PAGE 2, THURSDAY, AUGUST 30, 1973, WHITBY FREE P COUNCIL NEW*q At a special Council meeting hield last Monday nlight, the subject of foi.rty foot lot frontages camne under fire froml Whitby Council mnembers and after much discussion was eventually sent back to the planning board pending a report on the mat ter. DEPUTY - REEVE GOODWIN hiad givenl notice at the last Couincil mneeting that lie plannied on making' a motion inistructiîîg the Planning Departrnent not to consider any fourty foot building lots for any future plans of subdivisions, and' opened the subjeet Monday night by making a motion to, this effect. MR. GOODWIN explained that the purpose of reducing lot sizes to 40' frontages was to reduce the cost by 10 % so that houises on 40" lots would miot selI for the saie price as bouses 011 50' lots. But hie pointed out that this is iiot the case ... hiouses oni 40' and 50' lots are aIl selling for the saine price. Mr. Goodwin added "I cauno11 longer support the position ini this town that allows the planning board to reduce, the size of lots to fourty feet." REEVE TOM EDWARDS s,,aid that "the people we have been fistening to iii the hast few weeks (on the OfficiaI Plan Meetings) have said several things, but one thing stands out and that is îlot to increase the density over whiat it is now." Mr. Edwards added that "... we should decide what the minimum should be and that should be at heast fifty feet." COUNCILLOR GERRY EMM was also against reducing the size of the lots saying "its impossible to get any peace or quiet on less than a fifty foot frontage.' COUNCILLOR DR. HOBBS was quite candid in his comments as usual, saying "the question of whether it is a 40' lot or whether it is not a 40' lot is not easily sohved. We realize now that when we look back on it, we demanded too expensive a bouse for the lot." He added "I wonder how many of us were brought up on lots smahler than fourty feet" ... "I myself was brought up on a thirty - two foot lot."' Dr. Hobbs summed up by saying "I think there is a certain place in certain subdivisions thata fourty foot lot is justif-med." COUNCILLOR JIM GARTSHORE said "I think we must loo at the character of the town from today on. I'm going to vote for the mnotion provided it is cleaned Up in the very near future ... for what I thiric the people want in the future." COUNCILLOR BOB WHITE: "as chairman of the planning board I'd like to, point out that the only rule we had to follow regarding the size of lots was a minimum of 5,000 square feet which can be arrivedl at in various ways." He ackled, "I'm, not so naive as to vote for a motion that says 'no fourty foot lots'. That can allow 41 or 42 foot lots." "Fifty Calais is a corner lot with fourty foot frontage that ends in 100' at the rear and the people are tickled to death. 1 would peisonally like to see 60 or 75' lots minimums. But there is no Shortly thereafter the motion was put to a vote an passed sending the matter to the planning board anÈ instructing themn to report back to Council as soon a possible. THE. WHITBV FREE PR ESS <VOICE 0F THE COUNTY 'TOWN) H4omretowfl paper of wh,îby. Brooklin, Myrtle end Ashburn; serving Ajax and Pickering. Published mverv Thursday Publishod by Whitby Free Press Inc., Buno Huiloid, Presdnt. .&îI Box 2M.- Whthy. Phone W6611i Ediwr: Mik» Bu§ MILN AffbtEditor: -IMvm Quit MILN No.IM PRES S 5-. HUNERBID CAMPINSHP ~ NOTICE 0F APPLICAT[ON BY THE CORPORATION E - 0OF THE TOWN 0F WHITBY TITL KEP 1HWHITY =FOR APPROVAL 0F A BY - LAW - IMPOSING A SEWER RATE The Council of the Corporatiôn of the Town of Whitby The Whitby Yacht Club, day togethier withi two pre- lîost of last week's World vious firsts, a second, and iitisto ppyothOnroMucpaBadfr Thunlderbird Sailing Chamâp- a third to tie up first place apr=lfte osruto*f aitr ewrfo the West Corbett Creek Trunk Sanitary Sewer in Lot 21, ionhip ket he orl Ci- ith~il oe dy o g Concession 1 of the Town of Whitby, formerly theà ampion title iin Whitby as to. go. W.Y.C. member l-arry (Tank- Jolîîî Malleson, defending = Township of Whitby to tîhe southerly limit of the er) Jouies came from behind chîampion froim Victoria, B.