Whitby Free Press, 10 Apr 1974, p. 6

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PAGE 6, WEDNESDA Y. APRIL 10, 1974, WHITBY FREE PRESS ÀÎÀJI 4shoul nt en ru e Cano Ion ove a ccir t ut s UlIt to ici Something terrible is hcrppening in Canadci, and everywhere else for that matter: we're gel- ing more and more accustorned ta îhings not Iasting very long. We accept it as a fact of tife. Shirts seemn ta rip eaisier.« Shoes fltiort faster. There are iighters yau throw away wherr you're fnshed with, them., Furniture Îust seems ta be naited together. Craftsrnanship, it would aippear, is fast be- caming o corny, out-of-dcrte idea. And tf doesn't look like thînaics cire getf î any better "QuaI'ty keqis gong clown yet prices keep go.n Up" Take cars, for exampte. A car Is the second rnost expensive purchase (alter ci home) thaf nfost Coadians make. It's a big decision and if co5sts0 lot af mboney. Sa youd sure like ta thrnk tiha'i scné-, item that wauid tast. 'Yet how many 7 or 8 vear aid cars do yau stiti see driving around these dalys? In faci, how many 4 or 5 year aid ones? Not tao mony. Untess fhey're Rois-Royces or Volkswagens. (There are over 200,000 Vokswagens 4 yeors aid ond aider driving around in Cainada.) At thirty or forty thousand dollars, it's nat unreaisonabte ta expect ai Rails ta aost indef- initeiy.- But at a mere 1/lOth of the price, why Votkswagens af ail the other cars in the worid? "Soin. people think we're crazy." In spite of the fadt that few things in ife ar'e mode the way they used ta, be, we stiti mcrke ooJr cors the way we used ta. With a kind af insane thoroughness. Sa fharough, thaf the editor af a famous Americon motoring magazine wrote, -i connot pretend ta understond the Wolfsburg mentaiity.- Which is understandabie. Since we have neyer understood the mentality afi pianned ob- sotence- as it relates ta a large port af the auto industry. As phraýed by a noted businessman! outhor, among others, if states - ... maximum sales volume demands the cheapest construction for the briefest inter.val that the buying public wilI toierote.*" Incredibie, isntf if? But, a reaiify. Just look around. Our realify is equaily unreai. But in oauifle more comforting way. If starts wifh the way we painstakingly make a cor. Fram the moment ifs flrst two parts corne t ogether, if starts ta be poked, eagle-eyed, tested and re-tested by o group ai the mosi uncampromising people in the worid. The 8,749 VW inspectors. As if. thot weren't enough, their work in turn is inspected by aver 500 inspectors vvho cia nothing but inspect the inspectors. When if gels clone, it gefs cdone righf. One reasori whiv we're nal afraîd t10 lavish more hand-work an the Super Beetie thon exists an imost cirw other car in the worid. Big or smil tI this huivcr socrety, we cisa throw things ovway. Except tér ports thot con 't meet aur aimansl inhumon cuirîtv standacrcis. For exampie: Our shock obsorbers are mode ta obsarb an o cctuotl 3,000,000 shocks. (fi they tose more thon 10% oie their srn' eOc f àie most expensively buit cars li the world. the entire shiprnent being tested is thrown ouf.) And an and an if goes for every last part thot goes inta every last Super Beette. A littie crazy maybe, but the only way we know ta make somefhing as clase fa perfect as s possible. "Why do they keep bringing out new cars eaich yeur? Is soniethiRngs wrong wfth lest yeur%?" For the last 25 years, we've done something else nobody else thought af doing. We didn'f spend aIl of aur money working on looks. We've worked on the works. (Who wants ta be drîving o cor thaf'Il look o couple of years aid in a couple of years, onyway?) And the money fhaf's saved by nof re- tooling for f.rivolous new styles each year gefs pou red righf bock into the cor. Sa you'il find intelligent and desirabie fhings on a Super Beetle that you won'f find on many more expensive cars. I.ike: A sealed bof tom. McPherson sf rut fronf suspension. 