PAGE 4, THUR SDAV, AUGUST 30, 1973, WH ITBY FR EE PRESS Last Minute Holidayý Weokend Idoas Toronto Kitchener Toronto Cochra ne Ontario Place: 96 acres of entertain- ment and exhibitions, with space - age structures, Cinesphere with giant - screen films, a Children's Village, a 320 - boat marina, restaurants and boutiques set amid grassy park - and - picnic land, lagoons, canaIs and prom- enades. Polar Bear Express: An exciting train ride down the Arctic waterslhed through territory wit through territory which still belongs ini spirit to the fur traders and explor- ers of 300 years ago. Ontario Science Centre: Over 500 exhibits demionstrating various scien- tific prjnciples and achivements. Kitchener Market: Amislî and Menî- nonite farmers selI tlieir produce Wed- nesdays and Saturdays until noon. Upper Canada Village: A look into the Ontario of 100 years ago: Homes, churches, milîs, taverns, schools, a bakery, a cheese factory -- A i tese in living reality. Old Fort Henry: "The Citadel of Upper Canada" overlooks the mighity St. Lawrence River. Manned by a crack guard which daily performs old British Army daily routines. Open - air concerts and films under the stars: Victoria Park bandshell. Ark Park Zoo: A mixture of exotic and domestic animais, swans, ducks, located arnong grassy lanes and rolling huis. Ska - Nah - Doht (A Village Stands Again): Stili under construction, when completed, this will be an Ind- ian village, complete with a palisade, longhouses, wigwams, medicine buts, flint hut, deer fence and a site where dugout canoes are manufacturcd. Cr- ops will also be planted. Also on display: Indian arts and crafts, and information on the Modern Indian a t t n eIC i eC I p r ai u G Midland Authentic recreation of Sainte - Marie (1639 - I1649), first Etiropean set tIe- ment in the interior of Canada. On a hilltop overlooking Sainte - Marie is Canada's National Shrine of the North Amierican martyrs. Just east Wildlife Centre introduces a new focus SQo 0TI-ERS on the natural world and its valuies to mani. MIGHT LIVE Notice of public hearings into the transmission of power .Tef rom Middleport to Pickering 1.TeProvince of Ontario appointed Dr. Omond Solandt, under the Public Inquiries Act *by Order-in-Council OC-2053/72 dated the 21st of June, 1972, as amnended by Order-in- Council OC-2947/72 dated the l3th of September, 1972 -to inquire into the transmis- sion of power from Nanticoke to Pickering"~. 2. F ollowing on the recommendations contained in Commissioner Solandt*s lnterim Report, dated the 31lst of October, 1972, Mr. Bruce Howlett, environmental consultant, I was retained by Commissioner Solandt to undertake a public study and to make recom- i mendations on the best location for the 500 kV transmission lines between Middleport * and Pickering. * 3. Mr. Howlett will file his report and recommendations pertaining to this matter, with * the Commissioner, and will present an oral summary of the report and recommendations to interested parties, at a public hearing on September 13, 1973. * 4. Any interested party who wishes to present a brief related to this malter should file a copy of such a brief with the Secretary on or before October 5, 1 973 indicating at the same time whether or not he wishes to speak to his brief at a subsequent public hearing. 5. Any other interested party who wishes to make oral representations at the subsequent public hearing, either personally or through a representative, should indicate his intent to do so in writing, to the Secretary, on or before October 5, 1973. I 6. Commissioner Solandt will hold further public hearings on October 15, 17, 19, 22, * and 24, 1973, (and on such additional days as may be required), in order that interested i parties may have an opportunity bo ask questions of Mr. Howlett, and to present evidence. * 7. The public hearings on September 13, October 15, 17, 19, 22, and 24, 1973, will * be held in the Ontario Roorn, Macdonald Block, Queen's Park, Toronto, commencing at 9:30 a.m. To accommodate special circumstances, and unique local concerns, Commis- sioner Solandt. will consider requests, by interested parties, to hold additional public I hearings in other parts of Ontario, either day or evening sessions. Ail such requests, * however, should be filéd with the Secretary on or before October 5, 1973. * 8. Copies of Mr. Howlett's report and recommendations will be on view in area Munici- * pal Offices and the Solandt Commission office. Copies of ail briefs will be on view at the Solandt Commission office. Individual copies of Mr. Howlett's report and recommen- * dations may be purchased from the Ontario Government Bookstore, 880 Bay Street, I Toronto, M7A 1 N8, for the sum of $ 5.00 each. For further information; please contact: Neil B. Cole, I Secretary, I The Solandt Commission, * th f loor, Ferguson Block, g Gueen's Park, Toronto. (416)>965.1431 MMIflf MMm MMM Mmm mm m» nj, b ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - I.. -'f---- --- ---0,- -- 'à -- early log cabins and barn, blacksmnithS and weavers shop, carrnage makers, general store, Presbyterian Church, and a reproduction of the original Free Press Building. August 1 - October 9 structed 1828 - style pioneer brewery offers both tape - recorded and guided tours. Augtîst 1 - October 15 London Storybook Bardens: London's fairy- land centre located in the city's most beautiful park, attracts thousands of visitors every year. August 15 - September 3 Toro nto Canadian National Exhibition: Oldest and largest annual exhibition in the world. Many exhibits, Canada's largest midway, spectacular air show and top entertainment. Headliners this year are the Scottish World Festival and the famous Red Army Ensemble from the U.S.S.R. August 28 - September 3 Morrisbuirg Kingston London London London Cataraqui Canoe Club: Ontario Canoe Championships. er 4 Central Ontario Exhibition. August 29 - September 3 Auigtst 30 Kingston Talbot Shivaree: Ethnic dancing, parades, floats, dancers and other forms of entertainment. Canadian Forces Air Show * LOCAL NEWS SPORTS ePlus the finest in COIINTRY PERSON TOPERSON ,COMMUNUTY r RADIO CHOO 13 90 I~~~ ~ X X7.-J-I August 1 - September 3 Ottawa Changing the Guard: Daily 10 a.m. Parliament Hill with ail the colour and precision of Her Majesty's Canad- ian Guard. August 1 - September 15 Kingston Old Fort Henry: Craçk guard daily performs ancient British Army drill routines. August 1 - September 16 Niagara - on - the - Lake Mime Theatre: 'Mime Over Five,' 'Vintage Mime,' and 'Alice ini Wonder- land' for children. August 1 - September 30 London Fanshawe Pioneer Village: a museum comples depicting a crossroads com- munity in the pre - railway era of the i9th century. Buildîings ijîclude August 28.- Septemli Kitchener1 çACo 1390 AJAX London Kingston St. llomas