Whitby Free Press, 27 Feb 1974, p. 5

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Modernm heating systems, become decor accessory WHITBY FREE PR FSS, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1974, PAGES5 Paneled watts can add, up to more beautiful rooms Are you planning any home improvement pro- jects? If so, advlses the National Better Heatlng- Cooling Council, don't over- look the heatlng system. Hleating is necessary in 90 percent of ail home mod- ernIzation work, and you'11 be dollars ahead if you in- clude it with the rest of the plans. Also, if it's a. new room, it will be useful al year long. If your home is equipped with hydronic (modern hot water) home heating, you'Il have an easy time extend- ing It tW the new addition. Because modemn hydronics uses finger size tubing, you'l1 be able tW snake it . from room to room wlthout tear- Wlth awareness growlng o! the Importance of soit water, more and more hom.n'eowners are taking the plunge. As for any major appliance purchase, a knowledge o! what to look f'or will help you avoid pit- f ails and get the most for your money. -Unlike other appliances, water conditionlng equip- ment is not bought in a store. Though you niay see models on display there, many factors are involved that require the visit off a salesman to your home. He must test the water, deter- mine usage, decide where equipment can be installed. Only then are you ready to buy. Don't be deceived by a very low price. Be sure the price quoted includes in- stallation. Get cost of equipment and cost of in- stallation before you buy. Verify that the'installation includes a free initial'sait Mil. This could be worth $10 )r more. Buy from a reputable lealer. Buy equipment nade by a ba sic nianufac- ;urer, rather than a com- )any that merely assembles )arts.S If the water conditioner s a well-known nationally ivertised branci of a lead-t hg manufacturer, you haves ,he a-ssurance o! satisf ac- ;ory af ter-sales service and ;uch other benefits as au- b ;omatic sait delivery. Buy-y i'g an unknown or littie-t ,nown make may leave you n ing down walls or ripplng floors. Many home decorators have been hampered by large radiators. Replace them with ankle-high hy- dronic baseboard panels. In addition to the more uni- f orm heat, baseboard heat- ing permiits the use o! floor- length draperies and wall- to-wall carpetlng, The new hydronic boliers are appllance-styied and many of them have a wood- panel finish. Smalier but more efficient than the older, larger boliers, they will save Up Wo 25 percent ln fuel costs, and make the new finlshed play or work area in the basement more at- tractive. stuck with an orpnan, ana unable Wo get parts or serv- Ice. Buy the equipment o! a national rather than a me- glonal manufacturer. A na- tional manufacturer wil have a large network o! dealers, so that you can take your equipment with you If you move, wlth as- surance that you'll fi.nd service wherever you are going.' Most water conditioners corne ln two styles-a cab- inet model and a two-tank model. Cabinet models are especially attractive and are space savers. Salt stor- age is included within the cabinet. If vou are not concerned about space, and the instal- lation is to be made in the utility area, you are better off with a two-tank model. It costs less. It's much easier to service. It holds more saît. Determine whfat your softener wil do. One new variety called "Filtr-Sof t" flot only softens the water but makes it outstandingly good for drinking. When you buy, have the salesman go through a sof t- water demonstration so you'll be sure to know ail the benefits. How much soap to, use is especially im- portant, advises the Culli- gan Water Institute. It will oe only a fraction of what you use with bard water. ln the case o! shampoo, you nay use only i/lOth the A wall is a wall Is a wall. Put four of them together and you have a room. After ail, that's what a room is - space that has been "walled-in."1 For that reason, when it cornes to lightening, brightenlng, beautifylng or slmply redo- ing a room, it's a good Idea to start wlth the walls. One way to begin is wlth paneling. Modern waii pan- els of preflnished hardboard offer a varlety of designs, easy Installation, and 10w maintenance. They make ordinary walls "corne alive"I ln a number of ways. Home hîghlight A hlghllght for today's homes are walls of beauty. Panels ln natural wood- grain finishes add a warm glow te any room. They range from pale ash and pecan te deep tones of rose- wood and walnut. If you prefer walls of color - bright or subdued hues that fit any setting - consIder panels ln decorator colors. They can be used lni famlly rooms, bathrooms, bedrooms or kitchens to great visual advantage. Like ail hardboard panellng, they are easy to keep dlean with an occasional damp-wiping, won't dent, mar or scuf! and are tough and durable. For every room Prefinlshed panels in col- ors, woodgrain fInishes, pat- . When you select your kitchen sink you will be confronted with a varlety of colors, sizes and number of bowls a.nd materials f rom whlch to choose. Because Of its relative 10w amount. With soi t water, you can use natural soap, which is rapidly biodegrad- abI1f. You don't need to use phosphates. Finally, in buying a water conditioner, plan for farnily growth and extra visitors. It is better to have equip- ment that is over-sized rather than undersized. Lovely as these furnishings are, it's the walls that make the room. The paneling is prefinished haidhoard in a light-toned woodgrain design - a perfect backdrop, for the exodec room decor. Despite their delicate look, the panelis are sturdy and dent-resistant, and can be damp-wiped dlean. temns and textured desIgns are Ideal for areas such as kitchens, baths and laundry areas. Running out of' space? Then you wlll need walls that can muliply present storage space. Perforated hardboard panels, which ac- cept hooks and shel! brack- ets, can create a convenient storage Wall ln vIrtually any roorn: ln a chIld's bedroom for getting those clothes off the floor; lu a Ictchen for hanging extra pots and pans; in. family rooms to provIde storage for books,' games and hobby materials. cost, porcelaîn enamnel on steel bas long been the mnost widely used. -The heftier, stain-resîstant porcelain enamnel on castiron sink bas generaîîy been found only in more expensive kitchens. Stainless steel sinks, which are easler to instal because they are lighter and have a self -rim, are quite popular these days (even though there have been re- ports that they are noisy, scratch easily and show finger marks). .ýWlth sound-resistant hardboard panellng you can also have wails o! silence - especlally suitable for fam- Hlies wth noisy youngsters around the house. Living rooms, playrooms and other noisy areas can 4~ be quieted down with' the "installation of preflnished ihardboard wali panels. Tests Ishow that when used as 5facing mnaterlals over par- *tition walls built of recom- -mended backup materials, the panellng has a hlgn resistance te noise trans- mission. Easy installation Hardboard panels are eas- Iily Instailed over furrlni strips, and in somne caseic right on the existIng wal. Matching moldlngs, color- imatched nails and speclal adhesive for nail-less ap- plications are available to simplify installation. More Information on building rooms arouzid pan- eled walls Is contalned In an Illustrated color brochure, "New Dimensions in Living." It's available for 25 cents from the American Hard- board Assn., 20 N. Wacker Drive, Chicago, Illinois 606U6. WATER CONDITIONERS and CHLORINATERS FOR SALE 'OR RENT CUL.LIGAN Water Conditimoning 528 Victoria St.' E. Whitby. 668-6864 I Tip that will help homeowner save money in buying water softener W"ide variety of sinks cails for pre-planning MITCHEL^L BROTHERS BUILDING SUPPLIES ZONOLITE INSULATION NOW UN STOCK BROO KLIN 655-4991 "'GO WEST FOR THE BESI" LYLE WEST ELECTRIC CERTIFIED ELECTRICIA NS DOMESTIC and COMMERCIAL WIRING Electr'ic Heating & Heat Pumps 90 Russett Oshawa 576-901 1 J-C. Contracting Bathroom 'Re modelIli ng PLUMBING Septic Tank Installation Sewers Box 299 Brooklin 6 5 5-m3 4 31 m

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