Whitby Free Press, 13 Sep 1973, p. 11

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COURT REPORT IIITIIY FREEi PRESS, IIUJRSDAY, SEPTEMUER 13, 1973, PAGE 11 F8-6111 Ci-a ssjfied Advertising T'O REFUST BRi;ATH TEST SHOWS LACK QI"CO OPERATION "'lite refusai to blow inidicates a lack of coe operation; that is one ofthelt serious aspects or failing to give a samiple or breath for tcsting purposes whcn ftie Officer m-akcsý the request. As titis is a first offence tlie Court givcs soine considerat- ion but if' it had been a second or third offence or appearancc in the Court on charges; there would havc boeen no consideration given to you at ail," Provincial Court Judge F.W. Jermiyn told Gary James *Simpson, 20, of' 31 Orchiard Park Drive, West Hlill. 'nie youth was fined $200. or 20 days in jail on the charge of driving while Iiis ability was' impaired by alcohol. Hie was rincd $100. or 10 days in jail consecutive to prcvious sentence, on te charge of failing to give a breath sanple, "t'ailing to bIow,"' for test purposes. [lis. driver's license wvas suspended for six nionthis on each charge 'save and except lie may drive during the course ofecrployment.' Mr. Simpson pleaded guilty to botlt charges. DONT DRINK, JUDGE ADVISES "Don't- drive and don't drink," Provincial Court Judgc Fi.W. Jerniyn told Alexander Wood, 43, of Scarborough. 'lle snall engine iniechanie, self - employed, wvas rined $200. or 20 days in jail on the charge of fadling to give a breatî sanplc. On thec charge of' driving w~hile his ability wvas imtpaircd by alcohiol lic wvas fincd $ 100. or 10 days in jail. 'lTe jail ternis arc consecutive. On botît charges Mr. Wood's iccnse is suspenided for six monthis eachi. Mr. Wood made a request for a restricted drivcr's license and tinie to pay for Iiis fine. Hie is permîttcd to drive during the liours of' six in tite morning'and ciglit in the evening six days a weck during tihe course of Iis work. But he cannot drive on Sundays or aftcr eiglit parn. cacît niglit during thte weck. Hie as given 30 days in-Which to pay itis fine, a total of $300. "You have to have sorne restriction in regards to your driving. Don't drive wlien you have taken a drink; better still, don't drink," Judgc Jermyn told Mr. Wood. BROTHIER TRIES TO TAKI: BLAME BUT IS FINIiD Wayne Barry Russell, 28, of I'inclt Avenue, Pickering Town- ship was fincd $50. or 10 days in jail on the chtarge of obstructing a Police Officer. Mr. Russell pleaded guilty to the charge. Pickering Township Police Officer Madili was invcstigating an accident on Finch Avenue. When lite wanted information as to wlto the driver ot the car was Wayne Russell said lte was the driver. The one car accident occurcd on August 28th and the next daý two Russell men went to the Pickcring Township Police Station. There it was lcarned tîtat Robert Jospehi Russell, 22, was tîte driver of the car at the time of thic accident. Wayne told the Police that his brother didn't have a driver's license and- because an unliccnsed driver was in con trol of thic car at the time of the accident, Wayne told tlte Police that he felt the Insurance C'ompany wouldn't pay for the damage. 