Whitby Free Press, 1 May 1974, p. 6

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PAGE~ 6, WEDNESDAY, MAY 1, 1974, WIIITBY FREE PRESS BIRD 'S EVE J/M OUA Il It's the SmeII that gets me As the old saying goes - if you think my refrigerator looks grim - you ain't seen nothin' yet! From rny mouldy refrigerator is whiere the ingredients corne frorn to make the lunches I have to take to work. Well I don't have t0 actually take a lunch to work but they're getting a litîle suspicîous down at the Salvation Army soup uine. Before you can get a meal you have to listen to an hour sermon and when you only have an hiour for lunch you -have the choice of being saved and going hungry or being a sinner with a full stomach. But usually I take my lunch becau'se you just can't beat a little mouldy home cooking. Late at nîght or early in the morning when I make the lunch I tend 10 forget the purpose of the whiole affair and l'm sure my subconscious really thinks l'M just packing garbage mbt a bag. In fact, some days it's 50 bad that around lunch time I have to take a good look after the first fewv bites to make sure l'mi not really eating the garbage. The Canada Fitness Council would have a field day analyzing my lunches. I wonder if they have ever really tigured out how miuch nutritional value there is ini six-week old bananas. 1 guess o)Id bread mnust be fairly nutritional and I know for sure if's good for the teeth. On miy last trip 10 tlhe dentist, when the examination wvas over lie looked at me and remarked on liow strong miy teeth were and it looked like I hiad been chiewing a lot of toughi bories. 1 told him I1 had been miaking miy own lunches lately and he nodded with a knowing reply. lsn't it crazy how lunches go together?? What seemis like a perfect combination the nighit before can be terrible when lunch time actually cornes. One recent lunch, the Iight was out over the couniter so 1tjust dîdn't worry about il and hurried together a lunch. A fellow wurker asked me what I had in my lunch that day and I said I wasn't sure because I had packed it in the dark. It turned out to be Girl Guide sandwiches with two month old Girl Guide cookies. They weren't bad 1 guess but they should have been on brown bread. I figured mashed potatoes and leftover liver wouidn't be too bad eiîher but il turned out the bread was so stale that every lime 1 bit down the mashed potatoes would ooze out one side and dribble in my beard. 1 couldn't have that because some fool wouid see me and figure I was frothing at the rnouth and run away yelling, "Mad newsman!" At counicîl meetings it might happen but l've neyer been known 10 froth at the mouth during lunch. I think my body is finally geltîing conditioned to home- mnade lunches. Just think about your favourite treat food I think wi th a side woîf down my favourite lunch is spaghetti sandwiches order of pickled beets. For dessert 1 usually a few leftover Halloween candies and I polish the whole thing off with lernonade and a couple of tums. Because 1 tend to use up whatever is left in the fridge that still isn>t crawling with mould too badly 1 find il is difficult 10 wrap rmy lunches. Pickles always ieak no malter hiow tighitly I wrap tiemn. Usually the garlie dilîs will leak mbt the banana sandwiches and occasionally they will even infest the donuts. I gave a donut 10 a friend one day and lie took one bite and asked what tlhe "H..." lie was eating. I told himin i was just an ordinary' two week old donut withi the mould scraped off and he wanted t0 know why it tasted like a kosher dili piekle. What could I say? I had t0 tell him i1 was Jewish. It was the only explanation he'd believe. You may be getting the feeling by now that 1 don't enjoy my lunches but that's not completely true. Actually I kind of look forward to the challenge of surviving another afternoon after eating my lunch and the Bromo people are making a fortune off me. Now if I could only do somie- thînk about the awful smell when 1 first open the bag .. New minister For Westminster The Rev. Eric A. Mcllwain lias been reccntly inducted by the Oshava Presbytery as minister of the Westminster- Gardenview pastoral charge in Wiby. 