Whitby Free Press, 24 May 1973, p. 2

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PAGE 2, WHITBY FREE PRESS, THURSDAV, MAY 24, 1973 ns 1I00's of Chesterfieids to choose from. Any style or fabrie. III 11111. I Il IIUII. US lIEU M IIHIIIII TUXEDO Sofa& chair1850 MACHING LOVE SEAT AVAILAB LZ Dinnettes, 6 Hlgh Back Chairs ,WILh. ~Large .Table$90,0OO 12 NOON --9:30 P.M. SAT. 10AM -6 PM PLUS MANY OTHER'ITEMS PAINTINGS, MIRRORS, DRAPES ETC. ALL SHAPES, AND SIZES qqHUGE MEM 'BERSHUP SAVINGS"I CREDIT TERMS AVA BLE jOLEN CAMERON RID. -W dà PHONE COLLECT 223*973j 55 GLEN CAMERON RD. THORNHILL Letters to theEditor Dear Sirs: As a resident of the Town of Whitby, and a Mother, I feel very strong- iy opposed tothe verdict brought in by the Jury on the death of Michael Edward Schtuett. Uniess this boy had a medical history of psychiatrie treat- ment for emotionai or de- pressive tendencies, no- one wiII ever convince me that a twenty year old boy would take his own life because he was ar- rested on a drunk charge. he usual "whitewash" of checking prisoners is, in itself, nauseating. - A bet- ter check of Police hand- ling of young prisoners would have been more ac- ceptable. Chief Plking- ton's remarks are of a standard format. Al I have to say is "Wake-up Chief, it's been a long time since,the standard proce- dures of the R.C.A.F.!". My purpose in writing this letter is to bring to the attention of Parents what can happen to your son or mine. Speak to the young people of this Town; LISTEN to them; listen to any young person who bas had the misfor- tune to be arrested by the Police, and then ask your- self what are you waiting fo r. A more thorougli investigation is cailed for. Why wasn'î the testimony of an eye-witness taken more seriously? Unless you involve yourself as a parent and taxpayer of this Town, I can assure you the "whitewash" and "inane procedures" wili continue. "DID TIiS BOY DIE IN VAIN?" Mrs. Ann Henderson, 947 Donovan Crescent, WHITBY, Ontario Mr. Weaies: On behaif of the Whit- by Minor Lacrosse Assoc. 1 wouid like to thank you for the writeup on Minor ILacrosse in your May 10/73 issue. It sta- ted that Mr. Cari is the President but Mr. Max Case is the President. Your Sportoriai about the B & R game, I wouid tike to know when the iast time you read the rule book on Lacrosse. You roasted the officiais in this co- iumn, do you know that an officiai has to go to officiais ciinic, write a test which bas a passing mnark that bas to be pass- ed, they tben have ex- hibition games to do that are watcbed and marked and they are spot checked ail year round, and if a coach feels an officiai is bad, he can bave bim checked again. A AlàÀ -A AA A A .lA.. g ** only an officiai. The man received a five minute penalty for fighting; that's ail that the miles eall for. The player that was thrown out was caiied for leaving the bench whiie a fight was in pro- gress, 1 have the under- standing that the team was making a uine change but the player chose to start the fîght at that time, and the officiai had no choice but to cai the penalty which is a game and what is left of the game. When an officiai steps on the floor he is out there to do bis best. He is just like anyone eise he can have a bad game, but he does bis BEST. ........ No one shouid cai down an officiai until he has tried it. The player who reached over the penalty box was given an added two minute penalty that is ail that can be given unless sometbing else happens. The game of lacrosse is the most exciting and the fastest and the offi- ciaIs are there to keep it that way. WHAT IF THERE WERE NO OFFICIALS? Don Craggs 605 Dunlop St. W. Whitby, Ontario .. . .. . ...... STHIS WEEK f rom Ottawa WIRE-TAPPING LEGISIATION Justice Minister Otto Lang a- gain introduced îi'n the House of Commons a Bill dealing with the invasion of privacy (wire-tapping of priva te conversations> - - makiîsg wire-tapping a criminal offcncu with maximum penalty of' five years Some M.P.'s, notahly John Diefenbaker, have said thàt aI- though it is a good bill it may not go far enough. FEDERAL SUPPORT FOR NA- TIVE PEOPLE Native associations t hroughoSIt Canada received SI1,496,795 from the federal government as it% final contribution toward their 1972-73 operating expenses. These funds - - miade avail.îble under Secretary of State Hugli Faulkner - - enable associations to pay for staff and field workers, professional services and expenses for meetings. The gove rnmen t assistance pe r- mits native people to develop viable organizations through which they can identify their problems and priorities, and undertake pro- grams to meet their own needs. UNEMPLOYMENT DOWN tjniemploynient in Canada con- tinued to decline - - dropping to 5.4%in April from 5.5%in March, its lowest level since March 1970. For the~ fourth consecuitive rnonth, the rate has declined - - un- employmcnt has gone down troni 6.77> in l)ccemhler :i' S.47? todity. REGIONAL EQUALITY Regional Lcononiic Expan1sion Mînister Don Jarnieson sait! in Ilatifax that regional equatity is fundamen taI to Canadlan unity, soqaw»ng .lA ffrpweq regional development, Mr. Jamie- son toLd the delega tes that his de- partment is breaking down its central administration to develop a more flexible response to re- gional problcms..to develop a national policy. The rninister's meeting in HaLi- fax is part of the departmnent's consultation process with ail the provincial governnients - - to over- haul DREE policy. WELFARE MIN ISTERS MEET The three-day federal-provin- cial welfare conference held in Ottawva recently has been des- cribed as one of the most harmon- ious and productive meetings in recent y'cars between the two levels ut'go-vernment. Federal Wclfare Minister Marc Lalonde said that the provinces will bc able to adapt federal social security progranis to meet their own provincial needs. At the con ference, A provinces pledged support for the - govern- ment's proposaI to increase family allowances to an average $ 20 from an average $7.21 a month for each child. The niinister stated that the necessary legislation would b~c sut,- mitted to Parliament by June to make the increases possible by next January. GRANTS REVISED Manpower and Immigration Min ister Robert And ras announced thu t unemployed persons relocat- ing to find employnient will re- ceive a daily allowance of $1 3 for up to tive days. Whîle the $1 ,000 allowances previously paid for the sale of a worker's homne has been diseort- tiitd, tho $500 allowancc te- wvard bttyIng a home in a nwjgem. THE WHUTBY FREE PRESS (VOICE 0F THE COUNTY TOWN) Homnetown paper of Whitby, Brooklin, Myrtie end Ashburn; serving Ajax and Pickering. Published every Thursday Publishod by Whitby Fr.. P res Imc., Brunlo Harilaid, Presidmnt. 212 Brock Street South, Whiiby Amil Box 206. Whitby. Phone 66"-11il or 668-6112 Editor: Miko Burgee Amistatt Editor: Jim Oiuil MAILING Sports EdleDr: Doug Wnlies E~I Advsrtsing: Ron Winstentey NO. MI4 DRUM TAB~LES $3000 WHILE THEV LAST OPEN MON-FRI - eýý, ý-1 M e- L 777 -4êT777-ý 77- 77 -7 1 19 oh

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