I -~ ~- PAGE 8,WHITBV FREE PRESS,WEDNESDAY, MARCH 20,1974 E Irookliln - Whiltby Malor Midget BROOKLIN WHITBY C.B.C. MAJOR MIDGETS The B.W. C.B.C. Midget Ail Stars advanced to the semi-final series by ousting Trenton. After droppirig the openirlg game in Trenton on March 1Oth, the B.W. boys came back to win three straight and take the best of 5 series 3 games to 1. Game No. 2 was played in Brooklin on March 11lth, and the C.B.C. boys came out on top of a close checking affair by a score of 4 toi1 with a totplbf 27 penalties with the visitors picking up 14 te the hiome towneris 13. Neither teamn was able to mount a serious offensive drive in the early going, buit Trenton drew f-irst blood in the opening period on a goal by Tom Manley. This one goal lead was maintained uintil 4:1-9 of the second period when B.W.'s Dave Allen scored the equalizer on a beauitifuil solo effort. Early in the 3rd frame. with Trenton hiaving a n advantage, Dave Allen offfthe C.l3.C. tean vent on one of his patented one mani ganging attacks resul ting ini a goal to put his team ahecad 2 goals to 1 . This goal gave thec C.B.C. boys the lift they nieeded, and thev %ven t on to score Il more goals off thec sticks of Larry Graham and Dan Jordan. The third g3ame ini this series was plaved in Tren ton mn Thursdav. March I 4tli. and as in thic opening gaine \vasI houir late iin starting. Right t rein the open int. whistle thlic 'titc ine of' tis £!ame xvas neyer ini douibt as the C. B&. gaiig vere reallv (ip) -fýor it. They played their own gaine and hV iheii supleurl( skating. passin1g. positional plav and puck contirol rolled ever thecir Treritonian epponen ts b\w a score of* 14 te'. For tlic B.W. boys. goalie Ken Colley was the enilv player who dîin't pick uip at least 1 sc<ring poinit. Ilow- ever. Ken deserves credit for comiing tip with stop)s to îhwart and frust rate the op)positioni. Teamn capiain Mike Rowley, of tlie -Blte Nachiine- lashed the red light 4 times. île wvas closely followed by Jimn DeMille with 3 and Ron Beeîtami with 2. Singles were picked uip by Dave Allen, Bryce Jordan,.[)an Jordani, Brad Staley and Ed Szczuir. (It was good to sec Eddie finally -break oi of his scoring slinp). For Treni toni, 1ave Lewis fired '2 and Rob Alwer a single. Game No. 4 was played in Brooklin on March l6th and was a sec saw battle for two periods. The Trenton team came out hitting, and this cornbiiied with a bit of overconfidence on the part of the home town boys accounted for the scrambly type of play. The end of the first period found the C.B.C. gang hold- ing a 2 te 1 lead, only te have Trenton come back in the second and notch 2 unanswered goals for a 3 te 2 lead. In the break between the second and third period, the C.B.C. crew got to-gether and decided it was time they got down te business and played their own gamre. The resuilts showed in the final frame when they ouitscorcd Trenton 5 goals te zip, and won the game 7 te 3. B.W. scoring was handled by Ron Beettam, Tim Brown, Tom Foster (the tying goal), Bryce Jordan, Dan Jordan (the winnîing goal), Mike Rowley and Ed SZCZuir. For Trenton Dave Lewis had 2 with the single te Rob Alwer. The B.W. C.B.C. "Blue Machine" will open thecir sei final series against Owen Sound or Thornihill. Regilonal Lacrosse IBegins New SeasonIn tMay B.W.M.H.A. Pee-Wee League B.W.M.I-LA. Gaorrard-Rd. MLA Local 222 UAW G*irls Team Fund Raising PEE-WEE H.L. Scores for Gaines played Marchl1Oth, 1974 Second Round cf Round Robin KIWANIS P. Hendriks R. Stacey J. Gibbs T.C.'s M. Mulligan P. Heffer W. Cain E. Huinink McNAMARA MARINE R. Scero S. McCoy S. WVatson 1). Fosket