PAGE 14. THURSDAY, JULY 19, 1973, WHITBY FREE PRESS Girl of the rne.k by bikje Rutt« Lovely twenty year old Judy Powell is a secretary in the purchasing departnient at General Motors. Her hobbies include water skiing in the summer and skidooing i the winter. She has travelled ail over the States and hopes to do more travelling in the future. Photo by Mlike Burgess. G.S.L. Canoe/Camping Demonstration Unit The Ontario Safety Lea- gue's Canoe/Camping Demon- stration Unit is in fuît swing at Algonquin Park. Head- lined by the internationally known Canadian canoeist, O- mer Stringer and assisted by Rob Dawson, a former park ranger, programs are being presented in the campgrounds and su mmer camps through- out the month of July. The proper use of canoes is demonstrated and spectat- ors are given the chance to try their hand at, paddling with the *issistance of the skilled teachers. Camping equipment, tripping techniq- ues and care of the environ- ment are A discussed with those attending the programs. Every Wednesday, a canoe outing is conducted jointly by'park naturlists and Ontario Safety League personnel wh- en canoeing techniques can be put into practice and the wonders of nature enjoyed With the assistance of pro- fessional supervision. A1TERwUY TIRE SERV loi bmds S. st Whhwi Have you? GOT A DREAM 0F A HOUSE? A VACATION HOME MAVBE? A PLACE IN THE COUNTRV? With a small invstrment - and our heip - yqu oen make that dream corne true. W. have .57 year of expurienco to ofifer, so there's a good chance vve can heip you. Phono us, mveIl give you the facts. CCC REALTY CREDIT LIMITED Aff iliated vvth COMMERCIAL CREDIT 35 King St. West# Oshawa 579-1418 for period of iuly 22 - 28 LEO (July 23 - August 22nd) The following month will possibly be the most const- ructive of the year. Professional interests are spotlighted at the beginning of the week. Try to create more pleasai surroundings at home and work. VIRGO (Aug. 23rd - Sept. 22nd) This is flot a Very active period for you, Virgo, but late July or early August will bring optimism on your part. Around the twenty - fifth you may catch on to something you were grasping for. LIBRA (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22nd) Although your social life improves, you probably have so many 'chores' to do you prefer to relax quietly at home in your free time. This is a good time to go on vacation, but pay special attention to accommodationl and to luggage sent on ahead. SCORPIO (Oct. 23rd - Nov. 21lst) You will find yourself evaluating your potential this week. Concentrate on matters involving your spouse or partner. You are popular socially but be careful of new acquaintances: they may not have your best interests at heart. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22nd - Dec. 21lst) As this is your favourite time of year, your spirits lift; your disposition improves. Mate or partners require attention, but don't be flippant with them - be pleasant and witty but don't be too frivolous. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22nd - Jan. 19th) Activities revolve around children; with emphasis lying on summer camps, games and trips. You may decide to take children to a local event centering on rides, popcorn, cotton candy, etc. AQUARJUS (ian 2Oth - Feb. I8th) Do not dling to old concepts, a new era is in view. You may find yourself with more time to be alone; take advantage of this time, use it for meditation. Carnivals, circuses and bazaars are on the program for the week - end. PISCES (Feb. i 9th - March 2Oth) Events unravelled on the 26th could obtain you' the 4'solidity' you have heen seeking. Although the financial situation at the moment seems dark, you are heading for a break through in this area. ARIES (March 21Ist - April l9th) Try to get as much work done as possible, you are very energetic and your personality is effervescent. The end of the week emphasizes home and property matters- review land investments. CANCER (June 21lst - July 22nd) C Ail those sacrifices you have made in the past have inmade in the past have become worthwhile as you finally acquire the large purchase you have been saving money to [buy. You may achieve a higher more enviable position in your career.