BURGESS GIRL OF THE WEEK Pretty nineteen-year-old Barbara Jones of King St., is ly helping to look after the zoo's 16 camels but works aHenry Street High graduate who works at the new with ail the animais. In her spare time Barb plays the Metropolitan Toronto Zoo as a zookeeper. Barb is present- guitar, and goes horseback riding. -Photo by Mike Burgess. à "Together We Care" Theme At Free Methodist Church "Together we care el will be the themie of the Whitby shortage in India. Many toods are not available at any Free Methodist Church on 1916 Rossland Rd. E. for the price and othersare rationed. "Food for India" kits will month of February as the congregatiori joins the denom- consist of vitamnins and dried, packaged food such as ination's continent-VJide observance of Compassion Month. cereals, soupS, cocoa, and powdered milk. The Church will demnonstrate through prayer, programrs On the opening Sunday, February 3rd, each family and giving its concern for the hungry, the sick, and the received ini the Sunday School a Compassion bank in which disadvantaged of the world. to place gifts of 'concern for their less fortunate "world This year the particular area of concern will be the food. neighbors." Sunday -School superintendent Gerald. Stone- Sunday morni'ig, March 3rd, the entire congregation. will bring togetb' x their offerings in a special dedication service. The Rev'erend R.H. James will bring a compassion message. Compassion afferings support hospitals and clinics around the woi id, famine relief, i'eeding programns for school children. supplements for the undernourished, and emnergency aid to disaster victims - ail administered through missionaries who know the peop!e, their language and needs. The Free Methodist Church ollows the example of Jesus by caring and sharing in the hurts of the world, and continues the tradition of John Wesley ini expressing active social conçemn. Frierîds are iîivited to share in the month of compassion. WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1974, PAGE 13 'p earr.rq . by Marie Rutter for period of March 4 - 1l PISCES (Feb. 19 - Mar. 20) You feel an urge to travel, a need to 'follow the sun' Be careful when making any.travel arrangements, however, that inexpensive tour that seems so reasonable may turn out to be a bigger headache than anything else. If taking a tour choose one ini the middle price range with a reputable airline and travel agency. ARIES (Mar. 21 - April 20) You are still in a good mood from last week, but you have a tendency to daydreamn a little. Try to keep alert, otherwise you will find your projects slipping backward. It is important now that you gain groimnd in your projects, they will be ini the limeliglit in a few weeks. TAURUS (April 21 0 May 20) This period is very auspicious for ronbance, and you will meet many exciting people, who may play important roles in your future. You will meet most of'them in the same place, somnewhere ini a different environment from your usual. Don't share any secrets however, until you are quite sure you can trust the other party. GEMINI (May 21 - June 20) You may flot always get your way during this seven-day period, so you might as well relax and appreciate efforts of others. Conflicts arise with persons close to you, which must be overcorne, particularly with those boni June 1Oth and i1lth. You may be attracted to a Pisces, whose dynamic persnality strikes mental sparks. Be very sympatico; you can compliment each other. CANCER (J une.21 - July 22) You will receive news from afar this week thatrnayhave enormous eff.ects on your future; probably relating to your career. You may also communicate with relatives with whom you have not spoken in several years. Family ties strengthen, and several long-overdue household discussions wilI take place. LEO (Juiy 23 - August22) You should have a definite plan in mind this week. Concern with your social life may lead to a better position. Function as well and as efficiently as possible, but, try not to push too much. Allow others to 'discover' your accom- plishments and talents. You will come into contact with several individuals who see eye-to-eye on many issues, and one of these contacts could lead to a dynamic relationship. VIRGO (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22) You muay be disappointed this week, as someone may have failed you in financial obligations. You may find your employer difficuit and hard-to-please. Work carefully, and .as quietly as possible;'he'il come around eventually. Some- one you knew before couid come back into your life toward the end of the week. LIBRA (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22) Take it easy this week.' You need a rest from ail the commotion during the past week. That job youhad your eye on may prove to be even better than you think. Keep pusuing yourself towards your goals and you will find everything comes easy. Significant days are Saturday the 9th and Sunday the lOth. SCORPIO (October 23 - Nov. 21) This period encompasses a variety of interesting ex- periences. The week is full of excitement, including your career, home life, family and fiends. You'take much plea- sure in introducing a favorite play or classical piece of music to your mate. Do not sign any important papers wihot cnsuti- yor-mte r-cosefrind.Thesurris AQUARIUS (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18) communications 'are somewhat behind at the moment but they will probably improve later, in the month. Possessions assume- importance at the beginîning' of the week. The 1Oth of the month is an important date - ideal for planning an extravagent outing. Attend the theatre, see some ballet or opera. 1 i ~v, ~I. '~ k) RECREATION DEPARTMENT The Whitby Recreation Department is now accepting requests for ice time in the Memorial Arena and the Iroquois Park Arena for the 1974-75 season. Ail requests should be directed to the Whitby Recreation Department, 105 Coîborne Street East, Whitby. Requests must reach tbis, office no later than Wednesday, April 10, 1974. Priority given to local organizations. . !-I