WHITBY FREE PRESS, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1973, PAGE)¶1 REA WHITBY BEAUTY 4 Bedroom 2 storey, bath ensuite, broadloom through- out, attached garage, family room. This home bas to be seen to be appreciated. Asking price $52,500.00. Cali Doug Lamb 668-8865. We urgently need listings for homes, farms, vacant land and business properties. We are big enough to do a good selling job for you yet small enough that each transaction is given our personal attention. Cal Doug Lamb 668-8865. BUYING OR SELLING - CALL US TODAY! i.C/Pr.$i»ea jýe2 ea e Brock Street S., Whitby 668-8865 Toronto - 297-1270 1011 HOMES WANTED We require listings urgently and 1 guarantee you will be happy with the resuits of our personalized service. GRae R.JoîLes IS4Realty Limited 416 668-8897 Reaitor YOUR AD IN THIS SPACE, WILL BE SEEN BY 24,000 READERS PER WEEK! FOR SALE - Singer Touch and Sew, 3 years old. Only $59.00. Husquarna Sewing Centre 153 Simncoe St. S. Oshawa, Phone -579-0742- "ISNMACHINE REPAIES a ALL MAKES.e FuIIy Guaranteed - Free Estimates Clean oil and adjust IIUSOVARNA SEWING SCENTRE 153 Sinma Street South' 579-0742 APARTMENT to sublet (eight months left on lease). 1 bedroom, unfurnished, off Hwy. 2 near Dairy Queen. $167. including utilities, fri- dge & stove. Available im- mediately. Cali 668-2738 or 668-2575. eU» cablietv -no interterecel -no gbostnl '14 dear à , .flels -Commufl1eYpropammiflg -no anitenna required 4.95 per moftth first outlet 1.00 per month additional sets 9.95 Connectioflchage ,ALL NOW:. Whitby 668-9331 Oshawa 579-2232 Pine Ridge Cable T.V. Utd. ROSSLAND PLAZA, 500 Rossland Road W. Larry Metcalf Elsie Brennan jack Cooper Ross Harris Bette Morrison Jack Appleby Gamnet Ricard 655-4183 728-2210 728-0352 576-8336 576-3377 579-3750 Airt Brookser 723-4093 Uoyd lCkirosty 723-5829 Mlyd rna Mlte 66-8-49 Mya Anre 66y78-4956 MaAnlnehmpsof728-8701 Cla romptheet 728-326 Caaro er 668-4416 342 Emp orifum FRSALE - 1 playpen _______ (wooden, folding). $5.00, 1 '65 Doae4?door, $1 carbed $3.00, 1 baby lounge S2.00, 2 bighchairs (1 fold- transmission, few clui ing $5.00, 1 ordinary $2.00), buakes. $250.00c 1 crib (spring but no mattre- f e .P o e6 8 2 ss) $10.00, 1I used bed comp- ofr hn 6-2 lete witb spring & mattress j$10.00. Phone 655-4963. FOR SALE: 191 jAll very 8ood condition. Bel-Air 283 V8, au 1 -stock Triumph gas tank, good condition $25.00. 1 - Inglis Washer (spin dryer, excellent condition) only 2 years old $120.00. 1-19" black & white TV (Panasonic) good condition $60.00. 1-23" black & white TV bas UHF (Philco), floor model. Good condition (3 yrs. old) $100. 1-baby carniage (40-50 yrs. old) needs minor repairs $20. 1-dresser (40-50 yrs. old) double plate glass niirror on swîvel, needs refinishingt $30. uùndard atch, ne* or -bes ,07. '65 CheN iutosflatic 2 dooe, asking $25000. Ahi one vinyl davcnport $30.( Cali 668-8567 after 6:30 pai Shetland Sheepdog, sable, female. Registered. $135. Cali after 5 At 668-3820._ One registered 7/8 Arab- ian weanling colt for sale. Chestnut wth white blaze Excellent disposition and breeding. Asklng $40000 Cai 668-4368.. .. ESTATE SHOWCA SE__ à LV OE L EIE k HOWE IEALT0IR Owner Trans ferred. -before he moved in and bas to selI this new two storey brick with attached garage, three bedrooms, dining room, and bright kitchen. Cail 668-5853 for further particulars. 942 -8513 668-4592 2nd & 3rd MORTOAGE MONET AVAIL.ABLE *5 year t'-rrn *Ope" l.ortgogeS *No payment for three months *No bonuses *No c.recit checks *No inqu.ry from neighboursdei *Conifidentiol arrangements modei your homne *Borrow OS Icw as 51,600 *Fost*serv<.ct Cati Mr. Wilks 942-2611 (Lo,"col) 699-1121 (Toron to) i Free Press Emp rium >.dvortiss FREE in the. , FREE .PRESS EMPORI1UM, Puy ON LV when you SsII'Tho will not be any charge to private advertisers in the Whutby FREE PRESS. unless the advertised item is sold. When the advertised item is sold, you psy a commission based on the advertised price as illustrated below. Ail advertisemnfts m..;t be placed on an exclusive basis with the Wh;tby FR EE- PRESS. JRTS(if article is sold): 5% of advertised prico Up to, $400.00 2% of the balance over $400.00 e.g. Item sells for $50. - commission due - 4.50 (minimum commission is $1.00). Private advertising only! Please notify us if you f ind a retailer listed as a private advertiser. Please notify the Whitby Free' Press imfmediately when item is sold so that we may delete it from following issues. Services, help - wanted, clothing, real and personal message type ads con handled on a pro - paid basis. If in doubt cali: 668 -6767. Mail ail ads to: The Whitby Free Press I P.O. box 206, Whitby. only, be 668-5853 WHII*By 668-88 AN EXCELLENT BUY - WHITBY Beautifully decorated 2 bedroom bungalow, inciuding stove, fridge, and washing machine, completely broadloom- ed. Lower level bas beautiful family room and third bedroom extremely cozy and warni on a cold winter's night. Located in a good ares with large lot. Cail Mary Anne Murphy. VOUR CANADA PERMANENT REPRESENTATIVES ARE ,.nric Rias 6687162 'Ruth Atlan. 725-3614 Classilted Adv'ert"s* WHITBY - $48,900. 1 NOTîC~ TO READERS Value galore! New on the market, this 4 bedroom home bas broadloomn througbout, finished rec room, garage and paved drive, in ground pool plus equipmirnt, change bouse, tool shed and patio with buit-in B.B.Q. Cal Doris Boles. Evenings Cail: NOTICE TO READERS «r-- Là -..Ofer%-RAJ Aenager 668-4416 1 Tom mouston-nni 1