PAGE 16, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1973, WHITBY FREE PRESS UNIFORM SEPA RATES Thurs.ý'Friand Sat onîy 10%510Off At Your ext Part Pre-Christmas present f rom Chez At ou.Nxt aryIVLUniforme deslgned ta brighten 4 SPECIALI dyuray.. Gda Cheese <*ft In The Upper Mallp * Spicy, OIct sMedium and Mild 99~ MATERNITY WEAR DEPARTMEN' OPENING 300W, WATCH FOR ITEyr .p> C nt .4 * Open Mn.~ aond Towers L ~Fn -& Sat 9 arn Tony'S Delicatessen '.5Ti.7236221 7-8.Located in-The Bond Toweus Mail Tl.23 2i 'ntvIar pi - AtA Savlng ,,wp pr-eIl T t Of Over CA-'j ____ _Ni___OF_ **v, hR Ufl Rolleis new P37 autofocus is the idecl unit for prévote gr prot essional M n , 9use. Ifs f eotures, include: Remote-controlled stid. change forword and W7I 4 in reverse, push button slude change forword and ln revers, on the o Ul e~ sud.chaOr by topé control (with an accessory unit), plus, themodrnstyin thsB0-ulde copocity unit mokes it as much o-- -L a .?.r%-_é% Exert, GUSTON MAIE BOOTS ANI SHGES Shô'e Villaj ~hon Ta~r~ cli 723-8833- l he Perfect Gift for Mother So A UAique ~FA M 1LY aV~ ndu *RING ~Thoughful * //// ~PERSONAUIZED RING, $AC.- 0 Full Course Businessman 's 11 Lunch .7 intine's Restaurant / O.m. - 10 p.m. BOND .-m. TOWERS '72-3-9221 10pn MALLti s arstylrng ,showcz's Finest Shop s in Loneer Hlir Stvies. l N.L oy 10 look of. as if lB ta u»O. C.omplete win vrnecast oluminum ody, -U%-. - f o -- carrying -case, 80-cupacity troy will toe glass, cordboard or plastic P~je wjf& P r ,nount.d tildes. Colurinuf&lî,r C>oroex Acoepted MdmSye 44 Bond <St. W., C son'dPhotographia For ponmt et In'htorà l.i Eqipmut576-5771 *~s alt owutown 79.10 ~ Redken Products Used Ex AND WHILESpr Y OUR SHIOPPINGEif, a -m wuw am > w w a w- - r=a ENJOY A HOT WAFFLE AT * 4:.A fThe Oasis Bond Towers Mali Downtoi NOW OPEN WITH 18 STO<RES Alow 10-14 Otys Delivefv 1 Ž Y ;V ý * 4.>, fi p * 4->. '1,, ~ .Ait- anents )shciwo Cali Swecsr t tor winter,. hoiliday and cruise p We presqntly hove 0,w'lde seiection of 'colours and styles la nioke this your mnost elegont Chrsstmnos of OU Bond Tourîs Mali, Downtown, Tel. 576-7152 An E legant ,ND'IAN .RUGýI ';Pet'l x1" "Calcutta"'* Reg. 5 3919 NOW $25O OOt. 0f TMeats &"Salads * . *~. -~ ~ -~