M PAGE 8.THURSDAY, DECEMBER. 13, 1973,WHITBY FREE PRESS d . BWMHA MINOR ATGM HOUSE LEAGUE BROOKLIN WHITBY RIDER & TOOL MANUFAC- TURING NOVICE ALL STARS played an exhibition S league gamne against the Markham Club. Both clubs played exceptionally good hockey, as the scores indicate, and they both ended in a tie score. The first gamne was a 2 - 2 score with Paul Neumnan getting both B.W. goals. In the second gamne, it ended in a 4 - 4 tie. ieff Sinden and Richie Thompson getting two goals each. BROOKLIN WHITBY MITCHELL BROTHERS BU- ILDING SUPPLIES Minor Pee Wee played three gamnes this week two of which were in the Oshawa Kinsmen Toumnament. The first gamne this week was played against Port Hope in which they won by a 4 - 3 score. Art Johnson was credited with two goals with singles going to DarI Blacquiere and Charlie Meitner. In the Oshawa Tournament they came up against Thornhill in which they won by a 4 - 3 score. Charlie Meitner got two with singles going to Joey Van Der Linde and DarI Blacquiere. In the second gamne they were pitted against the Oshawa Major Bantams in which they were defeated by a 12 - 1 score with Mark Underwood getting the lone B.W. goal. BROORLIN WHITBY LAKE ONTARIO STEEL COMPANY MAJOR PEE WEE -played four games this week taking six of a possible eight points. In the first game they played their rival Club from Ajax in which they were defeated by a 5 - 1 score. Gilbert Nieuwendyk, and Nick Nosowenko getting two goals each with the single going to Jeff Flemning. ln the second gaine th ey met Bay Ridges tearn by 3 - '-. Gilbert Nieuwendyk, John Paul Agget and Keith Wilson doing the B.W. scoring. In the third gamne the B.W. club defeated Co- bourg by 5 - 0. Gilbert Nieuwendyk and Keith Wilson getting two goals a piece with Jamnie Tutak pickiiig up the single. They came up against a strong Markhamn Club in the fourth game in which they held the Markham club for two periods. There was nio score at the end of the first two periods of play. Markham came on strong in the third and possibly due to a couple of injuries, the B.W. boys came out on the good end of a 5 - 0 score. BROOKLIN WHITBY WHITBY MALL RESTAUR- AUNT AND TAVERN JUVENILES playéd a close game against Lindsay Juveniles in which they defeated the Lindsay club by a 3 - 2 score. Scoring for the B.W. club were Steve Sandford getting two with Jamnie Moore getting the single. BROOKLIN WHITBY AUDREY MOORE REALTOR MINOR BANTAMS played three gamnes in which they won two of the three. iThe first game they played against Bay Ridges they won by 6 - 4. Peter Foran picked up two goals with the singles going to Greg Tushingham, Paul Brown, Dale Sawyer and Rick Nieuwendyk. Scon- ing for the Bay Ridges Teamn were Chris Barton with two and singles going to Richard Franklin and Jin McGill. In the second gamne, played against Bowmanville, they were defeated by a 6 - 3 score. Bowmanville scor- ers were Don Farrow and Tim Buttonshaw getting two goals with Wayne Whitemnan and Scott Stevens getting singles. Paul Brown picked up two goals with Dale Sawyer getting the single. 'Me third gaine against the strong rivais Ajax, pnoved to be a real exciting gaine tor the fans. B.W. boys were able to defeat thein by a 6 - 4 score. Ajax pulled their goalie in the last minute of play to get the equalizer but B.W. fouled their chances as they scored in the empty net. Jamie Roach tallied for two goals while Paul Brown, John, Waddell, Rick Nieuwendyk ,ind Dale Sawyerot the sîiglesç . Ajx EXCLUSIVELY FROM SCA NDINA VIA * IFTWARE *CROSS COUNTRY SKIS Games Played on Decen BEAUPRES ESSO 4 Leo Beenen Paul McEachen Steve McGary DUFFS TOWING Kelvin Mask BOB HERON Danny Middleton nber 4th, 1973 4 DUNLOPS 2 Ian Porter 1 WHITBY AUTO WRECKERS 1 Dean Barry 1 MUNNS PRESS 0 SHUT OUT - BLAIR HUTCHINGS BWMHA PEE-WEE HOUSE LEAGUE Scores etc. for gaines played December 9th, 1973 DODD & SOUTER B. Gailey J. Atkinson MERCANTILE S. Steanl R. Gnady Jeff I)insmore Johni I)insmiore RED) WINGS E. l)erk B. Kirck TEAM McNamara Marine Kiwanis TC's Red Wings Mercantile Dodd & Souter GP 8 8 8 8 8 8 scores: David Snelling with two, Johnson getting the singles. 