PAGE 2, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 17, 1974, WHITBY FREE PRESS To the Editor: In the Free Press of April 3, a front page article quotes Dr. Ken Hobbs as saying that a "3 -metre board leaves me cold" In the article, lie is said to express his concern about children jumping on senior citizens from a 3-metre board. Obviously, Dr. Hobbs does flot swim regularly. If lie did, hie would know that (a) lifeguards are to keep the, diving area coinpletely clear of swimmers. (b) there are rules posted stating that no one shall swim in the diving area (senior citizens flot exempt). (c) if the diving area is even slightly qongested, or if there is horseplay of any type on the diving board, the board is closed promptly. (d) the same accident is possible on a 1-metre board, and even more probable whien unthinking people dive off the sides of the pool. It seemns that Dr. Hobbs' argument against the installa- tion of a 3-mietre board is both fuli of holes and irrel- evant. An accident, such as people jumping on people, wil not lie due to the fact that there is a 3-metre board (or, for that matter, a 1 -metre board, or even sides on the pool), but will be the resuit of unrealistie, lax enforce- ment of the rules govcrning diving and swinirning., 0f ail the arguments against a 3-metre board, Dr. Hobbs' is the miost ridicu- lous. Dr. Hobbs did make one good point - a whirlpool bath should lie included, flot only for senior citizens, as lie suggested, but for al citîzens. WAso, the close prox- imity of two hospitals to Iroquois Complex would make the whirlpool bath a valuable therapeutic aid to the patients of these hospitals. In conclusion, I siicerely hope that Whitby Council does not base its decisions on the opinions of people who are flot aware of the implications of their argu- ments, either for or against an issue. They should listen to the professionals - the people who design and build pools, the lifeguards, the water safety instructors, and most important, the general public who are going to use this faclity - ail of whom seem to have been overlook- ed in the decision to exclude a 3-metre board from Whtby's new pool. Yours truly, Ray Pardon, 15 R.R. 2 Whitby Craftsmen D*isplay I THEf WHITBY FREE PRESS IS NOW PAYING $5.00 EACH WEEK FOR THE BEST NEWS TIP 0F THE WEEK. PHONE: 668-6111 - days 668-6700 - nights, week-ends IF YOU KNOW 0F SOMETHING'NEWSWORTHY , CALL NOW ...... YOU MAY EARN $5.00!- Sunday is Special Day For Gideons International Sunday, April 2lst, is a special day for the Gideons International when speakers will present their work in churches across Canada and around the world. Mr. Norman Willoughby from Toronto wiIl be the speaker at Rossland Road Free Methodist Churcl, Whitby at 11 a.m. Mr. Jack Steward from Oshawa will be guest singer at Il a.m. and 7 p.m. The Gideons have been highly respected for their good work in giving New Testaments to ail Grade Five chldren in our schools, which las been deeply apprecîated by the children. Many travellers have appreciated finding a Bible to read at the end of a busy day in their Motel or Hotel room. On behaîf of the public 1 am sure I express the feelings of many when 1 say Thank You Gideons for your noble, worthy work. Yours truly, Rev. H. James Free Methodist Churdli York THIS WEEK ý!-A!j from -Ottawa PENSION CHANGES MORE WHEAT Health and Welfare Minis- ter Marc Lalonde introduced in the House of Commons amendments to the Canada Pension Plan to establish equal treatment for maie and femnale contributors and bene- ficiaries.' Und'er the proposed chan- ges, the Bill wil provide a "4survivors' pension" to wi- dowers on the same condi- tions it is now being paid to widows. The Bill will also enable children's benefits to be paid, on the disability or death of female contributors, on the same basis as they are now paid with respect to maie contributors. In addition, the amend- ments will abolish the earn- ings test now required for persons aged 65 to 69 - they will be able to draw Canada Pension Plan