FOR SALE - Utra-mod- ern Sound System for DJ or rec-room. 3 portable sections, vinyl covered, tape-deck, co- ntrol panel, switches, bogen amp., 2 garrard transcription turn tables, 2 audio empire tone armns, GE cartridges, 15 " JB Lansing. Speaker mount-. ed ini theatre cabinet. New cost $1,100. will take $700. or best offer. Caîl 668-9746. emp._ FOR SALE - dresser, 48" wide high, walnut, circa finished, $175.00. 4375. Antique and 36" 1825, re- Caîl 668- emn. FOR SALE - refrigerator late model, Admirai, two door $110.00. and Westing- hîouse automnatie washer $1 7ý. Botlî Guaranteed. Call 668-3889. -ep FOR SALE - one register- ed 7/8 Arabian weanling colt. Chestnut with white blaze. Excellent disposition and breeding. Asking S400.00. Caîl 668-4368. emp. FOR SALE - wall tent, r10 x 12 with screen and -floor, used 1 season, $85.00. Cail 655-3683. emp. FOR SALE - 21" fou r plate Jacobsen lawn mower. Only 2 years old. $65.00. Phone 668-8675. emp. FOR SALE - Trim Gym Exerciser with instruction book. New condition. $50. Caîl 655-4245. emp. FOR SALE - 24" General Electrie push-button heavy dutyrange. Good working condition. Asking $35.00. Cail 668-5535. emp. FOR SALE - i dalma- tion, 10 months old, maIe, has had ail shots, beautifulîy spotted, good with chiîdren. Caîl 728-5497. ep FOR SALE - green rug, 12 x 14 with pad, $85.00; Canister Vaccuum, $30.00; floor polisher, S23.00; jolh- nny-pole, $13.00; coleman stove and cooler, $ 12.00 each; large fridge and stove (Vik- ing'). $1 70.00 each; Hlingroomi drapes, floor length. S$15.00 f'or 2 pairs: wall iror, S7.00. Cail 655-î3144. ciiip. FOR SALE - 2 white bedspreads, Napoleon's des- ign, fringed, Heirloom., twin size, $30.00. Caîl 668-4355. emip. FOR SALE - portable radio and record player, $15., electric kitchen dlock, white, $5., set of figurine bedmoom lamps, $6. Ail like new. Please phone 6684435. dmp. Free Press' POFOR SALE- Revolver, antique, Phone 655-3505. 860.00.. emnp. FOR SALE 'f1 white sink with taps $ 10.00, 1 baby car bcd 810.00. Cal 66§-2166. dmip. AWTIUMLESFOR SALE SPECIAL SAVINGS Contents of Model Homes. Chesterfieids, Iamps, dinet- te suites, velvet pantings, rugs, Ail in Showroom con- dition. ELMER'S FUMNIURE 253 Bloor St. E. Oshawa 728-3473 FOR SALE - 14 oak treads and backs for a stair- case -in extra good shape. 4 doors (2 inside in franies new) 2 outside storm and scmeen. A number of chains somne neyer been broken. Caîl 655-3067. May 15/74 FOR SALE - Lloyd baby~ carniage - good condition. Navy blue, $20.00. Cal 668-2987. FOR SALE - 32' steel huil, custom built cruiser with 2. - 155 hp. Chrysler inboard-outboard. Teak trim, sieeps seven, 4-humner alcohol stove with oven, 6 and 12 volt electmic refrigerator (4 cu. ft.), built in cabinets and stainless steel sink, full size two piece head, pressurized freshwatcr system, vinyl up- holstery, full head room with canvas up. For further in- formation call 668-6000. M Ontario' s '74 Budget Speculation Tax Transfer Tax Etc. by Bih91 Newman 1 began discussing with you i last week's column parts of Ontario's 1974 budget, specifically those designed to cumb the ising cost of land and hiousing. The land specula- tion tax, the lanid transfer tax and the Propemty Tax Stabilization Programme will affect Ontario citizens if- directiy:, the budget,. however. does contain many other measures that will benefit us directly. By the beginning of May, we should al notice a d ifference in our drug store and gocery bills. Thîe retail sales tax will be removed from any cleaning anîd persona] hygiene items. Some of tiiese include: - soaps and detergents - produets for cleaniîîg walls, floors, glass sinks, rugs, etc. - deoderants, slîaving soaps, babies' skin came products - laundry bleachies, stamch, fabrie softencrs, etc. - toothpaste powder. denture cleaners', non-electric toothbrushes. Retail sales tax will also be remnoved fromi slîoes and other footwear costing lcss tlîan $30.00. It is estinîated that this will include rnost children's slîoes as weIl as lower piced skates and other athletic footweai. Ih is important to note that Ontanio's exemptions are more extensive tlîan those ganted by any otiier Canadiati province employing sales tax. I was particuîarly pleased for the senior citizens in Ontario South to hear Ontamio's new Guaranteed Annuai Income System (GAINS) anriounced ini the budget. GAINS will guarantee an income of $50 a week for al single persons and $ 100 a week for all married couples who are aged 65 and over. GAINS wilil also apply to those who are blind or disabied and receiving Family Benefits. Under the programme, a single pensioner with no primae income would receive Old Age Security and Guaranteed Income Supplement for a total of $191.60/month. GAINS would contribute another $25.61 for a total of $261 .67 a month. Married pensioners, aiso with no private income, wo uîd receive $433.33 a month. Single pensioners, therefore, have a guaranteed income of $2,600 ayear and couple, $5,200 a year. This represents -the highest guaranteed incorne for senior citizens. The first GAINS cheques will be maîled ini iuly this year. Senior citizen's income wiIl be augrnented by a new pr- ogramme for prescription drugs. Starting in September. ail those- receiving the Guarantecd Income Supplement (and Provincial assistance programmes) will receive fre prescription drugs. I know how costly prescriptions can be and welcome tlîis step by the Ontario governrnent. Other highliglîts of tlîc budget are: - the property