Whitby Free Press, 2 Aug 1973, p. 18

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Sw -, Wbtby, Ontarioj flpîYi0rr AI "J KS ST. L UWAWA .~ ~ u.8 SALES SERVICE PARS- PAGE 18, THURSDAY, AUGUST 2, 1973, WHITBY FREE PRESS NOTICE 0F APPLICATION BY THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY FOR APPROVAL 0F A BY - LAW IMPOSING A SEWER RATE The CounciI of the Corporation of the Town of Whitby iniends to apply to the Ontario Municipal Board for approval of the construction of a sanitary sewer from the West Corbett Creek Trunk Sanitary Sewer in Lot 21, Concession 1 in the Town of Whitby, formerly the Township of Whitby to the southerly limit of the former Toronto and Eastern Railway right - of - way in Lot 23, Concession 2, Town of Whitby, formerly the Township of Whitby at an estimated cost of $5 50,000. It intends_ to charge the whole of the cost of the work as a sewer rate for a period of 20 years upon lands that will or may' derive a benefît therefrom. It is proposed to raise the whole of the annual payments by an annual rate estimnated at 1.16 milîs. The following is an example of the annual charge on an average dwelling property having an assessment of $5 ,000. $5.80 annually for a period of 20 years being a total of $1 16.00 a) The area upon which such sewer rate is to be levied is described in Schedule "A" attached to and forming part of this notice. b) There "iI be no exemptions granted. COMMENCING at a point at the soutb - west angle of the Town of Whitby as it existed on the 31 st of December, 1967 where it intersects the north shore of Lake Ontario, THENCE northerly along the west limit of the Town of Whitby as it existed un the 3lst day of December, 1967 tu its north point in Township Lot 31, Concession 2; THENCE east parallel to Dundas Street (No. 2 Highway) to a point 660 feet west of Cochrane Street; THENCE nortb parallel to Rossland Road to the east limit of- the Township of Witby as it existed on the 31Ist day of December, 1967; TI-ENCE south along the east limit of the Township of Whitby as it existed on the 31lst day of December, 1967 to Lake Ontario; THENCE westerly along the north limnit of Lake Ontario to the place of beginning. Any ratepayer may, within 21 days after the first publication of this notice, sent by prepaid post to tlhe Clerk of the Town of Whitby, at the address given below, a notice in writing stating bis objection to sucli approval Remember Toby Robins? Original girl panelist oui Front Page Challenge, star of the Stratford Festival and numerous CBC--TV drama productions - wbo leit Canada in 1964 witb ber liusband, theatnical producer Bill Freed- main and children, to live and work in Lonidon Englauîd. Since theîî Toby bas beeuî starred iii a numberof West Enîd its, including The Flip Side and LWtchman. ini roles that were a far cry from (lie Roxauînes and beautiful ladies she used to play bere. Now, for the first time in years, Toby will star ini a CBC-TV production - Harry Rasky's next drama1 - docuinentry, Next Year In Jerusalem, currtnt- ly on1 location iin Jerusalem. Shie will sliare star billiîîg witlb Lorne Greene, wlîo will be oit - camera narrator, Johin Colicos aiid Sain Jaffe. Rasky and lus CBC-TV filmn crew will be returning Io Toronto lâter this moîtlî. Rouinie Prophet, native of Calumet, Que., a celebrity on1 the Nasliville sceîîe, is takiiig time off (rom his tapiuig of CBC--TV's suimmer series Country Roads (TV debut Friday, Aug. 10, 9 pin.) to perform al t(le (Calgary Stampede. An expert guitarist andfor Stampede. An expert guitarist anid formidable singer, Propliet lias beeri appeariîîg uightly ait Boots Rauidolph's Carousel Club ait Nasliville, and is knlowmî (o rany fans of counîtry music as Just about tlie best tliere is." As a teenager ini Ottawa, be played witlî a group on1 the capital's radio station CFRA. The Regioîîs are producing some interestiîîg Take 30 WHITBY - LONGUEUII Thirty - six boys and girls, aged 11(0o 16 from Witby's twiuîning partner, Longueuil, Quebec, will be iii (own this weekend (o take part in a CarnivalI Sports exclîange. The clîildreîî, accompaîîied by twelve adislts will arrive at tbe Municipal Building Friday ait 9 