Vol. 3, No. 51 THURSDAY, CIRCLE TAXI 128 BROCK ST. N. WHITBY, ONT. 661146666 24 HRS. Let tus renient ber ivlte;t Jesus î'isitecl uvit/ t/te t'sva o sisters Mary czand iMartitu. Lt wus /Iar flua uv/o uorked liard I'o prepune Jesus a incai but it was Mary w/to uvas praised bccause she îook (i/lic fi)»'fèliisiip and tb visl witJe sues.AMay Gcd /te/p utef0leur t tis /esso/t. It lx t/te love, /ov, peace aitifci1c»wslip onc uvit/î ialter ivitlt Jestesintht/e nihist ofounrfatii/y jè//owvs/tip t/it briîîgs beaul» la aur Mferrv GCtristmtas a/nd a Happy Neuv Yeur. // V . . . . . . .. . hý 'î,FAMI LY RESTAUPAMIS WHITBV &OSHAWA DECEMBER 2Ot1h, 1973 1 ET CHRISTMAS MEDITATIONS by Rev. R.H. Jamlies Whithy Free Methodist Churcli On'e ut.aiiî the C'/îistnas seasoi lias rapidlv conte ()Il/»WIa'ius îhe Caroler/lias puit it Sool i à wl/i be (hitrîînas clui'. le u, o t J' /i</t('ts, /ook clithec L'its /tht/t ic> (otits ocasion aintosi 2, 000) vears ago. Titere wvas t/he muravclouls biriliof tt 6eunrJohn t/teeIlaptist ivh<se duiîv ivas torL'ail t/te People to repen tantee oJ si/I t0 preparL' iteir hecaris antdlives j6r tte eoning of Jesuis Christ. 7'here was t/te couirts/up o (f J<seplî and iMari', now eitgaged w/tei suddcnil v ho Josepit ir appcared tiat his siveciheart /îad becîz unffiijùob Iint, decenîtjul anîd in truc. Joseplhs'flne, c/ean, puirety, noble youth shawved up, as he decidcd to quiek/y break off' their engagement wvhen t/te angle to/l hlm t/tI hich is conceived within Mary lis bv the Ho/y Ghost. He then wvent ahead with t/te marriage. The birth of Jesus Christ takespl~ace quiet/y in the lit/le town of Bethlehem in a stable, the best the innkeeper had /eft because of the many peo ple already gathered to be levied with a tax. Shepherds quietly watched over their fiock when suddenly a hight shone round t/te/n and and angÉel pro- ckzimed "Fear notforbeholdi bringyou good tidiigs of great joy ivhich s/ta/i be ro ail peo ple. For unto you is bornit/lis day a Saviour w/îich is Christ the Lord. "Thte S/tep/tends iveni' 10 Jerusalem and wonshipped him. The wise nieut bnought theirgifts. Kinîg Henod, the exceller, c/hampion of se/fishness, jea/ousy, hatned, greed for poîven and a/i the evil that goes wvith it wou/d go fo any exc5ss to see his desires accomplis/ted. He passed the worst /aw eî'er known to4 unankind atid had a/i chi/dren tivo years and under kil/cc! throughotet Beth/uehain and surrounding urea ln an effort ta stop this 0one Jésus t/uat 1w feared miay take his place. After 2,000 vears, so niaitn, arecc/înpions ofgrecd, lîatred anîd scliit;ess. 1 jusî hearci of t/te 700t/î inunci- er ut Detroit, licliîia/îiu 1973. T/te spirit of evIfl is at wvork. Iet in t/te samete, or aît.v ot/ter conute/tity there are titose w/to tavec acce/Itecll/e /mtessage ol Jestîs eonii/g, -4e