J. White '". Sandrelli 4 MERCANTILE 2 T. Wolfe 1 S. Steam 1 G. Gilks 5 DODD & SOUPER 2 J. Stachow 1 S. Lindberg 8 RED WINGS 2 E. Derks BROOKLIN -WFIITBY,\MAtJOR PEE-WEE LASCO STE EL LR S T our rnaine n t ORI LLI A AJ AX KINGSTON O inOrillia l[irsi (Gaine BROOK LIN \VIITI3Y GSilber t \iciwenldyk Jainie Tuîak JIe ff )in simo re Rau %Iccliiiter Keiîh Wilsoii 131OOKLIN WI-IIT13Y Gilbert Nieuwendyk Jet'f Fleming Rav McWirter BROOK LIN WIIITBY ieff'Flemning Nick Nosoweniko PauL 111unfit BROOKLIN WHIITBY "B" WINNER- ONE MORE GAME BETWEEN "A" AND "B" WINNERS. BELLEVILLE 5 BROOKLIN WHITBY 2 Jeff Flemring Jeff Dinsmiore Brooklin \Vhitby goalie Gordie Brown was choosenl the mlost valuicable goalie of the tournainient. Approval has been given te the Local 222 UAW Girls Tearn of GRMLA, by council, te run a lottery on a $300. cash prize. Tickets are now on sale at 50 cents each or 3 for $ 1.00 from any of the team members. The winning. ticket wiIl be drawn at a Fund Raising dance, June 8, 1974 at the Regal Room in the Centennial Building, Whitby. The dance held on February 23, 1974 in the Regal Room was very successful, both socially and financially. Sally Little; Joan Gangemi and ail the team members wish te thank ail who attended and contributed te this success. Members os the team are now in the process cf gathering donations of saleable items for the rummage sale te be held on April 17, 1974 at the UAW Hall, Bond St., Oshawa, Il a.m. tilI 4 p.m. Anyone wishing te donate articles for sale may caîl: Mrs. Marg Heaslip - Mrs. Joan Gangemni - Mrs. Sally Little Mrs. Juanita Noble 728-2019 725-9322 723-6487 723-2934 A bottle drive wilI be lield to raise funds on April 27/, 1974, throughotit the Garrard Road area. The team will collect thie refundable boutles, beginning ai 10:00 a.m. Anvone wishing te save tin cans for the can recycling proýject inay cali Sherry Taylor at 728-9027. Cans must bc cleaned and llattenied for easy storage. A pick-up day is planned f'or early May. AIl proceeds raiscd hy uhe tearn will assisi thiem financially te travel te Baie Coîneau. Quebec in Julv, 1974. Minor Atom House League B.W.M.Hi.A. MINOR ATOM HIOUSE LEAGUE Play-off Games played Marchi 1 2th, 1974 BEAUPRES F550 Leo Beenen Ken Lynde Bobby Grahiai Paul McEacheni Scot Williams BOB HERON Danny Middletoni Frank Janssen MUNNS PRESS Frank Priniciotta DUFFS TOWING SHUT-OUT - JEFF WILLIAMS WHITBY AUTO WRECKERS Paul Shatibel Jim Mulligan DUN LOPS Tod Tran The first meeting cf the new lacrosse season was held recently, when the South Central Lacrosse Association met under the chairmanship cf Max Case cf Whitby. Nine organizations will be represented this year in Tyke te Juvenile age groups. OrganiZations taking par; this year will be: Scarbor- ough, Ajax, Whitby, Garrard Road, Oshawa, Belleville, Kngston, orillia and Peter. borough. The Executive for the coming year along with Ch- airman Case are: Secretary, Mike Finnigan, Belleville; Treasurer, Bryan Davies, Whitby; Statistics, AI Austin, Oshawa; Registrar, Jim Ni- chel, Orillia; Discipline, Dick Walker, Garrard Road. Cîosinhg date for team en- tries is April l4th, and lea- gue play is expected te get under way the last week of 'May. The 1974 Whîtby Miner Verrydt, Registrar, C. Vani- Cane, Match Secretary. H. Soccer Executivc examine a essen, Equip. Secretary, B. Adebar, President, D. Den- soccer irophiy at recent dance. Vanderkolff, Past President, hiertog, Treasuirer, Missing Left te righit are:- R. 1. Miller, Vice President, E. 4re: C. Srnits, Secretary, J. Hendricks, Director, Mrs. Hl-ledricks, Girls Con]venor, and, F. Borg, ConIvejior. . . . . . . . . . .