PAGE 14, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13, 1974, WHITBY FREE PRESS Free -Press Empoorium FOR SALE - one fridge, like new, $110. Addison sterco record player, floor model $45. Chest of sliver- ware, neyer used, $50. Cal 668-4435. FOR SALE- Antique dresser, 48" wide and 36" high, walnut, circa 1825, re- finished, SI175. Caîl 668- 4375. WANTED Part-time caretaker for Westminster Chiurch, Whitby. For information, apply to Mr. G. Wallis 728-6018. Shetland 9Meepdos, sable, femule. Regieered'. $135. Wat afte 5 at 668-3820. FOR SALE - Ultra-mod- eru Sound System for Di or recroom. 3 portabet sections, vinyl covered, tape-deck, co- ntrol panel, switches, bogen amp., 2 garrard transcription turu tables, 2 audio empire tone arms, GE cartridges, I15" JB Lansing, Speaker mount- ed in theatre cabinet. New cost $1,100 will take S700 or best offer. Caîl 668-9746. FOR SALE - 1 laun- dry tub, $ 10.00, 1 high chair, $5.00, crib and spr- ings $5.00. Cal 668-9165. FOR SALE - tused, heavv lîîty stove, susitzible for cot- tage. SI S.00 or best (fter. CaîlI 651-3844. FOR SALE - Plilico B & W console TV, radio & record player, S175.00 Large bcd anîd mattress S35.00. Jeep and snow plow SI .300.00. Wheel balancer, electronje scope (King). Ail in good contdiqp. CIati668-8125. I -- FOR SALE - 3/4 wood- en bed, springs, dresser $35. CatI 668-2843 after 4:00. One registered 7/8 Arab- ian weanling colt for sale. Chestnut with white blaze Excellent disposition and breeding. Asking $4M00 Caîl 668-4368. FOR SALE Trim Gym Exerciser with instruction book. New condition. $50. CatI 655-4245.I NOTICE TO. READERS Advertise FREE in the FREE PRESS EMPORIUM, pay DNLY wheu you soit! There will ot be any charge to advertisers 'n -the Witby FREE PRESS unless the advertis- ed item is ,old. When the advertised item is sold, you pay a commission based. on the advertised price as itîustrated below. PAIl advertisements must be placed on an exclusive basis with the Whitby FREE PRESS. '<ATEb (if article îs sold): 5% of advertised price up to $400.00 12% of the balance over $400.00 EXlà . - Item setîs for $50.00 - commissions due - $ 2.50 (minimnum commission is $ 1.00). Private advertising only! Please notify us if you find a retiiler listed as a private advertiser. Piease jiotify the Whitby Free Press imnrediatety when item is sold so that we may detete it from fotlowing issues. Services, hielp wanted, clothing, real estate, and personai message type ads eati only be handled on a prepaid basis. If in doubt caîl: 668-6111 Mail aIl ads to: Whitby Free Press Emnporium P.O. Box 206 Whitbv. YOUR CREDIT UNION IT'S WHLRE YOUJ BE LONG! Join the Whitby Credit Union today. Open Monday through Friday, 10:00 za.m. to 5:30 p.rn. 111 Dundas Street West, Whitby. ('ait 668-721t1. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Earn between $150.00 & $300.00 weekly and be your own boss. Fantastic opp- ortunity. Requires total in- vestment ofîless than $2,000. Can be paid in installments. No experience required. Max- imum 3 days training and you are in business. Very effective for part-time even- ing income if you wish to keep your present employ- ment. CaIt Kirby, Toronto, 292-2204 collect. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES The MAGIC FIGURE of 33 cents per day or approx- imately SIO.00 per month, invested with us, ean bring you the joy and fulfilnîent of total success, both ini business and as an individual. Silent Partner Associates wilt take you through a life- timne experience of self- improvement, including cd- ucation, on-the-job training, and what's more, we'll put our money where our mouth is, by financing you in aany business that you ean talk us into. Move at your own speed, on your own ternis. We'll even find you a job to start off with, if that's what you need to get going. You need neyer be unemployed agairi. We can start the minute we receive your S10.00 and a letter outtining your plans. The yearly fee is S1 20.00. We have n10 satesmen and we do business by mail only. Your first letter must con- tain at least one month's fee of SI 0.00. This wil guarantee that your file will stay active for six months, if you are îîot prepared to go ahead right now. It witt also tell us that you are a serious person who knows what he or she wants. Don't put off the realiza- tion of your private ambitions any longer. Write to: Silent Partner Associates, P.O. Box 119 1, Station