Whitby Free Press, 24 May 1973, p. 14

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PAGE 14, WHITBY FREE PRESS, THURSDAY, MAY 24, 1973 Don't Be Af raid to Prune Says Bradsl Home gardeners prune and clip for a number of reasons according to John Bradshaw's Lawn andGar- den Guide. Mr. Bradshaw is one haw of Canada's leading hor- ticulturalists and is well known through his radio and television programs. He prepared the easy to understand guide for Ca- DX OUALITY FUEL NOW! DX FUEL, OIL 6684381 ~ jÇINÇVARTS nadian Industries Limi- ted and it is available free from CIL lawn and garden produets dealers. CGardeuers -prune and clip to remove dead, da- maged or diseased parts; to eut away weak spindly growth and so produce a more vigorous plant; and to have shapely-look- ing plants and hedges, according to the guide. "Don't be afraid to prune, after ail, you learn by your mistakes, and if you follow this basic guide, you won't make many of those," Mr. Bradshaw points out. "Start with a good set of pruuing shears. Keep them dlean, sharp and in aligrument. Wipe them dlean after use, and put a spot of oul on them occasionally. Blunt shears eau produce tomn, ragged, bruising cuts which lead to diseased plants. "Always make your eut about 1/4 inch above a bud and the bud should be facing out from the centre of the growth. This keeps the plant shape open. "'AIl eut stems over one inch in diameter shouîd be proteeted with tree-wound paint. "An unpruned hedge boits skyward, and soon becomes full of holes. If you have holes in the NOTICE 0F APPLICATION BY THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY TO DISPENSE WITH THE VOTE 0F THE ELECTORS RESPECTINO STREET AND ROAD CONSTRUCTION1 TAKE NOTICE THAT: 1. The Council of the Cnrporat ion of the Town of Whitby intends ta apply ta, the Ontario Municipal Board for appraval af the construction af the f ollawiig streets and roads within the Town af Whitby, ai an estimnated cosi ai $461,545.00 and that the. sum aif $213,000.00 shall be raised by the sale of debentures payable on the general rate aver a periad nat exceeding 10 years: 2. Application will be made ta the Ontario Municipal t3aard for an order ta dispense with the assent of the electors ta the under- taking ai any af the said works. Any ratepayer may within 21 days aiter the first publicatian ai this notice send by past pre- paid ta the Clerk ai the Town ai Whitby at the address given be- low, a notice in writing stating his abjection ta such appraval and the grounds af such abjection. 3. The Ontaria Municipal Board may order çursuanîta the Statutes that the assent ai the electors shail nat be required and may approve ai the said works but bel are daing sa it may appoint a time and place for a public hearing when any abjections will be considered. 9oads and Streets (Location> Sideraad 20-21 Con'. 9 Sideraad 22-23 Con. 9 Sideroad 26-27 Con. 9 Sideroad 28-29 Con. 9 Sideraad 34-35 Con. 9 Garrard Rd.-Oundas St. ta 1 ,200 feet north Raglan St.-Dundas St. ta Giffard St. Dunlop St.- Lupin Or. ta Masan Or. Coîborne St.-Brock ta King Coîborne St.-Brock ta Byron Welington St.-Giffard St. -northerly Nature ai Wark Estimated Cost Railway crassing $ 5,000.00 i mprove ments Railway crassing 19,270-00 improvements Railway crassing 20,800-00 improve me nis Railway crossing 13,325.00 im prove men ts Railway crossing 9,550-00 im prove me nts Reconstruction, granular base, starm sewers, curb & gutter, hot mix asphaît 171,500-00 Reconstruct, granular. base, storm sewers, curb & gutter, hot mix asphaît 67,500-00 Curb & gutter, pavement widening 20,000-00 Storm Sewers 35,000-00 Reconstruct, granular base, curb & gutter, hot mix asphaît .t 50,000-00 Reconstruct, granular base, storm sewers, curb & gutter, hot mix asphait 50,000.00 Oated at the Town of Whitby this 3rd day of May, 1973. Wm. H. Wallace, A.M.C.T., Clerk, Town of Whitby 405 Dundas Street West, s.. ' r' '. 