15" wheels for longer fire lufe. Neg- otive steering rail radius. (If couses the Super Beefle ta mave straight ahead as you broke, when one side of the cor is riding on ice or snow.) Parts thof are interchangeable from year ta year. Materials and warksmanship thaf are the best money con buy. Warrantiesand service or "Where are tey now that 1 needth n? Ouri modness cioesn'»t stop with the way we moke thie cor, If extends righl inta the waiv we service il. We catliif the VW Owner 's Secur ity Blinket and aigoin, it gives \/ou a package untike ciny1 other in the worid. A 12 nmanth 20,000 mite walrranty inciudiing a 24 maonth, 24,000 mile extended warranty for- internai engine cand transmission camiponents, eiectronic anatysis with four free check*-ups, ex- press core and a deaier repcmir guarantee. il ci worranty repair tokes overnight, we'ii even tend yau ci frpe cor by appointrirent foi, ais long as Il takes. The mechanîcs who work an aur cars are something else agoin. tf takes at teast three years ta become one. Thevre factory troined, and when t hey're riot workrng an Voikswogerrs, we're working on thern. At even more VW Factory courses that we send them ta reguiariy 50 they con even further perfect their techniques and knowiedge. Totolty af aur expense. (When yau work as lhard as we do on perfecting a cor, you work equoill as liard of perfecting the men who work on the cars.) "They got a lot when you bought it? Why should you get so buffe when you seN ut?" Strangety enough, one aI the nice things about owning a Super Beetie is seiling if. Since they're builf ta hold up, depreciation is heid dlown. ln o sense, the aider if gets, the more valuabie if gefs. Look around and check the prices ai used Super Beetles. Because they rarely look used, the prices are generaliy high. (Quite offen a 5 year aid Beetie wiit be warfh more thon some 5 Veor aid cors thaf cost fwice as much ta begin with). Common sense agoin. When you make something thot lasts, everyfhing about if witi tast. Which might help ta expiain why mare Beetles have been sald (over 161/2 million) thon any ather single cor model in the history ai auto manufacturing. And why more ai them are stiti an the raad. If you're looking for o cor fhat's proven it.con actually deliver what if promises, yeor affer year, drap info your neorest VW deaier's and look very carefuliy of the Super Beetie. If nothing else, if'Ili0f least re-assure you that somebody's stiti around wha believes making if last, cames firsf. WHY PAY MORE? SA VE!!O On Premium Quahily FUEL OIL STOVE OIL PROMPT, COURTEOUS SERVrCE CAIL 668-3311 Save in the old fashi'one way We may be old fashionedi but we believe in paying i nterest - a generous 47 on regular savings accounts with chequing privileges. Higher interest on long term savings, too So put your money where it earns good pay - in a savings account - at Victoria and Grey. Member Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation WC7ORMtan GREY TfRuST COMPANY sNCr 188q Lorne D. Reid Mawer 308 DUNDAS W., WHITBY F ALAN LAWISO-N A T RUSf E 1- ~The VW Super Beetie.1 L*bby's Recipe Avalauble Free A new set of recipes feat- Printed on ready-to-f-ile urinig a variety of menu sug- recipe -cards (3' x 5") and gestions for bath canned and complete wi th colaurful, frozen food items is being multi-purpose divider cards, -ot'fercd by Libby, McNeil the recipe pack inc!udes & Libby of Canada Llmited. menu suggestions for a-ppet- izers, salads, vege tables, quick dishes, main meals, and dess- erts. The recipe card -pack su- pplements Libby's poputar "Deep-B rowned Beans" reci- pe baok and "Cookinig with Sauerkraut". The new recipe card pack is avaitable upon requesi from Libby's, Box 758, Chatham, Ontario NIM 1P7. Pre-school Hour Brookl'in Library Brooklin Branch of Whitby istrations are being accepted Public Library is starting a Thrniolo wtryHu Pre-Sehool Story Hour and on Saturda ma orngs r Mothers Group on Tuesday, 9:30-10:30a. m.or schroo Apri l6h, 174 t 1:0 pm.,age children,continuinguIitil, to run for eight weeks. Reg- scolbsîg Imm 'l 1 ', , ý 'l , ý 1 f j ý 'e

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