B, Mississauga, Onlfario, Canada. U.S. and Foreign Applicants, are welcome. APARTMENT 3 bedroom apartment, well decorated. Includes garage, stove and fridge. $200. perj month. Cali 668-8418. PAPER BOYS AND GIRLS NEEDED for. the Brooklin, Myrtle, Ashburn, Ajax, Pickering and some Wbitby areas. If you are interested in delivering papers caîl 668-6000 or 668-6111. HELP WANTED - we require salesperson to seli advertising for our local paper. Previous sales experience helpful. Cali 668-6000 or 668-6111. EMPLOYMENT WANTED Tender Ioving care to infants in my home. Central Whitby. Telephone 668-9792. CH RISTI ANS! Israel a nation again as prophcsied iii The Word of God. The great sign of the comning of The Lord Jesus (ini person) to rtie the wortd Irom Jertusateim. Are you ready? lFor free in formation abou t tluis overtooked Gospel mes- sage, Write "Ask", P.O. Box 22t1, Weston, Ont. M9N 3M7. FOR SA LE - Shepherd, one ycar c and silver, spaded, Cost $100., asking 668-8418. German otd, black A shots. $50. CatI emp. HOME MAINTENANCE SERVICE - reasonable rates. Cati 668-4768.. INCOME TAX - have your income tax returns pre- pared Iocally. Reasonable rates. Cali 668-5072. buys ini remnants. Reduced by more than 50%. 9 x 12 2 tone nylon carpets, $47.50. Ail other carpets greatty reduced. County Broadloomn 1742 Brock Street, South of the 401, Whitby. Cali 668-8895. WHITBY MINOR SOCCER ASSOCIATION Mernbership Meeting March 14th 7:30 p.m. Whitby Council Chambers Dundas Street West Coaches & Referees required. TOWN 0F WHITBY RECREATION DEPARTMENT Requires - SUPERVISOR 0F PROGRAM & COMM UNITY SERVICES - LEAD HAND - IROQUOIS PARK ARENA -TWO ATITENDANTS - IROQUOIS PARK ARENA -ONE SECRETARY SUPER VISOR 0F PROGRAM & COMMUNITY SERVICES Duties: Responsibte to the Deputy Director of Recreation for the administration of a comprehensive program of recreation including: activities for ait ages, schieduling of recreation facitities, assisting local recreation oriented organizations and other duties as assigned. Qualifications: University degree in Recreation or Social Sciences or a combination of education, training, and experience in municipal recreation. Salary: $10,000. to S14,000.- commnensurate witlh training and experience. LEAD FIAND - ARENA Duties: Responsible to Supervisor of Recreation Facilities. Direct a comiplete programme of' maintenance including supervisor of maintenance staff, assignîng work duties. sctîeduîing shifts, recording and reporting, othier duties as assigned. Qualiflications: Ministry of Labour Refrigeration Operators (Class B) certificate. Minimum five years experience in arena operation, minimum one years experience operating a Zamboni. Experieîîce in the folloxving is an asset: supervision of work crews, preparation for special events, i.e. dances, banques, stage shows, etc. SaIary: $5.09 per hour (under negotiation)- 40 hour week. Normal fringe benefits. ATTENDANTS - TWO Duties: Reporting to Lead Hand, generat building anid ice maintenance, building supervision, other duties as assigned. Qualifications: Miinimum of one years experience in arena maintenance and/or janitor/emistodial experiînce. Experienceïii the following would be an asset: refrigeration, mnechanical, electrical, paintinîg, etc. Salary: S4.52 per tiour (under negotiation). Shift preinium I15 cents per hour. 40 hour work week. Normnal fringe benefits. SECRETARY 111 Duties: Tetephone and reception at Iroquois Park Arena, typing of correspond- ence and reports, general office duties. Somne evening and week-end work. Qualifications: Good typing, knowledge of basic bookkeeping, pleasing personality, ability to meet the public. Salary: $6,705 per annurn (under negotiation). Apply: With resumne and references to: G.K. Gelette, Direetor of Recreation, 105 Coîborne Street East, Whitby, Ontario LI V9 Deadline: Marchi 22, 1974 RICHMOND De pompered and 'reated IL. o Ki(ng! Shower, Sunken' bath. Nude oody ui ~~rub cdow, reoging loueAt 0 Try tSe 4 prester in the King s 1 2nd &3rd MORTGAGE MNEY AVAILABLE *5yeor term 0 Open Mortgages *No payment for three montits *No bonuses " No credit checks " No inquiry from neighbours " CoffdentioI arrangements mode in your homne " Sorrow es Iow os $1,600 " Fast urvice C" Mr. wuts 942-2611 (L.ed) 699-1121 (Toreie) 1308 BUyIy St. Bay RIdg.s Cthere are imes when you need people ALL 579-1121 The DISTRESS CENTRE volunteers off er their friendship 9:30 a.m. - 11:30 p.m. in complete confidence .1