1tf it wvas knowvn that the driver did not have a license. Fie said lie was the driver at the time the car collided with the telephone pole wltcn actually it was his brother Robert who was driving the car, ('rown Attorney Bruce Affieck told the Court. Robert was driving the car out of the driveway at Finch Avenue. He backed the car out of the driveway, accelerated, and tîte car wcnt out of' control and struck a telephone pole tîtat is located near the Russell driveway. Fie left the scene and Iis brother Wayne was present whien the Pickering Township Police arrived to investigate the accident. Robert was fincd $20. or 4 days in jail on the charge of failing to have a driver's license. Fie was fined $50. or 10 daes On May 31lst, about 1: 15 p.m., the accused got into his brothcr's car parkcd at a 'Plaza. Fie jumped into the car with a group of his friends and drove thcm around the block. On Chipmunk Street the car was travelling at a rapid rate of speed and swcrving. During a moerve a 13 year - old girl teil from the car. She receivcd a laccrated arm and cuts to lier left knee; Wlcn told by the others in the car that thic girl had fallen off' the ca Racioppo didn't stop. Some or the group told him to stop as some one had failen out. Fie rcplied, "So wlîat, that is not my problem." Fie told the Pickering Police titat Pamn Gail had been sitting on the trunk of the car, when sue f1eli off tltc car. Refore starting up ho said lte lîad asked Pam to get down. She didn't and ho didn't in.sist. AI'ter tlic girl Znd. NORTOAGE MONEY e.5 VEAR TERM OPEN MORTGAGES *NO BONUSES *NO GREDIT CHECKS *NO INQUIRY 0F NEIGHBOURS *CONFIDENTIAL ARRANGEMENTS MADE IN VOL/R OW HOME B ORROW AS LITTLE AS $1,600 *FAST SERVICE CALL Mr. WWcks 942-2611 or 699-1121 Toronto r faiml aIs 'u. 419 Brock Street North ' Whitby, Ontario I PASTOR MUR RAY CLUGSTON On September 1 6th, Sun- day evening service will be taped for repiay on Cabie 8, from 9 to 10 p.m. There wili be outstanding music from those at Faith and Pastor Murray alupton wili bring the message. Services wi be taped the 3rd Sunday of every month until January j Sept. 6 & 13. BUSES MENI Yeu've dans whhwlvm l a - CALa Pm HULP NOWM TEMPORAJ S TAFF R. B. SHORT, Phm.B. W. J. BURGESS, Phm.B., B.S.P. PRESCRIPTIONS- SHORTS PHARMACY eLTD. BROOKLIN '655-3301 ONT. ?LAM Non MWALE AND FEMALE IIELP WANTED IWanted Immediately: 2 ambitious people (men or women) to sei advertising (by telephone or personal 'contact) for an expanding local newspaper. Experience desirable, but flot necesann Salary_ open. ý Cali Mr. Burgess at 668-6767, o 668-6700 after five. full off' the trunk of the car he continued to drive around thec block back to the plaza parking lot. Racioppo had no drivcr's license at fihe time of tlic incident and his driving privieges are suspended for six mon ths. LOST MALE ND FMALE LOST: White Samoyed'pup HEL WNTE ~ named Sam. Area of Henry an d Dunlop Streets. Mike's dog. Reward. 668 - 2498. MAKE EASY$* Easy to soif pantyhose. Also socks for the entire family, briefs or bikini panties. tights, etc. Free instruc. tions end' color catalogue. Write todav: 10,383 Iff>rt- StrotW59 Montreal North 459, QueW* F0 R,.aý Antique dishes, bedding, ele- ctric, heater, crock, garden hose, drapes, pots, doilies, many more items. 725- 8645. Black Kitten. Maie, 8 weeks. Free to a good home. 408 Byron Street S., Apt. 2, Whitby, after 12:00 noon. BARGAIN IN TOWN~ 15, WORDS FR$1 SM A[ANCE MAIL TO;o WHUTBY FREE PRESS BOX 206, WHITBY Acnowtedpasnntsor r.c.ts are'nots ent ini e c. t. cfuQu. or moswy ofoors. Cash sonIttwiouh the. ail as at the advtiusri*. NAME .................................. ADDRESS .............................. P.0. ........................ PHONE.NO............... The mo eiu tonUruN ostPARI la CARPET and ýî FURNITURE ualn commendal No ~ and thea N No ookResearch '-.,NOsokng DUR, NO. scrubbing UPHOL Furnishingi bock in same day! Duraclean' >668-n8 '165<' 1is the professianal clean. id that has earned ilie tion of Parents' Magazine. approval of the Americaii & Testing Laboratories. tACLEAN RUG & ýLSTERY,.CLEANERS WHif1Tay .**'~'~'"~' .-"~.. -.-~-'~.'-..........-. & a Lai

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