Whitby Free Press, 30 Jan 1974, p. 4

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PAGE 4, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 30. 1974; WHITBY FREE PRESS The Freemen Quartette wili sing at Rossland Road Free Methodist Cburch, WIii- tby, Sunday, February 3rd, at il a.m. and 7 p.m. In the evening they will have com- As See Ut by Rev. R. H. James Whitby Free Methodist Church As we consider the attitude of societ>' concerning the man>' aspects of it, the attitude to be taken concerning the wrong door, the opinions are varied and màn>'., Is justice meted on by the iron hand of law and order? or is it completely vindicated by forgiveness and love? As J see it both have their rightful, justifiable place, both are necessar>' for direction for society and its well being. It appears to me that God bas given clearl>' the necessity of the state to bring an offender to justice by bringing him to justice b>' bringing him to court, paying a fine, or whatever the judge may deem applicable to the crime permitted, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, in other words one punishment for stealing a loaf of bread another for stealing an automo- bile.as Romans chapter 13 speaks of the importance of civil authorit>' by our law officers. Therefore as 1 see it, our law officers must be given every freedom to bring to justice offenders or the rilest criminals, whether it is "bugging" their telephone or whatever they deem advisable. Remem- ber that top criminals are smart, clever, witty people, who are wise at outwitting the law. The churches' position is to approach the offender not with condemnation, but a genial compassionate love and concemn, agreeing yes you have done wrong but somewhere we have aIl sinned. Let him know God's love and forgive- ness and that God is ready to forgive and will thé moment he asks and that God will filI bis beart and life witb His love. Throughout Gods word both positions are clear. plete charge of the evening service with variations in mu- sic, song etc. These men have been singing the Gospel for years. Your heart will be blessed as you bear these Annual Meetingo of Brooklin United Church Women "The Installation of Off- icers and Leaders for 1974 of the Brooklin United Chur- ch Women was held in the il AM Church service on Januar>' 13th. The new positions are as follows: President - Mrs. R. Hod- son, 2nd Vice President - Mrs. M. Miller, Recording Secretary - Mrs. R. Eckel, Corresponding Secretar>' - Miss E. Ormerod, Treasurer - Mrs. T. Kiveil, Unit Lead- ers -ABC -Mrs. E. Marshall, Dorcas - 'Mrs. R. Holman, Friendship - Mrs. G. Curi, Lend-a-Hand - Mrs. R. Hun- ter, Reliable - Mrs. W. Reid, Sunshine - Sheila' Maarse. The Annual meeting was held on January 1i4th. Mrs. E. Marshall and Mrs. J. Patter- son of the ABC Unit led the devotion. The business of programmes, budget and ac- tivities for the comiiig year was presided. over by the new President Mrs. R. Hod- son. The ABC Unit Provided the lu nch in the social hour. Februar>' il th is the next General UCW meeting. The Friendship Unit "Il be in charge of the devotion and lunch. An excellent coloured film will be shown. Title, "Frontier Hospital", M. J. Boylen Hospital," Bai Verte, Newfoundand.» St. Mark's Plan Winter 'Se minar The Christian Education Committee of St. Mark's Un- ited Church, Whitby, are pl- anning a series of Winter Se- minars similar to those held in previous years, and which were so favourabi>' received. Starting on Februar>' 3rd. and continuing until March 10tlh. the seminars wiIl be held *each Sunda>' morning from 9.30 until 10.30. Those registering will have the ch- oice of three topics: lntrod: ucing the Bible, which will be based on a series of tape presentations by Professor William Barclay: A Study of the Life of Jesus which will deal with some of the Bib- lical and modemn views of Je- sus: Audio Visuals whicli w. iii provide an opportunity to become acquainted with St. Mark's Visual resources and equiprnent and to learn how to use them. The slogan for these six momnings of fe- llowship and learning exper- iences is "Corne to Seminar, Sta>' for Church." Commencing also on Feb- ruar>' 3rd. special studies ap- plicable to the completion of work for the Religion in Li- fe Emblem will be offered to the girls and boys of the St. Mark's Guides and Brownies Scouts and Cubs. Unit 5 of the.U.C.W. will be sending eyeglasses to Nic- aragua, ini response to an ap- PASTER R.H. JAMES 9:45 a.m. il a.m. 7 p.m. Wed. 6 p.m. Wed. 7 p.m. Frî 8 p.m. Nursery servi( peal made by Rev; Eric Sni- der when he visited St. Mar- k's in November. Eye glasses in good condition are urgent- ly needed and are eagerly a- waited by people who have no other mneans of improvipg their sight, and who are thus prevented from participating in the Literary Programn. Ma- ny in tliis area have glasses no longer adequate for pers- onal use. These can be do- nated and help to meet this need. Glasses ma>' be left at the Church Office. INVITES YOU TO WORSHIP *----------Sunda>' Scbool Classes for ail ag- *-- -- -- -----Worship services - - - -- - Worship services Christian Youth Crusaders, Gr. 1-9 - Prayer and Bible Study -- -- -- Young People Meet Freemen Quartette singing at both ser- vices ices provided. Bus or car transportation, phone 579-3014 or 725-1280. A HEARTY WELCOME AWAJTS YOU'! men sing and give their test- imon>' of the love of Jesus witbin their hearts and [ives. Everyone is invited to corne, and we are confidenit that it wiIl be an evening that you will remember. Rev. R.H. James Whitby Free Methodist Church Your LI enemy, is the heart and blood vessel diseases IV... wiII live HEART*FUNDo This Group of volunteers of the Whitby Chapter of the Canadian HeQrt Fund are bus>' preparing for the Heart Month Campaign. An appeal wiIl be made to 8,000 Whitby homes and business concerns for assistance. Helping in the fight again~st Canada's No. 1 health problem are: seated, L-R: Mrs. J. Everett, Mrs. C. Gartshore, standing, L-R: Mrs. A. Welsh, Mrs. E. MacMillan, Mrs. G. Juby and Mrs. A. Minto. Faith RIkqMa 4(Yhg#ïrwi i 419 Brock Street North Whitby, Ontarlo Telephone (416) 668-2508 REV. MURRAY CLUGSTON SUNDAY SERVICES Pastor BIBLE SCHOOL - 9:45 a.m. WORSHIP SERVICE - 11:OOa.m. EVENING SERVICE- 6:52 p.m. BUS SERVICE PROVIDED NURSERY PROVIDED FOR ALL SERVICES T.V. Cable 6 TUESDAY: 1st & 3rd Sunday &of each month . [REV., MURRAY CLUGS TON - PASTO Pioneer girls and Christian Service Brigade ' Bible Study and Prayer Meeting 6:15 p.m. to 7:45 p.m. 8: 00 p.m. 0 Freeman Quartet f0 S.ng At Whitby Free Methodist

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