= former Toronto and Eastern Railway right - of - way M twice to take two firsts ini C., finished fourtît overal, o 3 ocsin2 Tw fWibfrel brisk winds over twenty - in a borrowed boat. the Township of Whitby at an estimated cost ofÉ one other skippers last Thurs- $550,000.00 and the borrowing of $458,370.00 therefor. It intends to charge the whole of the cost of the work É re a e rs '.' rit -as a sewer rate for a period of 20 years upon lands that wilI or may derive a benefit therefrom. DearSirIt i proposed to raise the whole of the annual É Doeola eearn tureditoagrmgrtsqe payments by an annual rate estimated at 1.16 milîs. onebody aiasticetly Iadtrkfoeteà ow.The following is an example of the annual charge on don a rea ijusiceto he Hopefully the owners haveM downtown area of Whitby. an average dwehling property having an assessment of Returning from our two raie lergeterrad $5,000.00. week vacation we were mostwIletrrtrnttotS- $5.80 annually for a period of 20 years being a total shîocke as weI as - pleasant brighît appearance or o 1 .0 disppon-at least add a little white ted to see thie old Toronto Dominiion Bank building, o- tin a) The area upon which such sewer rate is to be levied cated at the Four Corniers, MayMlacu s described in Schedule 'A' attached to and forming part of thîis notice. b) There will be no exemptions granted. T H IS II/1 L"L Any ratepayer may, within 21 days after the first r from Ottwapublication of this notice, send by prepaid post to the M Clerk of the Town of Whitby, at the address given below, a notice in writing stating his objection to sncb REGIONAL OFFICES Marché Union have reduced Eapoa rt h moiino h pca ae Regional Econornic Ex- cethei bafpriesbund, waprvahr oth mpstinofte pciDrae pansion Minister Donald cetm onwieDri- The Ontario Municipal Board may approve of the E Jamisonannuncd, s prt on Stores are making theirÉ of E's dcnrhzton second pice cusofpthe E = said special rate pursuant to the Statutes and may à of DEE'sdecetrahatio . E approve of the said works. but before doing so itM programn, the establishmnent of Most other food chain -= regional offices in Moncton, stores will also be cutting = myapitatm n lc o ulchaigwe Montreal, Toronto and Sas- their meat prîces. any objections "iI be considered, but notice of such = katoo= hearing will be given only to those persons who have The purpose of the decen- NDP CAUCUS MEETS I given notice of objection as provided for above. tralization program is to Athendoa w-y bte dniyopportunities Atteedoato-y beter denifymeeting of the federal NDP SCIIEDULE 'A' for economic development CuuLae ai ei andto espnd oreswitly urged the minority Liberal to egonl ees.Government to adopt four COMMENCING at a point at the south - west angle STADIGSanti-inflation measures pro- of the Town of Whitby as it existed on the 3lst of PART poed y hi paty.December, 1967, where it intersects the north shore A Gallup Poil conducted TeNPCuu eo- o aeOtro early in July shows Federal TeNPCuu eo- o aeOtro Party standings at about the mne htteGvrmn samne level reported in April -fr ey lm rITH ENCE northerly along the west imit of the Town of this year, but decreased Chairman of the Food Prices - fIib si xse n h 1tdyo eebr from the June figures. Revîew Board, reconstitute =o htya texse nte3sà dyo eebr the Board with powers to roll 1967 to its north point in Township Lot 31, Concession TheLibras sandat4 i%~ back prices, and take puni- 2; down ne prcenage oint tive action against profiteer- fromn June; the Progressive (SI to the place of beginning. W E HA E OV DTED at the Townî of Whitby this 3Oth day o EWm. H. Wallace, A.M.C.T. Ille Whitby Free Press is no longer iocated a( the old CLERK Brock Street South location. Pending the completion! The Corporation of the Town of Whitby of renovations to thc new Free Press Building at 121 405 Dundas Street. West Brock Street NORTH,,we are operating out of temporary Whitby, Ontario offices at the Whithy Professional Building, 304 Dundas Street West. Our telephone number 668 - 6111 remains Au g. 30, Sept. 6 the urne. .à We wish to apologize for any inconvenience we may M have caudanyone wno went -ooking frus, na our Old Ixation. j