Whitby Free Press, 13 Feb 1974, p. 10

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PAGE 10, WVEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1974, WHITBY FREE PRESS BURGESS. GIRL 0F THE WEEK Wh*ite Sa-Ys Control Needed To Keep Shopping Centres Out of Rural Areas by Mari. Rutter for period'of Feb. 17 - 23 AQUARJ U S (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18) This »is'a good time to chanige your hairstyle or buy new, clothes.' It will pep you up a littie. You feel an urge to travel - plan a vacation regardless of the fact we're stili in the first part of the year. Your presence may be required at a, comrnuinity function. PISCES (Feb. 19 - Mar'. 20) Don't worry if you' re by yourself a lot this week - the solitude cou Id prove constructive. Add the colour grey to y<>ur wardrobe - niingle it withi greens - they go well with your personality. Check with your physician on any sigils of irritation or niervouisness - thiere is a certain ainount of emphiasiso01 intestinal difficulty. ARIES (Marcli 21 - April 19) As yoti inay feel quiite aggressive midweek. it is advis- able to avoid anv confrontations witli vour mnate or part- ner a( this timie. Be content to stay on the sidelinies - take interest iii othier peu-ples affairs'but flot to the extent that voui can*t look after vouir own efficientlv. TAURUS (ApriI 20 - May 20) Yoti will find this week that vou hlave to adhere to a routine. otherwise voui will lose mionev. Remiember, work comies firsi; and voti do have a responsihilitv to youirself and yotir career. Your emotions strengthien and stir partiiership a ffil i rs. CEMINI (Mav 21 - lunie 20) Yoti have led a rathier quiet life for the last few mionthis, but 110W VOU get a chance to travel with youir job, or t() look after projects involving far- awav places. Research & background work are very important. CANCER (lune 21 -iJulv 22) Watch y'oLir health tiiis week: don't overtax votirself. 1)on*t take on any'thing streIlLioIis, find quet relaxation. Thierema be a big chiange ini vour life stemming from oeccurences tlîis week. L[O OulV 23 - Aug. 22) The iwxt nionîh is an excellent time for visiting ail enc(>iiter grotip or joiniîîg an occult-oriented club. You find communnications easy thiis week;youi cani convey vour diotights preciseiy. bot i in oral and written words. At the end of dhe week, home and famnilv are sp)otlighited. VIRGO (Atig. 23 - Sept. 22) Take a restr look after strictlv routine miatters. Thiis is ain itisl)iciotis time for a vacation. Yotir career gets a boost on tlie 22nd. and vour working conditions oive you more le~a.and v,,otin av liave a chance to travel thirotugh vu tir J o 1. LIBRA (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22) If votir work involves chemistrv or miedicine. the next ionith is ait atspicioLis timie to think along different lines look (>ver youir proJects. vou mnav wisli to incorporate new ideas. SCORPIO (Oct. 23,- No. 21) Yotir enthutsiasni is Ilighi this week, y'ou look and feel go<>d. Yoti find yoti cao hlandle toucby situations better than before, as mlost of the tensions you lbad have disappear- The Ontario Governiment may have t(> tighten its con- 'trol of commercial develop- ments such as new shopping centres, unless more mutnici- palities adopt their own land- use controls. Treasuirer John White warned. Speaking to the annual conférence of- the Ontario -Association of Rural Munici- palities, Mr. White criticized developers ýýwho thwart the plans and intentions of town- conisby building shopp- J_ ng Centres just outside towtî Sboundaries. 'Toý that breed of develop- eridoesn't seem to mte that bis new shoppiing centre will distort tlhe orderly grow- tb and pervert the weli-made plans of the town where bi'is potential customners live. "He's ail right, Jack -- be's got bis building permit .. froin a township that doesn't realize or doesn't care what his cluster of stores will do to the neighbouring uirban coin- munity,* The Treasuirer said the practice ,mnay have to be stopped by giving the pro- vince more power through un amnendment to The-Planning Act. -He said he is reluchînt to see the province take suchi a step because such land use should be controlled by each municipafity. Additional pr- ovincial control may be nec- essary, however. if local con- trolsarM' îot adopted ini mu- nicipalities where undesirable development is likely to oc- cur.- As a'stopgap measure, the province'bas been imposing ministerial orders thiat freeze land use ini specified areas to prevent developers from car- rying out their plans. But ministerial orders are îlot (lie best solution bbe- cause tbe provincial govern- ment us remote froîn the action. and a ininisterial order sometirnes is too late. "By the time we hear about a deveioper's proposai. lie lias his permit and we can't stop bim froin building". He said some shopping centre developmnents are be- ing permitted or evenl en- couraged by b'short-sighted people who canuiot or wili îlot see that they are creating a pattern of waste and chaos that may plague the whole community for generatioiîs to Come" WHY PAY îc MORE? eSt On Premium Quolily FUEL OIL QarrY"S STOVE OIL PROMPT,' COU RTEOUS SERVICE CALL 66e-3381

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