benefits wheth- er or not they continue to work and receive wages. HOUSING STARTS DOWN Statistics Canada reported that housing starts in Canada in February declined to 263, 900 from 293,800 in Jan- uary - a decrease of 10 per cent. Western Canadian farmers intend to plant more wheat this year.' - 26.7 million acres. This is an increase of eight per cent from the 24.7 million acres of wheat piant- ed in 1973. YUKON - 11 TH PROVINCE The Yukon will be- corne Canada's I11 th province "when its population and re- venues reach reasonable 1ev- els," predicted Northern Af- fairs Minister Jean Chrétien. He told the House of Com- mons Northemn Affairs Com- mittee that he had no fixed figures. "This is a decision a governrnent will have to make some day." MIDDLE EAST TRIP Industry, Trade and Com- merce Minister Alastair Gilles- pie and 18 Canadian business- men left last week for four Middle East oil countries (Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Kuwait and Iran) to promote Cana- dian exports and discuss pos- sible investment projects. EXPORTS UP 2 1.1 % Canadian exports in Feb- ruary reached a record $2. 17 billion, up 21.1 per cent fromn $ 1.79 billion a year earlier. Holds Meeting The public is invited to îTerers attend the regular monthly membreprsn meeting of The Brooklin thembgoanse Horticultural Society on ble reached Wednesday, April 24th at May. 8 p.m. in the CE. Hall, Brooklin United Churcl. Dr. J.F. Alex, well known Professor from the Ontario Agricultural College in Gue-i Hometov Ipli wil give an interesting also serving A and informative taîk oni Srvig "Lawns and Weed Control Published eve on Lawns". Dr. Alex is an expert on the topie, havingL co-authorized the OntarioI Lawns Bookiets. The meeting wil also MAIL: Box' feature a deligltfül Spring PHONE: 661 Daffodil and House Plants 'TORONTO L Show. A plant Auction of good quality plants wil libe held. Oasis F<am Flower Hol- ders wilI alolie sold to ecw<uge mombers ta part- iclpatt0Ini arrangement classes._______ -bership comm- Sover 90 paid up d it is anticipated of over 100 wil by the end of Paul and Beverley Will- iams, 201 Gilbert St. East, Whitby and Paul Bruce of the Craft Works Shop, Brock St. S., are local craftsmen who are. prescntly put ting on a demonstration of fine arts in the Oshawa Centre. The Williams' are display- ing leather work froin basics to sculpture and al leathier chess sets with suede men on a suede bedspread chessboa- rd. Thieir exhibît also includ- es weaving and macranie: wall-hangins, bedspreades & fireside pillows. Beverley Williamns is demn- onstrating sprnning on two antique wheels, weaving on a large floor loom and macrame. Also on display are four smaller looms which the public are invited to try their hands on. Paul Williams is giving demonstrations of leather de- signing from belts, lalter tops to sculpture. Paul Bruce, of the Craft Workshop, is dispiaying cer- amics and is giving demon- strations on a potter's wheel and hand riodelling-. The exhibition continues until closing time Friday niglit. THE WHITBY FREE PRESS (Voice of the County Town) Yn paper of Whitby, Brooklin, Myrtie and Ashburn; Ajax and Pickering. ital of approxlmately- 26,000 readers. >ry',Wednesdav ýby Whitby Free Press lnc. Bruno Harilaid, President ..ocated at: Free Press Building 121 Brock Street North, Whitby 206, Whitby MAII24G 1,6000 or 668611il PERMIT NO. LINE: 282-1004 2941 EditorlGen. Manager - %Aike Burgess Assistant Editor - Jim Quail Graphie Arts - Marle Rutter Boys &Girls! Want to earn extra Money & win prizes? ii!, Carriers Needed in '7 BROOKLIN \ASHIiL'RN. AJAX. PICKERING AND SOME WHITBY \RL\S. IF YOU ARE INTLRL1-STID IN DLI IVLRI\G PPESALL 668-6l11 POOLS BY'EWI.NG Compare Shop We're Stili Lowest Around niagara pools 18 Ft. Pool for only $53O .e00 0cnz (WE INSTALL WHAT WE SELL) VISIT OUR SHOWROOM KINGS9T,W. M 424 King Street West, Oshawa OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 728-111-3 evenings 655-4563 OPEN FR1,, SAT., SUN. for this special sale Brooklin Hort. Soc.