'Mn. McIlIwain assurned his duties early in theie ne year, a few mionths after the Mcllwains returned froni Cambridge England. where ïhey lived for the past year. While in Camibridge Mr. Mcîlwain studied for and received the Camîbridge Theol- ogical Colleges ('ertifica,,te in Pastoral Theology. Before going tb England Mr. Mcllwain was for thirteen years the pastor of Beaconsfield United Church at Beaconsfield Quebec ini suburban Mon treal. He had previously served for seven yeans as assistant pastor o>f Dominion-I)ouglas Chuîrch Westmount, Mon treal as well as on charges at B3ond Hlead, Ontario and Plumas Manitoba. Mr. Mcîlwain also served f'or six years as student assistant aI the Chunch of ail Nations in Toronto and for five years at Bloor St. United Church in the same capacîty. He hashad suminen miînisîries in Saskatchewan, Algomna. Kawartha, Algonquin, and at the Fred Victor Mission in Toronto. I-e is a Native ofOttawa whose family moved to If you think the mails hiave been slow the last little while, take a close look at this postcard received recently at the Whitby Psychiatric Hospital. It was mailed in Washington D.C. in 1972 and didn't reach Oshawa until April 1974. The card intended for a patient to bring Christmas greeîings ini 1972, was jusi a little too late. The patient's name hias been intentionally blanked out before reproduction. -Frc Press Photo Barrie, whierc he Achieved ail-star rating in the Georgian Bay highi schooi football league. Mr. Mcllwain worked in an industrial plant for a year and a haif before entering university and lie returned to 'the hne' for a brief period on his return from England with a five month speli at Pai-O-Pak insulation factory in Whitby before taking up his work at Westminster. Mrs. Mcllwvaini is also a Victoria graduate in Household Science and m~ore recenitly she received the Nursery School Teachiers Diploia frorn McGilI Uniiversity. Mr. Mcllwain says that lie 'dabbles' in carpentry, photography, golf, and cuirlingç. In recent years hielhas developcd an enthusiasmi for rose growing for whichi 'God's Acre' on Garrard Road sliould afford ample scope. On Sunday, April 21 st, the Rev. Eric Nlcllwain officiated at the Dedication of a stairned glass window. sacred Io the miemory of' the late Victor Fudge, a faithful eider and presbyter andý a man known and loved by thousands whio hiave met Iimii through bhis work at the Oshawa Generai [Hospital. The window was presented for dedication by M'r. Richard Schad, Trustee and member of the original Westminster building comnmittee. A very large number of Fudge family and friends attended the Deducation Service. With the installation of the fourth and fifth panels of the window by the noted designer, Mr. Russell Goodman of Toronto and Ottawa, the window, begun in 1970, is comipleted. The total design concept, the vivid interplay of colour, the skillt'ul use of materiai and the crisp execution of the work mnust place this window in the forefront of anv ini a wide area. lndeed, hiaving just returned from viewing miuch 'glass' in the catlhedrals, chiurches and colleges of England Mr. Mcllwain states that the Westminster (Whitby) widow wiil stand comparison with any. You are invited to view it any Sunday mnorning, or by appointment. RICHMOND be pomnpered ond treaied like a King! Shower. Sunken bath, Nude body u 0 7 rub dowr'. relaxing lounge. Alto 7z VICTORIA Nud, photogroiphy. privote roomi 0 ~ Try fit.e 4 Pnster in te King S 2 AO~AIDE Chomber Ladies also taielcome . Attractive male attendant. r I I I I I r g I I r i I i I I I ~1~ - --- in-- - - - - -à 1742 BROCK STREET SOUTH e WHITBY e ONTARIO Suedes and leathers brought in before June 1 5 for Repairs and AI terations or Cleaning - Free Storage For Summer - (Fully Insured). Don't wait tiI the Fail, il could take up to 4 weeks then and with the rising prices of cleaning solvents wouid probably cost more. Do it now at our low, low prices. -Phone 668-8712 a SUEDE GLEANINS,- SINGE 1968 MM - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7i 7Victoria t'rd 1o or U-0 86 7J I I I I I I I I -I ISIGGY" Eberhardt is plus 1 DECORATING se to announce a N BUSINESS t0 serve you BETTER ALLSO MAINTENANCE SERVICES FOR FREE ESTIMATES Just Cal 942-1452 Cimney Cleaning Lawn Care Tree Pruning Minor Repairs Window Cleaning Pool Chemicals 100 B Lupin Dr. Blair Park. Plaza 668-9421 668-7272. MI

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