p.m. where tlîey will be greeted by Towiî officiais and billetted ini Wlitby homes. The Sports Exchange, the fotîrtb since Twîîîiîîg began ini 1969, will get underway Satiirday at 10:00 a.m. witlî a swim meet ait the Osbawa Civie Auditorium. Thiis will be followed by a soccer match ait Peel Park wi(li a Pee Wee teéni from Wbi(by startiîig at 4:00 p.m. The Although the work on the assembly uine somnetimies miust bave seemed monotonous to him, he did not give in like some of his fellow workers, but instead learned German, su that after one year bis application was accepted at Volkswagenwerk Institute for automotive technicians wbere our reporter visited bim. He praised bis teacher among others, Mr. Manfred Hoppe. A few of bis fellow students corne from Egypt, India and Poland, tbey are mucb older tban Daniel who is 21, but tbat does not matter for good comradeship. Asked wbat bis occupation would be after graduation, be answered proudly: "A Volkswagen Specialist." Our paper and ail bis friends ini Whitby wisb him good luck for bis upcoming graduation at the end of this month. After that be will be able to continue work either in Wolfsburg or in any part of tbe world. P.S. Our paper is interested in such success stories. Please let us know if you bave one. Our thanks to lise Eschenlohr for this one. prograrns - ail new - this summer. For instance: 30 froni Ottawi (iuly 23) focussing on tlie life style of Mickey Spillane, creat(or of "Mike Hammer"; 30 from Newfound- land (Atig. 9) a look at wild Irish singers, Ryan's Fancy, tlie province's nost popular group. "L-awbreaker Pauil Soles" (This Is hIe Law) is ail avid aviator, He recenitly purcliased ail antique biplanle, a Fleet Finch once used as a basic training plaile iii the Second World War, to comnpete ini a cross - counlty air race. Sole's most exciting fliglit, lie says, was lus trip iii a liglit planie over (anid through) (lie Rockies - 46past ail those majestic peaks" a couiple of years ago. Onîe of tlhe bazirds of filiming tbe Beachecombers iii waters off the B.C. coast just nortli of Vancouver is " 4noise pollution" - power and speedboats going by anîd somietimes crowding iii while the caillera, ligbitiiîg and sound men are workîng 0o a take. Filiiniig lias frequenfly been imterrupied, but it's a little better now siuîce the crew put up a banner on tlîeir production barge. It reads: ILEASE KEEP AWAY WHILE WE ARE FILMING. Lyal Brown lias written a script for Delilah (new sitcoîn series CBC--TV iiew season) titled he Robber, for taping July 27th. Jeani Temupletoli lias an important, belinid- the - scenles function ini (le productioni of (lie series As story editor, responsible for the development of (lie scripts ini conjunctioli witli six writers, SPORTS EXCHANGE Longueulil twinners will participate in the Rotary Pancake Breakfast Suiday ait 8:45 p.m. A second soccer gaine will be beld at Peel Park stauting ait 11:00Oa.m. At 4:30 p.m* (bey wiIl assemble at the Municipal Building for the tripborne. The Sports Exchanîge is co - ordiîîated by the Recreat- ion Departments of Whitby and Longueuil. A iiunber of parents, maniagers and coachies will accompany the Longueuil cbildren on tlîeir (rip (o Wbitby.- From time to time our paper reports about young people from our community wbo went abroad to try their luck in a profession or working or travelling or some ofeacb. One of them is Daniel McLaren, a former student of Anderson Collegiate, wbose parents live at J5s Meadow Dr. Whitby. Exactly 2 years ago be travelled to Germany as one of a group of students from Whitby wbo bad obtained work as asseniblyline workers at Volkswagenwerk Wolfsburg, wbicb is situated east of Hannover and nortb of the Hairz Mountains. Daniel liked Wolfsburg witb its modern buildings and streets, tbe pulse of tbe biggest automotive town in Europe. He still loves the cbaracter of the tuwn, whicb is surrounded by large beech and pine forests, offering ample recreation in sumnmer (Lakes and many indoor and outdoor pools) and winter (skiing and cultural events). IHe also made many friends there, being very friendly himself. BEHIND THE SCENES 723m1176

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