PAGE 20, THURSDAY, AUGUST 2, 1973, WHITBY FREE PRESS INTRODUCING 0e.. THEGREAT ENTERTAINMENT BARGAI ýj rT:ý b4,. Câble TV now offers 14 CHANNELS of great television entertainment: Over 250 movies every month, the greatest line - Up of sports events, and the most comiprehensive news coverage. Ail this and stili more for as littie as 16e PER DAY. What's more, for atIMITED TIME ONLY, we are offering a: FREE INSTALLATION Our Marketing Representative wiII by coming by ini the next few days to give you the whole story. But, if you're in the market for a barguifl, GSHAWA 519-2232 SDON'T WAIT!! - CALL NOW!! AND SAVE $9.95 WHITBY 668-9331 Thlis offer imited to normal installation for individual residences ini Oshawa ând Whitby onily. 'I I h E É-n-qqq ble tv