CIRCLE TAXI 128 BROCK ST. N. WHITBY, ONT. 6641-6666 24 HRS. Vol. 3.,N 39 10 CENTS THIJRSDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1973. ONT3ARIO LADIES CO)LLEGE CO)MME NCEMENT The Ontario Ladies Coilege Secondary Schooi Graduates are from ieft to right: back row, Patricia Armitage, Mispah Cargili, Susan Elliot, Ross Fairty, Irma Hall; A bevy of beautiful graduates adorned the stage in the concert ball of the Ontario Ladies' Coilege, Friday, September 1 4th for their annuai commencement and graduation. Dr. John B. Davies, Chairman of the Board presided. Dr. Reginald C. Davis, principal of the Coliege, congrat- uiated ail the graduates for their fine achievement. He gave a very instructive taik on 'Education is why we are here,' and presented the Honour Graduates with their dipiomas. Mrs. Dorothy Perry, Dean of the Coilege, gave the middle row, Jennifer Harvey, Rose Ann Key, Lok - Ping Thomnson, Catherine Umphrey and iaynie Yang. Lee, Sharon Lunn;, front row, Linda Pascoe, Lilian Shek, Darneli Smith, Cindy Taylor, Katherine Thomson, Ann Investive Prayer, and presented the secondary schooi graduates with their diplomas. Mr. Brian Winter, O.L.C. Historian - guest speaker, spoke on 'Centenniai Preview' and was much enjoyed by ail present when he revealed some of bis findings in the historical memoirs of 0. L.C. The Vaiedictory was given by Miss Susan Graham, who won five awards and a, schoiarship and received an Honour Graduation Diploma. Ma,,yor Des Newman spoke on our growing Canada, especiaily Whitby, and astounded his audience with some of tîhe facts he presented. "The future seems to be the Free Press Photo password these days." The Graduates were in formai dress, wearing red rose corsages presented by the College. The O.L.C. wiii be celebrating their IOOth anniversary next year, as the college was officialiy opened Sept'ember 3, 187-4, by Lord Dufferin, the Governor General of Canada. Whitby Archivist and O.L.C. Historianl Brian Winter is compieting a book on the history of the Coliege and hlopes to have it completed in the near future. Mr. Winter bas been working on titis book silice 1969. SEE PAGE 4 F AMI L Y R ESTAURANTS L WIITBY & OSHAWA1