tax credit will be doubled to $ 180 - the Pensioner Credit will be increased to $ 110 - financial support of public transit increases tù 50% of operating losses - Venture lnvestment Corporations will heîp small businesses to obtain, at reasonable cost, venture equity capital - Ontario citizens will receive a larger shiare of profits from ining and forestry resources throughi new mining and timber taxes. I am very pleased with Ontamio's 1974 budget. It is an example of the Ontario government's dctermnination to take forceful action against inflation. As Treasurer John White said wlicn presenting the budget, "The Govcrnment of' Ontario is willing to use evcry practical combat inflation. Thîis is our promise and this is our challenge." Not Much PromiÎse For Fruit Industry Spring is here again, and our mouths watem at the thought of Ontario fresh fruits - appies, peaclies, cherries, plums, pears, stmawberries, etc. But unfortunately, the future does not hold much promise for the Ontario fruit industry. Much is being said about the loss of the Niagara Fruit- lands, and with good reason. First, the net Income to the fruit fammer offers littie, if any, assurance of a faim retumn on his investment, labour and capital. And you know, a farmer is no different than any other businessman. Gone is the day of the phenomenon of working for the love of it. Today's farmer wants the elements of a good life en- joyed by others and rightfully so. Young people are leaving the farms. There is more money to be made in the cities and the hours are more human to say the least. FOR SALE - 1 electric space heater, good condition $ 50.00. Caîl 668-3573. emp. FOR SALE- slide pro.. jector autostack 550 - $25. Gas welding outtit,, $50.00. Cail 668-8603 dmp. FOR SALE- White Samoyed maie. 2 years old. Good natured. FANTASTIC WITH KIDS!! Caîl 579-0555. emp. FOR SALE,- large size chrome table, 36" x 70" let out, and four chairs, good condition, $45.00. Large bathroomn basin with pedes- tai, white, $5.00. Phone 655-3598. emp. FOR RENT Modemn farm house for rent. 3 bedrooms. In Can- nington. $200.00 per mionth. References. Cati, Toronto, 485-1765. May 15/74 CARPENTRYý Kitchen cupboards, home improvernents, flo'or tiling andi ceramnic wall tiling, etc. Free estimates. Phone after 6 p.m., 668-4686. LOST Old English sheepdog, ariswers to the namre of "DRINA". Black and white. Lost in West Lynde area. Caîl 668-9505. May 15/74 Ontario's defunci sugar beet industry. Th -e only reason we lost that industry was because thiere was no requirement - that Canada must produce a certain percentage of lier total sugar requiremrents. The United States, United King- dom and European countries have such a policy. Neither did the federal government provide substantial subsidies to beet growers. The industry died, and we are now paying the consequences.. The wholesale price of sugar has leaped. over 450% froni 1965 to 1974 as a result of being at the mercy of foreign controlled sugar imports. We can ail help the* fruit farmers. We ail enjoy Ontario's fresh fruit when it is in season but what about during the winter months. Perhaps next winter we can ail make the effort to look twice at the label when buying canned fruit. Maybe the Ontario canned fruit is a couple of cents more,.. but it seems to me that the extra cost will be a small one to pay to keep our farms under crops rather tItan under asphait or concrete. VQHITBV FRfEE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MAY 15, 1974, PAGE il NOTICE TO READERS Advertlse FREE ini the FREE PRESS EMPORIUM, pay ONLY when you sel There will flot be any. charge to advertisers -n the Whitby FREE PRESS unless the advertis- ed item is -,old. When the advertised item is sold, you pay a commissicon based on the advertised price as illustrated below. Ail advertisements must be placed on an exclusive basis with the Whitby FREE PRESS. i<ATEb (if article is sola): 5% of advertised price up to $400.00 12% of the balance* over $400.00 EX. - Item sellîs for $50.00 - commissions due -$25 (min imum commission is $ 1.00). Piivate advertisîng only! Please notify' us if you find a ret-iller listed as a private advertiser. Please notify the Whitby Free Press immediately when item is sold so that we may delete it, from f.ollowing 'issues. Se 'rvices, help wanted,, real estate, and personal message type ads can only be handled on a prepaid basis.. If in doubt cali: 668-6111I Mail ail ads to: Whitby Free Press Emporiumu P.O. Box 206 Whitbv. 2nd &3rd MORIGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE 0 5 yeor term " Open Mortgoges " No payment for three months " No bonus« " No credit ch.cks " No inquiry from moighbours " Confidenticl arrangements mode in your home " Borrow os Iow os $1 ,6W0 " FoStier» Cou Mr. WMk I3@myy S. ay Rldes] BROKEÎN APPLIANCE? Cail Reynold - 579-0073 Certified Technician Gas or Electrie Appliances Very Reasonable Free Estimates Secondly, with the boom of urban development, farm- land can be sold at a very attractive price to developers, rnaking it very temrpting for the farmer to seli out and retire to a standard of living enjoyed by the rest of us. Ontario farmiers have demonstrated their ability to pro- duce fruit on a par with the best the world has to offer. At present, Ontario's fresli fruit industry is reasonably healthy, but long termn and far reaching decisions wil have to be made to determine the course of the fruit processing industry. The Onta-rîo Government lias taken step s to preserve