'ii 'Whittwyý.Ohiirio. ~ hedge, they will neyer fil in. The solution is to eut ail the hedge down to six iuches jn early spring before the buds start' to swell and open. Feed the hedge with CIL 'Rose Doctor', and prune it regularly. "ibis hedge, and 'al young. hedges should be pruned or elipped wider at the bottom than at the top. Keep the to p Iow, and ail sideshoots trimmed until the hedge thickens Up. "One season of ne- glected feeding or prun- ing can lead to thin pat- ehy hedges. Then you'l have -to eut them back to six juches and start al over again. "Early bloomers like Forsythia and Almond should be pruned imme- diately ater bloomning. Summer bloomers should be pruned in April be- fore the buds start to swell and open. "Prune Ailflowering shrubs to preserve the natural shape. Remove or shorten any straight sucker-like branches. Re- move ail vigorous curv- ing branches. "Evergreens don't ne- ed much pruuing - ex- cept to preserve the na- tural shape. Prune at the end of June when ever- greens finish growin& Cut back the new sea- son's growth by one haif." EUYSUIREN1'HIRE,-. HOLIDAY SPECIAL Continued from page il 1h. DBay Thoy Stop Advortisi'ng "It's a publisher's rip-off," says the dealer. "They're charging me a buck ninety a copy. I had to lay out three hundred and eighty bucks in cash for my papers today." "The Citizen guy told me that 75 percent of their revenue comes from advertisiug-and with no ads, the cost of publishing the paper is two bueks a copy." "But this paper is only eight pages," says Lewis. "I use the Ottawa Citizen to wrap the- garbage in - this isn't thick enough to wrap an.order of fish and chips in."' The news dealer says, "My wife will be bloo- dy mad on Thursday, she loves to plough through those supermarket ads to see where the best bargains are. The Citizen guy told me statistics show that just as many women read the Eaton's and Simpson's ads as read the front page news." The ad ban really wrecked the television iudustry. More than 90 percent of a private station's income is from commercial. The CBC ran National Film Board releases until people called up to say they were sick of watehing Eskimos. Then two Eskimos called and said: "Where the heli is 'Ail in the Fami- The CBC brass was lu a real sweat because the corporation takes in more than $35,000,00 a year in ad revenues. Budgeting had to be ad- justed. Hundreds of people were let go. The mandarins had decided to go ail out on the ad bau. Instructions were given to the Department of Transport and, by Day Three, weird-iooking tin shacks were being put up at key points along the world's longest undefended border. A highly efficient jamming apparatus went into action and ail commercials beamed fromn U.S. stations were converted into a kind of pink snow on colour sets. People sat arourld yeIling at one another. It was the first time in years that a lot of married people spoke to each other at ail. WEEK GARDEN POOL 12 X 24' INGROUND VINYL LINER SWIMMING POOL KIT BY CONVERTIBLE' 20 YEAR FACTORY WARRANTY WITH JACUSSI EQUIP' KIT ONLY $1,189.00 OTHER SIXES WITH BIC SAVINGS' OTHER SIZES WITH BIC SAVINGS' OPEN Thursady -frîday tilI 9.p.m. Saturday tili 6 p.m. COMPETITIVE INSTALLATION RATES' I.u~~---WE CAN INSTALL YOUR POOL BY EARLY JUNE 128 BROCK STREET NORTH Whitby WHITBY g Ae CA LL 668-5081 or 655-3431 SUPERIOR ALUMINUM WHUTBY 576-1442 SIDING - A WNINGSap bOORS-WINDO WS SOFFITS - FA SCIA EA VESTROUGIIING Made 0f *25 Vear Written Guarantes e *Instruction'Kit If You Wish To / Do h Yourself * Fr. EtimtosMark -0f Quality 1- r

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