Whitby Free Press, 30 Aug 1973, p. 8

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PAGE 8, TH URSDAY, AUGUST 30, 1973, WH ITBY FR EE PRESS MONTREAL Hlave you ever thoughit of spendinig a week or two in this predomiuently French - speaking mnetropolis? Most likely uîot. This wvas my first reaction wheiu the'question was hurled at nie. But after having made several trips to Montreal, I'd think twice before saying no. It seems to me, mauîy people in Ontario carry the wrong idea about our French - speaking friends in Quebec. We bave been told, with some justification, that Quebecers are hostile towards English - speakiug Canad- ians and for tluat matter, towards everyone that hasn't mastered the cultural language. This notion, 1 have found out, is uîot quite true. Perbaps, because I'm flot an Anglo - Saxon. It is true, however, that a few years ago the nationalistic ideas were more prouîounced. Sonie incide- nts we re reported wbere Torontonians were refused - because they did not order their cup of coffee in French. CDC- WeilI, those are bygone days. Quebecers start to understand the importance of English - speaking guests, wlo happen to be also good custonmers in lhotels, restaurants and bars. Onîe cannot ignore the dollar sigius - a rather universal way of cummnications bctweeu nations of different cultural backgrounds. Recently, l'm glad to report, I re - discovered Monitreal. (Editor's ilote: Alex Kaluins lived ini Montreal for almost three years before making Ontario bis permanent' residence.) Over the years, mon - cite bias gained ain international reputation. First, it was Expo '67, niow the forthcomîing Olynmpie Gaines. Apart froin ail blockbusters, Montreal lias that unique 'charni wbich caiî be found only on the other side of the Atlanîtic. I amn particularly impressed with the Old Monitreal and the Gothic buildings that have managed to escape the wrecker's haminer. Though, it wou't be very long before the wlhole city will start to look like Brasilia. (The latter is one of the most modern cities in South America). When in Montreal, follow the French - speaking crowd. They know the best nightclubs, shops and entertaininent palaces. Allow .plenty of turne for sight- seeing aud dou't forget that Mouitreal thrives on cultural activities. For best information, you can rely on two English language newspapers, The Montreal Star and the Gazette. TV NETWORK NOTES$ The Stratford Murder Mystcry is the main sketch in the first of four uew - season Wayne and ¶uuster Comedy Specials to be telecast Sunday, September 23, 9 - 10 p.m. Viewcrs will sec an exact replica of the famnous Stratford Festival thrust stage - setting for the 4'murders' in the W & S spoof. Roy Kellar of CBC's scenic design departinent went to Stratford, took some pbotdgraphs and ineasuremeuts, came back to do his stuff in duplicating the Festival Theatre stage. Carpenters built the set, moved it into Studio 7 for the W & S taping a few days later. Thc look is the saine, but the cost of construction was much, much less - thanks to the ingenuity of the designer, the carpenters, aund a good supply of canvas, plywood and gobs of paint. Diana Leblanc plays a blind woinan, Michael J. Reynolds is cast as her husband in Lightcn My Darkness, a script by Charles Israel, currently filming on location in Toronto, under the direction of Grahamn Parker. The one - hour draina will be telecast on the nctwork as part of the -CBC Draina '73 series this faîl. Other principals in the cast: Rutb Springford, Robert Warner, Frances Gunu and Leslie Carlson. Story begins with a corneal transplant operation to restore the sight of the wife, who bas been blind froin birth. Gwen Neigbbour, who plays Granny Slauders in CBC - TV's Country Roads (summer replacement for the Tommy Flunter Sow), got the part ini an unusual way. Recommeuded to Country Roads produicer Bill Lynu by CBC - TV variety producer Ray McConncll, who had scen ber in a Toronto nigbtclub revue, Gwen created the rote from a script, assuiming a new voice, hair style and facial expressions to match the scripted character Granny. She then phoned Lynn and spoke to hum 'in character' as Granny Slanders. Lynn was delighted and Gwen was bired. In the list of CBC - TV's 'top ten' Canadian - produced shows this summer, Gallery (wbich was seeiî Saturdays at 10:30) placcd cighth, witb I1,142,00 vicwers according to latest BBM ratings based on July 9 - 22 pcriod. This faîl, starting October 10, five Gallery repeats froin the summer bave been scbedufled on Wcdncsdays at 10 p.m., starting with Ruuî For Your Life! - a wild horse roundup, filmed in the Big Horn area of the Alberta Foothilîs by a CBC Edmonton crew and producer Jack Emack. Gallery's executive producer, Samn Levene. Series producer, David Pears. Dates of the other four repeats are October 24th and 31 st, and November 7tb and l4th. In Papua, New Guinea for a month are cameraman Rudy Kovanic, sonudmnan David Brown and Nancy Archibald, elecutive producer of CBC - TV's The Nature of -Things. The three left early thisunonth. for the Mendi Valley, where Miss Archibald will direct au anthropological film study of a primitive tribe living ini the area. The hour - long special is slated for telecast in the 1974 - 75 season (not this current season), as one of thec science documentary series 'Vanishîing People' episodes. The Nature of Things debuts thïs season on November. 