NOTICE 0F APPLICATION -to the Ontario Municipal Board by the Corporation of the Towvn of Whitby for approval of a bylaw to regulate land use passed pursuant ta Section 36 of the Planning Act. TAI(E NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation ai the Town of Whitby Intends ta apply ta the Ontario Municipal Board pursuant ta the provisions of<ý ection 35 of the Planning Act for approval of Bylaw 1028-73 passed an the 13th day of August, 1973. A copy of the Bylaw is furnished herewith. "A note giv ing an explanatian of the purpose and effect of the Oylaw and stating the lands ai fected thereby is also iurnished herevvith". ,.ny persan intertested may, vwithin, faurteen (14) days af ter the date of this notice, send by registered mail or deliver ta the Clerk of the Town of Whitby notice af his objection ta appraval of the said Bylaw together with a statement of the grounds of such. objection. The Ontario Municipal Board may approve af the said Bylaw but bofore doing sa it mnay appoint a time and place when any objectiap ta, the Bylaw will be considered. Notice of any hearing that mnay be held will be given anly ta persans wha have lai t with or delivered ta the Clerk undersigned, the address ta which-notice of hearing is ta be sent. The last date for f iling. objections will be the th day of Navember, 1973. DATED at the Tawn of Whilby this 25th day of Octaber 1973. Wm. H. Waillace, A. M. C. T., CLERK, 405 Dundas Street West, Wbtby, Ontario. THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN Or- WHITBY BY. LAW NUMRER 1028-73 BtEING A BY. LAW TO AMENO ZONING BY-LAW NUMBER 1784 (AS AMENDED) WHEREAS the Corporation of the Town ai Whitby deems It advisable toa amend By-law Numnber 1784, as amnended. NOW THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED AND IT IS HEREBY ENACTED as a by-Iaw ai the Corporation ai the Town' oi Whitby by the Council thereof as iollows: 1. That Section 7 b. and is hereby rapealed and replaced by the falldw-ing: "7.01) (ii) (iV (Y>) (vil) (viii) (lx) (xA (xi) HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL ZONE (2> USES PERMMTED. No porian shaîl Wlthin any C2 Zone use any lot or erect, alter or use any building or structura for any purposa except ana or mare ai the iollowing C2 uses, namaîly: (a) Rsdnilua prohibited (b> Non-Residential Uses a hotal a motel a motor vehicle sales «si4blishmeflt drlive-in retail stores a retail nursery a par king lot a public garage (2> ZONE PROVISIONS Notwithstandi'Ig the provisions oi Section 4 (d), na persan shaîl within eny C2 Zone use any lot or erect, alter or use any building or structure except in accordance Wlth the iollowing provisions* Lot Aiea minishum 2 maes Lot F rontage Minimum 200 feet Lot Depth Minimum 200 feet Lot Coverae Minimum' 40% of the lot ores Front Yard Minimum 35 lest Rear Yard Minimum 25 feet Exterior Sida Yard Minimum 35 feet Interior Sida Yard Minimum 25 lest Landscaped Open Sace Minimum 10% ai the lot area Height ai Building Maximum 35 feet Property Abutting a Residential or Greenbelt Zone Where the front, sida or rMr lot Uine abuts a Residential or Greenblt Zone, planting $trips adjoining such abutting lot lines; or portion thereaf. shail be providaed wth the C2 Zone, in accordafice with the following: (a) ~ W WDTH- Whera a planting strip is required il shaîl b. a minimum width >of 10 f aet, unless otherwise provided haremn. (b> CONTENTS Where in this by-law a planting strip is requlred on a lot, such lot shall ot b. used for any use otherwlse permitted by this by-law, end no, build- inçI "Ial b. occupiad unlessend until a plantl ng. strip -shaîl consist ai a row af trees ona continuous unpierced hedgerow of evergreens of ibruba, flot lms than. 5 leest igh, immnediately adjacent . to the lot line -or portion thereaf along which such planting strlp is required hereunder, the remainder of ýtha strip shal