OLC Hosts Debating WHITBY F REE PRE SS. WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 27. 1974. PAGE 3 ICarriersno.f the-Month Tim oron, 1, 13Dymod S., Whtb,4 g'en pape boywit theFRE PRES fr ovr to yers.Ti îs n rad 6atSt.Pal* SearteScloo ad pan o savig te gft ertiicae h lis wo toputtowrds Paers boywith th oefteCrieSfr ov ter thyears T dl M Mayor Des Newman (left) presentsi award to Derreil Hartwich, while Robert right) presents the second place award the top debator Palmer (extrerne to Chris Grove. - Free Pres Photo The Ontario Ladies' Coli- ege played host last* Saturday to a 12 school debating tour- namne't. Trinity College School, of St. Peter's Sehool, Peterbor- ough, w-)n the best debator's trophy. Chris Grove, of Trinity College School, won second best debator. A series of debates held during the day decided the top six debators representing six schools who took part in a grand final debate Sat- urday night. Debbie Maw, O.L.C. De- bating Society president, di- rected the affair by acting as speaker of the bouse. On the government side, defendiilg the resolution "that teachers should have the ri- ghit to strike", were Darrel Hartwicb, of St. Peters; Jerry Kraus, of Loyalist College; and David Gray, of Lakefield. Opposing the resolution were Chris Grove of T.C.S.; Thomas Collinge, of Upper Canada College; and'Cheryl Weber, of the Ontario Ladies College. The judges: Mayor Des Newman; Fred Swan, a Cur- tice High School teacher; & Mrs. Fran Roney awarded the win to the opposition, but no doubt had more diff- iculty choosing, the top debator. Robert Palmer, head of the O.L.C. debating society and history teacher, co- ordinated the debate and was commended by O.L.C. principal Dr.. Reginald Davis. KITCIIEN IlELPEI< A pcgboard in the kitchen can be uitilized for spoons, spatulas, etc. that should lie within quick and easy reach. J THISWEEK from Ottawa in December as 17,25 5 starts were recorded in centres of I0,000 population and over, compared with 14,1 06 starts in December 1 972. MORE MONEY TO FARMERS Farmers' cash receipts from farming operations in- creased in ail provinces except Newfouindland Io a total estimated $6.67 billion in 1973, up 25.6% frorn $5.31 billion in 1972. OECD SURVEY' The Toronto Globe and Mail reported that a recent OECD survey shows that (..a- nada wiIl be faced with shrinking foreign markets for its exports this year, but its energy strength should pre- vent any substantial deterio- ration of the employmnent si- tuation. TRADE MARKS LAW Consumer and Corporate' Affairs Minister Herb Gjray1 released a special study' pro- posing revision to Canadian trade marks legislation - on patents, trade marks, çopy- rights and industrial designs. The- paper recommends that the trade mark. system be flexible to mieet the pre- sent needs of Canadian busi- nessmen and that theé system promote the. consu'nieris in- terests. <. 1 QIL POLICY APPROVED According 10 a Gallup Poli taken in early January, the majority of Canadians- 75%- approve of the federal go- vernment's recently announ- ced national oil policy. "ALBERTA ALIEN ATION" Prime Minister Trudeau said in an interview last week that Quebec is responding well to federalismn now that many French Canadians are in top level jobs with publie corporations and with the fe- deral government. In con- trast to the alienation in AI- berta, Quebec residents now realize they have -powerful voices in Ottawa. "Someone had to demons- trate there could be a role for the French inl Ottawa," he said. "And then we had a backlash, people thinking there was too mnuch Frernch power in Ottawa." "I ýwish people would work so hard in Alberta that people wotild start thinking that there is too much AI- berta power in Ottawa." HOUSING STARTS UP Housirug starts in centres of 1 0,000 population and over totalled 211l, 543 in 1973, up 2.2% from 206,954 starts registered in I1972. Housing construction rose Stevenl Gilbert, 14, 36 Torian Ave., Brooklij, is a Grade 8 student at Whitby Senior Public Sehool. Steven enijoys building model planes, cars, etc. and plans on gettiig '"a whole bunch" with the gift certificate lie has wo i.1 Congratulations Steveîi from the Free Press for wininiig one of the Carrier of the Month Awards! ML10ENTERTA INM ENT VILLIAMVS CENTRE Formerly VILL!AMS ELECTRONICS.', 579-2411' 1218 SIMCOE ST. N wfrft The MONACO- Model ET904DE Cabinet in wood grained Dark Oak color. 20 Watts peak power. Zenith quality speaker systern. FM/AM/ Stereo FM tuner. 8-track tape player. Stereo Precision 1 record changer. Micro-Touche» 2G tone arm. Size: 25¾3/"1 H; 391/2 Il W; 171/2?" D. $339 .95 ~~tfSOLI D STATE CiMl RliWAM@ WR l Several Models Reduced f or Quick Clearancée 'N i-VANTIE Vil 5 ,9 tIînohigh gloss console finished in Bermudai hv'white lacquer with Rosewood veneer top. WE SERVICE MOST MAKES NO DOWN PAYMENTNCESR for Those Who Qualify OPEN: WED.,-FRI. 9am-9pm SAT. 9am-6pm CHECK OUR LOW. RENTAL RATES Â" ~ *'~~.~,ffiJ.*' <*¾~ »,. 77F,