Whitby Free Press, 17 May 1973, p. 5

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MOTORINO' with Mike Burgess LABATT'S SUONS .SPONSGRSHIP- AGREEMENT FOR GAI-AN Labatt's Ontario Breweries Limited and Mosport Park Ltd., recently announced a new three-year sponsorship agreement for the Labatt's Blue Cani-Am, the traditional openîing race of the Canadian-American Challenge Cup Series. The Labatt's Blue Can-Am at Mosport, June 8-10, will mark th? fifth straight year of Labatt's tan-Amn Association. "We like the idea of beinig able to-planl ahead for the next couple of years," said Bruce Elliot-, president and general manager of Labatt's Ontario Breweries. "We've enjoyed a long and profitable associationi with the Cail-Am and with Mosport since 1969. We are looking forward to the next three years." The agreement, which expires ini 1975, is the second multi-year contract Labatts has signéd for the Can-Am race. A two-year contract expired last year. Mosport President, Harvey Hudes said, "I believe our agreements with Labatt's are unique ini auto racing, because of their rnulti-year niature. We think it speaks well for the future of this fast-growing sport that a company with the stature of Labatt's FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHEO APARIMENTS AVAILABLE PHONE 668-6161 Bonus Interest Mayl1to May 15 Money you move to a Special Savings or a Regular Savings account at Victoria and Grey Trust at any time during the period May i to May15 will be accorded fuit interest. (Special Savings 5 %-, Regular Savings 4 %) from May i. This up-to-two-weeks bonus gives your savings a substantial boost,.. if youa"z-tnow! Wc7ORL4 [GREY 70qUST COMPANY SINd Es MANAGER - LORME REID casi look allead to an exciting future with auto racing." In addition, Labatt's lias two years to go on a three-year agreement to sponsor the September run- ning of the Labatt's 50 Grand Prix of Canada. lite Labatt's 50 Grand Prix of Canada is the coun- try's only É~ormula I World Championship event. And for those who don't know it is hield annually at Mosport Park. Libattis initial involvement in motor racing began ini 1964 when the company sponsored the first international race at Le Circuit Mont Tremblant in Quebec, the Labatt's 50, won by the late Pedro Rodriguez. The Quebec division of the company continued its involvemnent the next year, tîten, in 1966, spon- sored the first Can-Am race ever held. Labatt's became associated with Can-Amn racing ini Ontario ini 1969, sponsoring the Mosport event in, North America's richest road racing series. lI 1972, Labatt's also assumed the sponsorship of Canada's only Grand Prix race. At the samne time, Mosport Park, announced an agreement witl the Canadian Automobile Sports Clubs, the governing body of auto racing ini Canada, to hold the race at the Mosport circuit for at least the next six years. A $15,000 first prize will be the most ever of- fered the wimîer of the Can-Amn in June. The new Can-Amn purse schedule was devised by the Sports Car Club of America (SCCA), which chose to eliminate qualifying prizes in favor of basing the rnoney on finishing positions ini each race. In 1972, the $75,000 total purse was divided with $65,000 going to the top 25 finishers in the race and $10,000 distributed among the five fastest qualifiers. Last year's race winner, Denis Hulme of New Zealand, pocketed $13,000 for first place. This year's winner gets $15,000 plus contingency awards (rnoney paid by manufacturers to drivers who finish well using their products) whichi is expected to sweil tîhe winner's purse by several thousand dollars. Second place picks Up SI I1,000, third $8,000, fourth $6,000 and on down to l4th place which pays $1,200. NOTICE 0F APPLICATION BY THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY TO DISPENSE WITH THE VOTE 0F THE ELECTORS RESPECTING STREET AND ROAO CONSTRUCTION TAKE NOTICE THAT: 1. The Cauncil of the Corporation oi the Town oi Whitby intends ta apply ta the Ontaria Municipal Board for approval oi the construction ai the I îlowiiig streets and roads within the Town oi Whitby, at an estimated cast of $461,545.00 and that theý sum af $213,000.00 shail be raised by the sale of debentures payable on the general rate over a period flot exceeding 10 years: 2. Application will be made ta the Ontario Municipal Board for an order ta dispense with the assent of the electors ta the under- taking ai any ai the said works. Any ratepayer may within 21 days alter the iirst publication ai this notice send by post pre- paid ta the Clerk ai the Town af Whitby at the address given be- low, a notice in writing stating his abjection ta such approval and the grounds ai such abjection. 3. The Ontario Municipal Board rnay order irsuant ta the Statutes that the assent ai the electors shaîl not be requîred and may apprave ai the said works but bei are doing 50 it may appoint a tîme and place for a public hearing when any objections will be cansidered. 9)d and Streets (Location) Sideraad 20-21 Con. 9 Sideraad 22-23 Con. 9 Sideroad 26-27 Con. 9 Sideroad 28-29 Con. 9 Sideraad 34-35 Con. 9 Garrard Rd.-Dundas St. ta 1,200 feet narth Raglan St.-Dundas St. ta Giffard St. Dunlop St.- Lupin Or. ta Mason Dr. Coîborne St.-Brock ta King Caîborne St.-Brock ta Byron Wellington St.-Giffard St. -nartherly Nature ai Work Estimated Cosi Railway crossing $ 5,000.00 i mprove ment s Railway crassing 19,270.00 i mprove me nts Railway crossing 20,800.00 im prove ment s Railway crassing 13,325.00 improvements Railway crossing 9,550.00 improvements Reconstruction, granular base, storm sewers, curb & gutier, hot mix asphait 171,500.00 Reconstruct, granular base, storm sewers, curb & gutter, hat mix asphaît 67,500.00 Curb & gutter, pavement wîdening 20,000.00 Storm Sewers 35,000.00 Recanstruct, granular base, curb & gutter, hot mix asphaît 50,000.00 Reconstruct, granular base, storm sewers, curb & gutter, hot mix asphalt 50,000.00 Dated at the Town of Whitby this 3rd day of May, 1973. Wm. H. Wallace, A.M.C.T., Clerk, Town of Whitby 405 Dundas Street West, Whitbyf, Ontario.. WHITBY FREE PRESS, THURSDAY, MAY 17, 1973, PAGE 5 Fifteenth through twenty-fourth places, will take home $1 ,OOO each. 'Big mouth' (yours truly) did it again! While attending a County Town Carnival Committee, 1 somehow volunteered to run a Driving Skill Test as one of the carnival events. This event will be*organ- ized by Oshawa Motor Sport Club members wbo have fourteen years experience at this type of undertakçing. The date planned is Sunday, July 29th - the place to be determined. This Sunday (May 20) is the second race in the Mosport Bulova Series for Formula Ford and 2-5 Litre Sedans. Also this Sunday in Guelph ( Wiliow West Mall - Corner Hwys. No.. 7 and No. 6) is the third event in the Ontario Region Solo-Events Championship. If you're planning on competing be there early or you may wind up waiting for a hundred other competit- ors to run before you get a chance. 'TiI next week, Happy Motoring! GIVE.. Sb Tiat Oth.rs THIS SUNDAY Another First for McDonald's andour most special treat and pleasure to serve you... lntroducing our New QUARTER POUNDER with Cheese 2 for th. price ofj Buy one Quarter Pounder with cheese (made from 100 percent Pure Beef) and get one FREE with this Advertisement. (Value 70c) SUNDAY MAY 2Oh 1913 ValId - one p.r customer at elther Mc- Donald's Location. UMbS T.N.AT TAUm"TO* Of 1 -M.fflýN «-ý -- AM 11,1-- -1111- 1. i

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