PAGE 8, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 6, 1974, WHITBY FREE PRESS KALNINS ON...0 Poor Brigt Next1 Canadians It is a little depressing to read newspaper stories such ais Millions iin Canada wonder wby cani't wve get ahead", "The rich stay rich, the poor get poorer", "Energy Crisis To Stay* or "More Canadiaius will be out of work this year" - Evenl more depressiug are tliese statistics iin the press:- A president of a large compainy mnakes ait least S75,000 a year; bospital cleanier iakes oilly S6,240 over tbe sane period of tinie. And, to accentuate the waîge disparity, we're told that a professional hockey player makes approxirnately S45,000 a season while a bîghly leariied man like tbe physiciain who holds ai more responsible job makes less than S40,000 a year. (Adrittedly, soi-e doctors are in a highier incorne bracket). But, listen to this: a garbage mn makes close to ine tbousand dollars ai year, and a senior secretary earus S6,760 ai year. These figures, 1 hope. are telling us sometbiuig about our ecuoomic future. As 1 see it. the future - one miiglit ask what future'? - looks pretty griun, if the wage earning trends are allowed to continue under the present ecoulonlic systei'n. 1 see no real reason why a 1resident of a large corporai- tion should bave this sort of income wbile a mail wlîo works for iuni and nakes his sky-bigb incorne possible should be rewarded with a i miiiinimu wage. And, what's so special about a hockey player or ai famiily doctor who should get four times as mucb mioiiey fromn almiost the sanie peuple wbo umust struggte for their suirvival. It ail points to one thing - the bureaucratic systei that still prevails and slowly brings this country dloser to an econonîiic disaster. How long one can be allowed to bring iin more muuney for less and less services rendered? How lonîg can (bis artificial wage situation last? 1 think it's higb tirne that ouir politicians start doing somnethiug about this intolerable work-aud.-wage disparity - l'un ail for an equalization plan. To HelI witb the rich! 1 say. take THAT big, fat bundle of dough away fromi them. Definitely. there are millions of people who cauî use it right now for their own survival. It is inconceivable that haif of tliis cotuntry suffere financîily. just because large corporations are allowed to get away with excL.. Profits. This continuous rip-off niust be stopped ai once. I wbolebeartedly agree witb the NDP policies pertaining to the distributioun of our natural resoiirces. l'un also for the nationalization of our major industries, vital to our economic stabilitv. Sonie forun of goverinnîcnî conîtrol must be inmposed on these nlLuilti-niîllioul dollaîr corporations to curb the risilig costs of food.- gais electricit: anld înany other esseuitil cormunodities. By now. une umust realize that it's a çheer inadniess to allow prices tu sk yrocket every vear. How~ faîr caîn we go bs'a'? Volkswagen Can, Encourages Canadian Sources of Suppl y Duriug 1973, Volkswageu manufacturers to supply parti In addition to this over- AG, Germany from Canadiar seas business, a rapidly grow- sources were: , spark plugs, ing source is being developed head lamps, glass, tires, batti by Volkswagen for Canadian eries and steering wbeels. Following on the hieels of its stîccesst'il rystery, "Nigbit- watcb'" and the well-received children's production of "The Princess and The Swin1îerd,"' cornes a liglit and Ijreezy British farce, "To Dorothy. A Son,'* the ext offering fromi The Whitby Thea,ýtre Company.* .Tbe st(>ry concerns a str- uggling British com poser of docurnentary filmn scores who discovers that bis Spanisb divorce froîîî a wacky Amer- ican girl wboni lie biad rnarr- ied in Sanîoa is îîot valid. And just when his English wife is about to have a baby. To further complicate matters the ex-wife (or 50 he thougbit) pops up in lber best problemi- cbild forni. The Arnerican screwball bas leane6 that ber uncle left a will whereby bier former husband will ini- herit a million if hie begets a son within a vear after uncle's death. Otherwise the British NTC money reverts to the niece. Well, ini a race agafinst time, the composer and his second wife bave twins, a daLlgter and a son, and cop the for- tunîe, thanks