WHITBY TO REMAIN UN TACT VOLUME 3, No. 23 THURSDAY JUNE 7,11973 This unusual view of Whitby was taken from the Department's new Quint tacing north Photo by _j. Quail s In a recent statement in the legislature, the Honour- able John Wite, Treasurer of Ontario, advised the House that hie would shortly be introducing legisiation to estab- Iish four new two-tier regional municipalities in Hamilton- Wentworth, Peel, Halton, and the area east of Metro- politan Toronto. Mr. White said that there bas been universal recognition of the need for restructuring local government in this rapidly growing area of Ontario and that there bas been a fairly substantial consensus of how it should be done. In refering to the new Regional Municipality of Durham which he was recommending for the area east of Metro- politan Toronto, hie said that the eastern boundary would be the Clarke-Hope Township line. He went on to say that at tbe same time it had been decided to include a number of townships 110W in Ontario County in the new regional municipality. The Township of Pickering's northern boundary will remain uncbanged. A new mun- icipality will be established consisting of Ajax, the Village of Pickering and part of Pickering Township. This means that the new community and airport will be under a municipal jurisdiction from the outset. West Rouge will become part of Scarborough as orig- inally proposed. There will be no otber changes in the boundaries of Metropolitan Toronto, and no changes in the boundaries of the Regional Municipality of York.' The Township of Scott will become part of the new municipality of Uxbridge. The Townsbips of Tborah and Brock and the villages of Beaverton and Cannington will become a new mun- icipality of Brock. Darlington will be included with Bowmanville, Clarke and Newcastle in the new municipalty of Newcastle. [le further added that the remainder of the municip- alities which were included in the original proposah-will remain in tbe counties of Northumberland and Durham. Al tbe naines of municipalities tbey are using in the legislation can be changed to meet the wishes of local residents. Provision for this will be written into the bills.; As far as the Town of Witby is concerned, it appears that it will remnain the saie. The Township of East Whitby will become part of Osbawa. Whitby Town Councillor Gerry Emin commented to the Free Press "I'm very disappointed that the province did flot mention the Witby-Brooklin area in more detail and 'm afraid that we're going to bave a very strong regional council and a weak local council." Mr. Emin added "l'm concerned that under this setup the nortbern area around Brooklin might possibly be neglected." It looks to me like the region wilI be bandling major decisions and the local council will be left with making only minor decisions." "I'm for Regional Governinent, but 1 feel there should be a strong local as well as a strong regional government." Councillor i Gartshore told the Free Press that hie felt that Regional Governinent was inevitable, but that perhaps a little more tume should have been taken in the planning. Benevolent Rebekah Lodge No. 132, Whitby, çelebrated if's 6Oth anniversary in St. Andrews Presbyterian Church HalIl wbere a ba nq uet was served to 150 guests. The tables were decorated in pink and green candies and spring flowers. Tiny wheel barrows of dinner mints made by Sister Adelia Burnett were, placed at each plate as a momento of the occasion. The head table consisted of the officers of the lodge. Reverend McLure said grace followed by a toast to the Queen and in response the National Anthem was sung. Noble Grand Sally Forbes welcomed ail in attendance. District Deputy Grand Master Ron Wannamaker proposed a toast to the Grand Lodge which was responded to by Brother Glenn Wannamaker, Grand Master, of the Grand Lodge of Ontario. Past District Deputy President Isobel Meier toasted the Rebekah Assembly of Ontario and Continued on Page 3 ImmUýDE THIS WEEK MOTORING............... <PAGE 7 BIRD'S BYE VIEW. .. .....PAGE 6 ADVERTISING....PAGE 12 KALNINS' COLUMN........ PAGE r2. STARSCOPE...............PAGE BURGESS GIRL ....~... PAGE .i F AMI LY R ESTAURANTS LWHITBV & OSHAWAÀ 10 CENTS i ïý l'e Àf