12, at 10 p.m. with a filin study of a puffini colony on Great Island in the North Atlantic, entitled Puffins, Predators and Pirates. The new season will also incîlude somne one - hour specials: The Club of Rome (about an organization of financiers, scientists, politicians, etc. froin around the world who share a common concern for the earth's environinent, anud the delicately balanced 'World System'ý, scheduled Dec. 3, and The Cree (working title) another in the Vanishing People sub - séries, for telecast in April, 1974. Now on a brief hiatus, cast and crew of Delilah, the haif - hour situation comiedy séries due to debut NOTICE CLOSING SALE 0F PERRY AND ASH STREETS Take notice that the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Whitby intends to pass a by - law for the stopping - up and closing and also to authorize the sale of Perry and Ash Streets lying north of the Canladian Pacific Railway right - of - way in Part of Lot 26, Concession 2, as showuî on Perry's Plan east of Brock Street in the Town of Whitby. The subject streets are dcsignated as follows: 1 ) Perry Street is dcsignated as Part 1 on a Pla n deposited ini the Registry Office for the Registry Division of the Cotinty of Ontario as 40R - Il163. 2) Ash Street is designatcd as Parts 2 and 3, on a plan deposited ini the Registry Office for the Rcgistry Division of the County of Ontario as 40R - 1163. And further take notice that on Wedncsday, Septemiber 26th, 1973, at the hoLur of' 2:00 p.m. ini the Couincil Chambers of the Town of Whitby, a Committee of the Council will hear in person or by bis Counsel, Solicitor, or Agent, :iny person who clainîs that his land will be prejudi., il',, affected by the said By - law. Dated at the Town of Whitby, this 23rd day of August', A.D., 1973. Wm. H. Wallace, A.M.C.T., fCLERK, 405 Dundas Street West, Whitby, Ontario on CBC - TV October 4tli, return to tape the finai two shows of the 13 - week series Tlursday, September 6th and Tuesday, September Il th. Because the Sept. 6tli taping coincides with the CBC - TV press Iaunchl, wlen many otit - of - town colurnnists will be ini Toronto, seats for the in - studio taping that evening wiIl be reserved for members of the press, and regular cast and guest stars wilI be available for interviews. Delilah, starring Terry Tweed, Barbara Hamilton, Eric House, Peter Mews and Miles McNarnara, is taped at CBC's Studio 7 on Mutual Street. The Pipes, John Thomson's hour - long film special centering on the recent World Scottish Festival, a major attraction at the 1973 Canadian National Exhibition in Toronto, will be telecast on the network Wednesday, September 26, 10 p.m. As well as sequences of the 'big parade' coinciding witl the Ex, and the grandstand performances, the film will focus on some locally - based pipe bands to be filmed on location froin August 28th to September 1 st. Producer Thomson will direct the sequences: the 48th Highlanders pipe band playing Beethoven's Ode to Joy (froin the Ninth Symphony) at Maple, Ont. (Aug. 28), the Toronto Scottish pipe band at the Scarborough Bluffs, playing Amazing Grace (Aug. 29), the Toronto Police pipe band at- Ontario Place, playing a medly of dance tunes (Sept. 1) Production of Robertson Davies' Brothers in the Black Art was completed this month. The wry, touching draina about an elderly man mwho recalîs his aipprentice- ship as a printer and his chivairous; romantic colleagues, is one of I13 original plays written especially for TV by established Canadian writers for CBC - TV's upcom- ing major draina series The Play's The Thing. A few of the distinguished TV playwrights commissioned by exe- cutive producer Fletcher Markle and producer George Jonas include Pierre Berton, Moredecai Richler, Margaret Atwood and Hugli Garner. Cast of the Davies play, directed by Mario Prizek, includes as principals veteran actor Sean Sullivan as Old Jesse, John Friesen (who played Piers in Jaîna) as the young Jesse, Brenda Donahue as Evvy, David Hutchison as Griff, Stephen Foster as Ph il, Maureen McRae as Bess, Ita D'Arcy as Lou David Yorston as Hilo, Jack- Anthony as Scotty and Tom Harvey as Revelle. Eleven of the 13 hour - long draina specials will be telecast ini the new season, starting January 3rd. The FRIENDLY FLEA MARKET "We buy and seil anything" 23 KING ST. WEST 725-9783 OSHAWA il PRICES EFFECTIVE A MON, SEPT 3 T0 SAT, SEPT 8 CURAD E C OU CHLESS BANDAGES4 60's SUGG. LIST $1.19 CURITY 4 ABSORBENT BALLS 300's SUGG. LIST $1.19 6 CLAIROL HERBAL l SESSENCE SHAMPOO 11 12 ounce SUGG. LIST $2.29 gà:"PEARL DROPS TOOTH POLISH 50m1. Regular or Spearmint SUGG. LIST $1.69 LISTERINE 2PECÊRE 4 fL 30 ounces for the price of 24 ounces"*im67 SUGGESTED LIST $2ý 19 ENOo3 Sparkling Antacid Large Size93 COUR mlfmflCW L&PASAY S [à.& A KAMACTl Ili bd 1 SD4 W4 il Whst U.U f@OL 1 1 1

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