b. plaintedvWlth shrubs, f lower bedsor combination tliereof. (c> -LOCATION AN MAINTENANCE A planting strip ýshaîl be located the zone requlring ht. It shail b. pli end mintand by the0wn.r«an,8 Slots wlthin tad, nurtured SKATING CHNAMPIO0NS-HEABLINE. tee Capades has presentedth talents of many of the Japanese-Canadian skater. world's top skaters throughout its 34-year history, and this Don't miss this year's exciting new show. year is no exception. These championship performers are You'll see her do a coquettish routine with thç sailor boys. one ôf the main factos in the continuing popularity of the T'hen float into the kind of *ii'erpretivebaltstight one of the main factors in the continuing popularity of the has dazzled audiences everywhere. We then bring out the ice extravaganza, which opens at Maple Leaf Gardens for a vamp in Miss Starbuck to t he strains of "I'd Love" to Get ten show engagemient from Tuesday, November l3th You on a S low Boat ta China." And finally, to show you through Sunday, November l8th. that she bas talents yet untapped, she tap dances. Right Headlining our cast of Championship skaters is the, 1973 there on the ice. With her "tap skates" on. World Champion, Karen Magnussen. Karen, one of the Ken Shelley. is' something of a soloist himself. "Some- most accomplished and innovative athletes inthe anmhs of thing',1 enough to have captured theë U.S. Men's Figure most accomplished and innovative athletes in the annais Skating Championship and to become the only skater in of figure skating, was five times Canadian Champion ... 1971 modem historytoocuytw ostons. in figrsktn North American Champion ... 1972 Olympie Silver Medal- on the U.S. Olympie team. His skating is strong, bold, ist ... and winner of ail three gold medals at the 1972 visual. And, as the dashing prince in "GYPSY MAGIC," he World Competition in Bratislava, Czechoslovakia. Now leaves an audience gasping. As only he can. Karen will give Ice Capades audiences an opportunity ta Together, Jo Jo and Ken are the most aeclaimed pairs marvel at the grace and vivaeity that made her the sweet- team in professional skating. T heirî extraordinary talents are heart of ail Canada, and of ail the world. displayed twice in this year's production.. First, as the Retumning for thefr second starring seasons are two of special stars of "THE GOLDEN HAMBURGERCAPER," the most charismatic figures on ice. World Bronze they skate ta a medley of songs made famous by the Medalists and three-times U.S. Pair Champions'Jo Jo Star- Carpenters. They return to the sounds of gospel, jazz and buck and Ken Shelley are two young.people aut audiences blues and rock inthe hand-clapping, glory-filled produc- can't seemi to get enough of. Their special talents are tions, "SOULRHYTHM-B LUES." highlights of four major production numbers in the all-new Anna Galmarini is only 4* 9'1%tait, but her talent knows Ice Capades. no bounds. At 17, she was a member of the Italian' I the rollicking, eampy number calied "SHIP-A-HOY" Olympie team. In 1965, she won the World's Professional Jo Jo presents a stunning display of solor skating virtuosity. Ladies Championship. Anna's skating- is inseparable from Sashi's vibrant performances have eamed him a weil- her music as she moves with it, interprets it, makes it a part deserved" reputation as a powerfui skçater and dynamie of her. As the princess in "GYPSY MAGIC," she puts an entertainier. Sashi also appears in "IMAGES AND PHASES" emotional edge on the ice that almost makes it melt. In in a piece of futuristic skating ta the music fromn "2001" 6"THE SEASONS," she is the warmth of Summer, perform- Other exeiting talents in the ali-new tce Capades includes ing ta, a speesal piece by James Harbert. the breath-taking adagio team of Peter Gardon and Babr "THE SEASONS" also bring you April ini the Orient. Wilson; acrobatie skating star David Sadieir, the