be caim,- and coliected in ail your undertaking. CANCER (lune 21-Juiy 22) Thorougbly serutinize 'surn- mer rentais and seasonai real estate ventures. If yoiM are overweight, use moderation, start a bracd new diet,: preferably one given by a doctor. Use restraint this weeW try to break a few bad habits. brand LEO (Juiy 23-Aug. 22) This is a busy week, sociaiiy, you have to choose between furtherinig your public image or finish ing up a certain project. Cornestic chores are bigh-. lighted this week. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept.22) Your public relations are bad this week, -be patient and keep on, an even keel. It may be beneficiai to you to get away for a while on a shorti trip. Try not to get nervous, it can have an adverse reaction, on your heaith. LIBRA (Sept.23-Oct.22) Aithough you feel a drive towar. ds success don't be ruthiess in the process of achiving it, take other peopies efforst into consideration too. Be creative, you have stiff competition toward the end of th e week. SCORPIO (Oct 23.-Nov.21) This is a very good peniod for you. Your popularity is high and you are able to achieve a remarkabie quest. Go out of your way to heip co-workers. Work bard for what you want, it's worth it. SAGITTARIUS (Nov.22-Dec.21) You are experiencing difficulties with personai ambitions. Don't over estimate your influence on people; look at your opponents view perhaps you are blind to other people's ideas. CAPRICORN (Dec.22-ian.19) Your domnestic probiemns are time consuming to soive. Hear your spouse or partner out, don't insist on your own way ail the tine. Midweek brings relief froni your worries through friends and A cqua intanlces. AQUARJUS (Jan. 20-Feb.18) Although this week is rather uneventfui, avoid the mundane by paying speciai attention to detail. Support civic activities, you have a chance to iead., A club or organization sharing your inter- ests adds to your prestige. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) Expand your ideas horizons. A change of pace wouid be beneficiai during this period, your social life becomes more significant. Relationships started during the week can beconie mean- ingfui. ARIES (March 21-April 19) Far-reaching deci sions could be made this week, including travel arrangements for very long journeys. Co-operation is essential in both business and personai partnersliips. Gifts and legacies are stressed. TAURUS (April 20-May 20) Social' life is-about to improve, strive for harmonious relations with others. Your greatest asset this week is your willingness to ask whe n you don't know. «Use. logic in'stead of desire toi achieve your goals.J 1, Regional Municipality of Durham Quotation QF..l For Janitorial Service Quotations wiii be received un our forms oniy by the undersigned until 2 p.m. EST May 3l1st. 1974 for Janitoriai Service at the premises of the Department of' Public Works and the Department of Planning and Development. 105 Consumners Drive, Witby, an area of approximatciy 30,000 square feet. Quotation forms and envelopes may be obtained frorn the office of the u*ndersigned. Lowest or any tender flot necessarily accepted. D.P. Thurgarland, Manager of Purchasing. Regional Municipality of Durhani 605 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontario.