&GE 6, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1973, WHITBY FREE PRESS BgIRD'S k"»»EVE view hkyi J. 0,011 Remmbo.r Whonl It isn't really fair writing a column like this because statisties show that haîf this country is under 25 years of age'and this column exeludes those people because they won't remember much about what follows. I took a marvellous trip down memory lane the other night and the ren'arkable thing about it is the wboie tbing was courtesy of my television set. Why is that so strange? Welî, because the trip was back to tbe golden days of radio when Fîbber McGee lives at Wistful Vista. Why did W. have to be the medium of television that brought those wonderful memories of radio? Hlgh food prices, strikes and building costs that almost probibit buying a bouse tend to turn us off the present and we look Iongingly to the past when it seems there were happierdays. During those periods we were faced witb almost as many problenis as we' have today but the magic of radio helped us forget momentarily. I say the magie because radio let you draw your own mental picture of what was happening. Oniy the sound was provided. Now maybe that doesn't make sense to the younger generation but just consider television for a minute. Television gives you the wbole works, picture, sound and the mood. But it may not be the mood or the scene as you woul d have pictured it. That's important because very few of us visualize the same scene the saine way but with radio we can ail see the seene of program ini our own individualistic way. -In the days of radio we structured our lives so we could be free to listen to the programs that captured our imaginations and briefly entertained us. As a kid I can remember looking forward to Fibber McGee and LILTA Molly. And ail during the program 1 waited with anticipation for Fibber McGee to forget and careiessiy open bis cioset door. If you remember the programn tben you could iîever forget that cioset filled with everything under the suni. Those were also the days of the Great Guiidersleeves and Titus Moodie; As for Fibber McGee he got bis tiame because he was such a bender of the truth. Fibber bad a plan for everytbing that went wrong and usuaiiy after impiementing his plan things were worse. Even changing a fuse of fixing a broken screen door hinge were major catastrophies. How about the great long lasting feud between Fred Allan and Jack Benny? What started out as an 'in' joke wound up to be a public bickering contest'much to the delight of thousands of fans of both comedians. Jack Benny was one of the Iucky ones. He nmade the successful transition from radio to television. Mary Livingstone and Rochester remained am pleasant memories of the radio days. It took Jack Benny 20 years to get froin age 30 to 39. That's where he stopped, he neyer made it past 39. even thougli he's still going strong today and just as tight as ever. Another of those golden day"favourites was Amnos and Andy. Those two guys made Sançlford and Son* look like a couple of duffers when it camne to getting into predicaments. They seldomn got out of them ' and those of us who remember loved the whole mes week after week. One of the absolute best comedy teams was George Burns and Gracie Allen. As Burns and Allen they were the perfect pair of comedienne and straight man. To Gracie everything was crystal clear but George was lucky if he got the time of day from Gracie without a five star explanation. Sure I like television and I guess 1 watcb a lot of it but I wonder ... will the television progranis I'm watching today stand out in my rnid 25 years from now as those wonderful radio progranis 1 still remember froni the 40's and eauly 50"s. Somehow, 1 tbînk flot. G o ci n C on t re - N u rs l s m RDEN Lands«ape otot 4 WERYICE PHON! 655-3331 SERVLNG OSHAWA & DISTRICT 'oi s 103 WSOK S0U11 wrmi - Omosa. isa0 NOTICE CLOSING SALE 0F PERRY AND ASH STREETS Take notice that the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Whflby intends to pass a by - law for the stopping - up and closing and also to authorize the sale of Perry and Ash Streets Iying north of the Canadian Pacifie Rigilway right --_ of - way in Part of Lot 26, Concession 2, as shown on Perry's Plan east of Brock Street in the Town of Wbitby. 'The subjeeçt streets are designated as follows: 1 . Perry Street is designated as Part 1 on a Plan deposited in the Registry Office for the Registry Div- ision of the County of 'Ontario as 40R - 1163. 2. Ash Street' is designated aàs Parts 2 and 3, on a plan deposited in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of the County of Ontario as 40R - 1163. And further take notice that on Wednesday, September 26th, 1973, at the hour of 2:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Town of Whitby, a Committee of the Council will hear in person or by his Counsel, Solicitor or Agent, any person who claims that his land wiIi be prejudieiaUly affeeted by the said By - law. Dated at the Town of Whitby, this 23rd day of August, A.D., 1973. Wm. H. Wallace, A.M.C.T., CLERK 405 Dundas Street West, Whitby, Ontario. Aug. 23, 30, Sept.- 6, 13. PIZZA ZZIP FOR FREE DELIVERY IN TOWN CALL: 668-6495, OR 668M.9909 106 BYRON 'ST. Su, WHITIBY Pkzuip w0lbe gWivi at the lot of each month 3 duiwm, ewry mth to sosie Iucky 2*d prize $00 3rd prize $2000 Everyone couid be a Winnr (Please mail coupon separately to Pizzazip, 106 Byron St. S., Whitby, Ont.) During Friday and Saturday, if lines are busy, please catI again. For best resuits dial 668 - 9909.