new team And the Orient can only' mean Japanese champion Sashi of Susan and Reid and Sarah Kawahara the beautiful Kuchilki. Now in his 1 2th season with Ice Capades, Brooklîn hIe Brookiin Horticuitur- ai' Society 'held 'its regular monthly meeting on Wednes- day, October 24th with gue- sts -from Bowmanville and Oshawa present. The guest speaker for the evening was Ray Halward, chief propagator at the Ray- ai Bottanîcai Gardens, Ham- WHITBY FREE PRESS, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 191b, PAGE 9 Morticultural -Society cuttings and, how he Prop- agated'cuttià gs under lights. Mr. Halward brought seeds of some1 rarer varieties of bushes and, trees and gave them out ta be grown lac- aliy. Hie answered many questions from the audience on propagation. A late Mum show was ilton. He showed the tech- heid in conjunctîon witn the niques ha uses when takiîng meeting showing quite a bea- (d) DRIVEWAYS In ail cass wWe e and egress ârsvewys .*xtend through a planting strip, it shah be par- missibleta interrupt the strlp within 10 leet the edge af such drivewaly. (e> LANOSCAEO OPEN SPACrE A plantir.g strip referred ta in this subsectian may form part of any required Iandscaped openispace. (xii> Pprking, Acoessory Building, etc. in accordance with the provisions of Section 4. (xiii> Any development must b. in accordance with an approved - site plan. (xiv) Whera any lot can b. davelapedin association vvith adjoin- lng properties and with comman access the ioregaoing prov- isions oi Section 7 (2) fi ta xii> shalil fot a5pl." 2. The pravisions ai Schedule "A" relating ta C2 (Highway Commercial> Zones be and are heraby repealed. 3. This by-law shall cama inta force on the date it is passed by the Council' ai the Town ai Whitby subject ta the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board. BY-LAW READ A FIRST. SECONU AN~D THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSIEO THIS 13TH DAY 0F AUGUST. A.D. 1973. W..Wallace (Cl' DG. Newman (Mayar' EXPLANATORY NOTE pURpO)SE AND EFFECT 0F BY-LAw.NUMBER, 1028-73 THE PURPOSE AND EFFECT 0F BY-LAW 1028-73 IS TO AMEND THE REGULATIONS FOR (C2) HIGHWAYi COMMER- CIAL ZONES IN"THE AREA COVERED bY ZONING BY-LAW NUMBER 1784.. AU.. MATERIAI- FILEO CONCIERNING-TItIS BY-LAW IS ONý FiLV ANO OPEN FRPBI INSPECTION AT THIE 8ROOK- UN ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE«. 14 CHURCH STREET, BR- 00K LIN, ONTARIOA utiful array of fait flowering blooms and arrangements. 1974 Membership cards, are now available and quite a few memberships bave al- ready been issued. The committee is finaliz- ing plans for the Annuai A- wards night dinner in Nov. The Brooklmn Horticuitur- ai Society is hosting a new show on Cabie 6 called ."The Ne-w Leaf" ta debut this Ibursday at 7:00 p.m.' The tapie of« the first show will be on Butchart Gardens. Fu- tre tapies iii November will be: Spring Flowering Bulbs, Brooklin Societies 35th An- niversary, Fail Tree Planting, Growing Under Lights. The Society will need the support and interest of many viewers ta make this pro- gm a suceess. 664 Forest Firos In Canada During Septombor OTITAWA - The Canadian Forestry Service recorded a total of 664 forest fires, af- fecting 44,000 acres of the country's forest land durmng the month of September. The figures for the cor- responding period last year were 379 lires and 9,000 acres. Average figures for the month of September, across Canada, during the past de- cade are 466 fires affeeting, The repart brings the sea- son's total of forest fires ini Canada (beginning ini April) ta 7,286 fires over 2,97 1,000 acres. Corresponding figures for the 1972 season were 7,835 fires and 1,272,000 acres. These statisties are camp- iled monthly by the Forest Fire Research Institute of the Canadian Forestry Service. ATTvENTION FARMERIIE -WHY PAT MOR>E? SAVEONsu "onESeal FE D l I outLOF 0o11C1 WMIIBYC -p j e