PAGE 8, TH URSDAY, JULY 5, 1973, WHITýBY FR EE PRESS KALNINS ON SQUAK BOX Metro Toronto Police radios, one might say, are not trying to compete with some of the better known radio stations like CFRB, CKEY or CHIN. Nor is their ".4programming" something to slîout about. Even with the new channel systein, to be introduced by next year, the police radios will remain dulI, eut - and - dry, an. d incomprehlensive - at least to a laymnan. But, if you have a sense of humor, you'll find some of the- contents highly. amutsing, With this column, lId like to test my readers' IQ inla hmor. Here aire some of the items 1 picked up on the '"squak box" - better known as police radios: Fight outstanding for ten minutes - inight be over by now iin woman's washrooîn; Priest and drunk having a fight on Gerrard Street East; A. mian throwing beer bottles over a balcony; Report of a mail accidentally tripped over a burglar alarin, please check out; Go to a Queen Street Apartinent, take caution - a noisy dog; Please go to the accident at 1000 Eglinton East,,two cars backed into each other - a big dispute; At St. Clair and Dufferin, a drunk outside, no coniplainant; Check youth puching a grey Volkswagen that does not have any motor in il; Green car driving over the lawns, check out the report in 42's area; Lacrosse gaine ini street, check the pro parking; Scout car 44 attend 319 Melberton - neighbours disbute; Every unit ini the area head for Norm's Grill, unknlown trouble-, PC go to 873 Cosburn, an unwanted guest; Omelette Restaurant onl CIollege Street, one. here to go ( a usual request for a paddy wagon); Pick up two noisy females at the Mercurv Club; A man exposing himself at Yonge and Gerrard: Attention units ini 52 division - two homnosexuals working onu eacl other lit Frans' washroom; Opposite Eatons - tlîree young women looking for customers; Head to Bloor and Bathurst, a woman screamning for lielp; Fifty four o ciglit - a mn and wife fighting ini a restaurant, Motor 33, see a large fight ini Parish Hall on College Street; Car 55 back up the unit 33 on River Street, a drunk fernale causing disturbance; Check a reported sighting of UFO's; At Bloor and Yonge Subway check outa manî posing as a police off icer. And finally, here is a classie phrase for every officer who listens to a police radio: Two for the Don. (P.S. Toronto's notorjous Don Jail is also referred to as the Inn on the Don - most likely by prisoners awaiting a transfer from the Old City Hall prison celîs). PUI3LISHER'S NOIE: Thie oplulioiis cxprcssed iii tlîk arlicle are luit îcccssarily iliose of the Wiuhyibýrec Press and/oris uuarnagemnii. Planning Legisiation To Control Urban Sprawl Provincial Treasurer John White, MPP for London South, has introduced to the Legislature three Buis which togetler represent a major advance in the planning program of the Ontario Governrnent. The Ontario Planning and Developinent Act: - sets out a new process for the design, adoption and implemnentation of provincial plans in differenit areas of Ontario. The new Act introduces to North America the concept of development control whichi has been the basis of planning legislation in major European jurisdictions for the preservation of historie land or cities. It required the existence of sophisticated planning resources, a field iin which Ontario leads. Under the nlew act, the provincial goverrnent is emipowered to prepare plans iin close consultation with municipalities and other inîerested groups. These plans wvill be put through a vigorous process of public examin- ation and hearings. Following this, the Goverinent mnay ador the plan, with any appropriate modifications. grnd mn the plan becomes a policy guide for ail provincial and municipal agencies. Ihe Parkway BeIt Planning And Development Act: - is a special companion piece of legislation enabling the 'Government to commence implementation of a system of parkway belts of multiple - use corridors froin Dundas to Markham around Metropolitan Toronto. This "Green Space" will serve as a buffer between municipalities, separating and defining them, thereby curbing urban sprawl. Acquisition of the 55,000 acres of land involved will con- tinue for 30 years. About il1,000 acres- of the land affected by the proposed parkway routes are now held in some form of public ownership. The land within the parkway routes has been designated for agricultural use only until municipal plans are changed to comply with the new Ontaýio Planning and Developinent Act. The Niagara Escarpment Planning and Development Act: - sets out a similar process for the Niagara Escarpment Planning Area. The Act establishes a Niagara Escarpinent Commission of 17 members - eight representing municipal- ities, eight representing the Province and a chairman. The commission is given responsibility for preparation of a master plan for the Escarpment area. The Act stipulates that the plan must have as its goal the preservat- ion. of the Escarpment's natural landscape and that it must be prepared in close consultation with the municipal- ities affected. Until the plan is completed, the develop- ment control concept gives the Minister of Treasury, Economics and Jntergovernmental Affairs flexibility to approve land uses so long as they are consistent with the objectives of the Act. Following preparation of the plan and a process of public examinations and hearings, the plan is to be submitted to the Government. After its adoption, the Niagara Escarprnent Plan will become officiai policy for ail governmnent planning at both the provincial and munnicipal levels. IRENAULI TEST DRIVE ONE TODAY AT MOTOR c&c SALES LTD. N.wly Amthorlzed Dealier IDALO CAPPUCCITTI JOHN NOWACI SERVICE MANAGER SALES 13 90 AJAX *LOCAL NEWS SPORTS *PIus the COUNTRy music PERSON TO PERSON ',?OMMUNITY RADIO CHOO 13 90 <KI MOTOR 160 SIMCOE se cc SALES OSHAà WAl LTDe 728-0051 5 W-