2 T.C.'s P. Heffer L. Ch izen E. Huinink 4 KIWANIS 2 R. Stacey J. Spnatt 4 MCNANMARA MARINE 5 3 R. Scero R. Bland 1). Foskett T. Rowland W L TCGF 6 1 1 37 4 2 2 54 4 2 2 35 3 3 2 42 2 5 1 27 1 7 0 20 GA 26 28 39 39 42 41 PTS 13 10 10 8 5 2 Kern Barry, and Robbie BROOKLIN WHITBY MCDONALD'S RESTAURANT MAJOR BANTAMS out scored the Markhamn Bantams by a score of 6 - 3. Dean Seymour fired in two goals with singles going to Lloyd Connors, Dave McWhirter, Dave Stocks and John Jordon. In Bowmanville the Big Mac's went down to a-3 - 2 score with Lloyd Connor and Dave Stocks getting the B.W. goals. The McDonald's have been accepted into three tounnaments so fan, Can AM in Guelph, Aurora, and Georgetown. The Can AM series is a round robin with total points deciding the winners. The first gamne is Dec. 26th at 5 p.m. against the Toronto Marlies. They wiIl also meet teams from Detroit, Chicago and San Diego, California, and teams fromn other Southern Ontario Areas. Whitby rGirls' Sports Assoc. '13-m'14 Hockey Scores In the first peniod of utes for cross-ch the Woodville-Whitby ga- No. 5, Bennice1 me, the scorers on the got 3 minutes for Woodville team were No. ing at 14:12. 16, Cheryl Argue assisted by No. 17, Linda Krax There was oni and No. 21, Joanne Lum- goal scored by the mands. The goal was team, in the thirý scored at fifteen seconds. No. 7, Fiona M1 For the Whitby teain anstdî at : goals wene by No. 9, Gail Rnala :7 Ravery assisted by No. 7, Woodviîîe recE Fiona McGregon at 5:22. pnlyi h r Agai at 5:0, No 9, Cheryl Argue, at Gail Ravery, sconed an- minutes for slashi othen goal assisted by No. the Whitby team, 7, Fiona McGregor and Undenwood receiv No. 10, Valenie Under- nalty, 3 minutes wood. ping, Mt 6: 00. In the second peniod The final sec No. 11, Janet Brown, of Woodville 1 and 't the Woodville team receiv- ed a 3 minute penalty for tripping. No. 6, Sandra Anderson, also of the Wo- odville team, received a 3 minute penalty for ro- ughing. The two penalties were at 7:30 and 14:12. Whitby also had pen- v alties. Valerie Underwood, at 45 seconds, got 2 min- 111111 à fflI COMPLETE SET FRON $55.OO complots Sauna Showroom On Vuow PRO-FINI IMPORIS 103 Dundas St. W., Whitby 668«-3874 hecking. Balsom, rrough- le more cWhitby -d period. [cGregor, 4, Julie ,ived a 1period - 11:25. 3 ng. For iValerie ved a pe- for trip- wre was, Vhitby 3. gliiimyNleifr E. LOMELAND who wl be at the CAROUSEL INN, Ajax, troin 2 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Tuesday, December l8th, Phone 942-5580. î ~db fi ilie, l17,,hsIl e 2 King St. W., Oshawa ox 980. Telephione: 5l New health insurance off ice serves district residents A new Ontario Health Insurance Plan office s now open to serve residents. physicians, and practîtioners in the following Counties: Dufferin Peel Halton Simcoe Muskoka York (excluding Ontario Metropolitan Toronto) The new Mississauga District Office is Iocated on the fifth floor. UNIVAC Building. 55 City Centre Drive, Mississauga. Mailing address: P.O. Box 7020 Mississauga L5A 3M1 (5DTel eph one: Ontario (416) 275-2730 Office hou rs: Ministry of 8:00 a.rm. to 4:30 p.m. Health Monday to Friday - mom t 6 it, , *.' t ', à . f 't 0. è. '", - P -ý ýýý Mwo