Whitby Free Press, 17 May 1973, p. 13

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- I Burgess Girl of tho wosk. WHITBY FREE PRESS, THURSDAY, MAY 17. 1973. PAGE 13 Help the Whitby Historical Society SAVE LYNDE HOUSE $35,000 needed to move and restore this historic relic of 1812. Donations payable at Royal Bank or mail to BOX 281, Whitby, -- Al donations income tax deductable. Contributions received to date: Town of $5,000. E. P. Taylor. .$1,000. Whitby.- For further 'information, caîl 668-4023 or 668-4174. Displaying one of lier sketches is pretty twenty-year-old Gail l-untley of Gilbert St. Gail is a student at the University of Windsor. Her hobbies include sketching, painting and riding lier wich King where she is working for the summer. Photo by by Heather Bradley For the past year now, as one drove through Broo- klin, one may have won- dered ""What is ever going to happen to the Brooklin Hardware building?" Well, something hasfor on April 28, a sign readipý &"antiques" was placed up- on the sidewalk, along with ain age old ice-box, and Brookgreen Antiques, came into existence. Brookgreen is owned and operated by Ed and Grace Vaughan, who for the Iast four years, have occupied a farm in Kinsale. Mr. Vaughan, who works for the Toronto uarnivai goes At a meeting of the County Town Carnival Committee last Thursday. it was decided that two 9 new motoring events wili be added to -this year's 5 program.E stock exchange said,"She's the manager, 1 just work here." A good manager she must be too, for inside the store, one is able to find everything from oul larnps to a 1930 Clarion radio sitting in the corner. Brookgreen is a nice place to browse, for they specialize ini nothing and everythhing. Roth English and Canadian furniture are presént, the store is care- fully decorated with Tif- fany type lamps. Sheffield silver is on hand and various bottles for the wine maker. Mrs. Vaughan's motto is "we have something for everybody." motoring The British Empire M1otor Club (B.E.M.C.) will take over the or- ganization of the annual car rally to, be held Aug. 5 at the Consolidated Bathurst, parking lot. B.E.M.C. is a welI known motor sport club espe- cially in the field of rallying as they organize the annual Canadian Win- ter Rally which is the longest and most chaI- lenging Canadian rally. The second motoring event is a Driving SUIl Test to be hield July 29. This event. which is the first of its kind to be held at the carnival. was offered by Free Press Editor Mike Burgess who is the president of the Oshawa Motor Sport second year fine arts bicycle to the Sand- Mike Burgess Club. The Go-Ka~rt race at Family Kartway on Hwy. 1 2 will be open to the public instead of just professional racers this year. Carilival bumper stick. ers are still available froni the Chamber of Com- merce office, il17 Greenl St. The stub when filled out and submitted to the Chamber, enitles thue holder of a sticker to cash prizes ini a draw at the carnîval opening iuly 3 1. Jack Woodward (left) Chairman of the County Town Carnival Comrnittee, and Assistant Chah-man John Mclvor display the new bumper stickers at a reent meeting of the committee.1 Photo by Mike Burgess by M Nare R.utter For period May 2Oth to 26th TA URUS - April 20 to May 20 Lend a helping hand - responsibilities arise concern- ing old people, superiors or in-laws. Near the end of the week, your mind wili be full of thouglits of tra- vel - the time is right for relaxation and pleasure. GEMINI - May 21 to June 20 You are very sharp rnentally; spirits are high, you move with style. You take added responsibility very well, but be careful flot to vocalize an imagined grievance. Further your career interests at the week- end. CANCER - June 21 to July 22 This is a quiet interval - work behiind the scenes*. Research facts carefully, mistakes could occur. Seek a balance between depression and> exhilaration, try to discipline moods. LEO - July 23 to Aug. 22 Doni't procrastinate; handle projects as they corne along. This will be a duil boring week for you; your goals seemn far fromn being achieved. Take a long look at your personal life; grow spiritually. VIRGO - Aug. 23 to Sept. 22 You are travelling toward a pinnacle; finances and professional interests command the spotlight. Push until the 2Sth, it could be yqur big break. After that. stick to routine matters. LIBRA -~ Sept. 23 to Oct. 22 As well as being your favourite timne of year, this month is a very important one for you; everything cornes together, you are interested in everything and everybody, and you achieve a great deal by just being yourself. SCORPIO - Oct. 23 to Nov. 22 There is a need for contemplation, but don'"t try to live any of your life over again because you remnember it as being enjoyable, it is important for you to live ini the present. Doni't get depressed. tlîink positive. SAC ITTARIUS- Nov. 23 to Dec. 21 Untangle finances; if budget is tight, don't purchase clothing or "extras"'. Think before you speajc, you could hurt someone's feelings. Write or telephone loved ones you hiave being neglecting- bridge the communication gap. CAPRICORN - Dec. 22 to Jan. 19 Although ail your liard work pays off and your pro- jects reachi fruition, details nmust be ironed out. When speculating, lucky nLilfbers are 3, 7 and 1. AQUARIUS -Jian. 20 to Feb. i18 Meditation rnay hielp to overcorne both private and New store opens in carea du - -- --M - m :4

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