to the workmngs o>f the international date hune. Su the liarassed fathier geul- eroLIsly splits the million with the ex-wife, wh'o returnis to Amierica to niiarry a Texas rancher. That's ail rigbit, becatuse the authors bave fig- uired out meanwhile that a joust withi the good old inter- national date hue bhad nulli- fied the original marriage. Directed by Blair Haviland, the cast features Greg Lang as Toni Rigi, Jo Havilanld as Myrtle and Janet Vickers as Dorotby. Otbers in tbe cast include Gary Fiatton, Fin Cos- grey, Carol Hatton, Rod Lee, Barb Cooke and Tony Harri- soli. Tickets are available at Middletoin's Book Store, 131 Dundas Street 'West, Annc's Fabrics. 131 Byronl - - -- - - - - Farce Producti.o Street South, Rousseau-Heri- tage Furniture, 216 Mary St. East and ait tbie tlleatre on tbe niiglbts of the perfor- aince. Prices are $2.50 adults and Si .50 for students. "To Dorotby, ASon" will be î,resented ait 8:30 p.m. on ThLîrsday, March 7; Friday, Mardli 8; Saturday, Marcb 9 JAW PRICES EFFECTIVE A MON.. MAR, 4 TO SAT.. MAR. 9 MULIPL IAS pIRN 74 TABLETS - 100's ~~~SUPERc ROLL-ON DEODORANT 9 1.5 OZ. VASELINE INTENSIVE CARE LOTION 14 OZ. LYSOL SPRAY DEODORIZER/DISINFECTANT 14 0OUNCE ~CLOSE-UP TOOTHPASTE & MOUTHWASH îe100 MI.I 1.09 1m23 e7-raR4E - - - - - - ILAID - - F - -- heiîncume tax hlp s-Ystemn- aMdhowtom akeit work for you. As you know by now, we changed a lot of things last- Second. If you're stîli confused or something just year. We gave you a new return, a new Guide, severai new doesn't seem to work, phone. The number of your I deductions and a few new ruies. And quite honestly. we were .. own District Taxation Office is below and at the more than a littie concerned about your reaction to it ail. end of that number there are people whose only job is to heip (And very, very interested in your opinions.) taxpayers with problems, by telephone. And on Mondays and * Weil, now that we've had time to reaiiy look back at it Tuesdays phone lines are open 'tii 6 p.m. So don't hesitate. and assess it honestiy, it appears that most taxpayers did If you live outside the office area, cali the Operator andI * not seem to find it too difficuit. The error rate did not ac- ask for Zenith 0-4000. She wiII automaticaiiy connect you to I celerate greatiy or change drasticaliy f rom former years. your own District Taxation Office. Remember, ail cails are Generally, most taxpayers seemed to handie their new f ree, ail1 questions are answered, and if you have queries, we retu rns f ai rly weli1. want you to caii. ts However, Income Tax wiil neyer be the easiest or most e- enjoyable thing in anyone's life. And it wiii aiways present j fti Third. Some people prefer to taik things over in probiems in some areas, for some people. That's expected \N person. If you're one of them and have probiems, and understandable. drop by for f ree heip. Anytime. The address of your P" Soi. What we want to do now is reaiiy work on those District Taxation Office is beiow. problernareas. And the best way to do that is to work withForhWit.Tteadesbeo.Epinyu you difficuity. probiem as ciearly as possible and include ail in- laAnd that's what April Aid is ail about. It's a heip systom - formation. (And your return address, please.) In and its primary objective is to ensure that whenever or roturn, well answer ail letters as quickiy and ciearly as whatever you need help with, you can get it. And know how possible. Remember- if you need heip, it's there. (And f ree). to get it. And ail you have to do is ask. INOE And thîs 15 how It The Income Tax help system. Tu works:eitwokfo y * ------Flrst. Your Guide is always the \&~Lt aei okfryu ýS best answer when you have a probiem. ýe Read it. Foliow it. It not only gives expiana- Todcr e tions, but in many cases, exampies of just d r4oge her I how to figure something out. w ec nti In Revenu. Canada Revenu Canada Mack<enzie Bldg., 36 Adelaide Street East, oeiSabr.MnsF Foe inuy.mnse LToronto, Ont. M5C 11J7-869-1500- - - - - - - - and Sunday, March 10 at ' the Whitby Centeunial Build- ing, Centre Street South in Witby, and on Wednesday, Marcb 6 at 7:30 for area senior citizens. OXFAM THE INTERNATIONAL OEVELOPPAENT PEOPLE 97 Eglinton Ave, East Toronto 315, Ontario N A ME (sb ) 1-t E R