Whitby Free Press, 10 May 1973, p. 3

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TOWN COUNCIL CONT. FROM PAGE jthere seerus to be quite a bit of it." HIe added "l'd like to sec this thing (construction of the are- iua) going on1 as soon as possible. We îueed anl 4arena." Mr. lrwin stated I don't respect what's goiing on1 and 1 don't want any part of it." Mr. Living- ston followed up wîth ~It seenîs to rme the teîî- dering process is a pro- cess that shiould be up- held and honoured.. and "liîn afraid l'm in the saine canoe as Mr. [rwin, and l'nî afraid 1 do understand what's ,-go- i ng oni." He also said '"there's absolutely no al- ternative in my mmnd, but to award the tender to Newtown Construction" Dr. Flobbs asked "if we table this for a week will it really interfere with the start of the buil- ding?" Mr. McEwen replied that he couldn't ",hazard a guess on that"'. Coun. White pointed out that the matter at hand had already been tabled for a week, and that -we had Mr. Plati (pres. of Newtown) here last Thurs- day night and we put the questions to him". He also said that hehad been led to believe that the -sub-contractors and New- town personnel on the job would be union and "l'm going to have to vote that the tender be given to Newtown Const. as recommended by our architects". Much discussion fol- lowed with a motion to table the matter voted down 9-2. Dr. Hobbs didn't give an inch and continued with "there's no way that this arena will be here by '73 or '74. l'Il guarantee it." He added with reference to Mr. Piati "this man defies the Oshawa Trades Council"'. Dr. Hobbs said further that "obviously Newtown Construction will bring unemployed people out of Toronto-" that you have obviously for- gotten the coverage we have gîven this subject, and the extensive story we publishced sonie tinie ago informing our readers o>f what you have re- peated ini your letter. So if you lce]iluat this particular! photo of a sign that numnerous motorists and pedestrians sce daily on Brock St. South is a source of enîbarrassmient to you, all I can suggcst is why dun't you take ih down? Mr. Fairservice, tlat pic- keting would begin as soon as construction star- ted. He went on to say that if the Trades Couji- cil was going to picket before tiiere was any rea- son to, the tender sys- tenu mnight just as well be done away withi and A work given directly to the Trades Council, whichi lie felt was just trying to put pressure on1 Town Council. Mr. lrwin said that lie felt "the commnents to mne are so close to being a threat that I'm consi- dering consulting the Crown Attorney." He also said "what 1 think we should be doing in. stead of antagonizing the contractor" is to work to- gether to encourage himn. Votes were takenl and it was passed that the Arena tender be given to Newtown with the ban- quet hall included. GIVE..a So That Othors May Livo a "no-M Clyde Spekin ata public forum on leisure time at Henry Street Highi School last Thursday, Durham Co- lege teacher, Clyde Wilson stated "Whitby re-building the arena is a 'no-no'. Any time vou build an areîîa al you're doing is providing people with a place to sit and watch and tiot get ini- volved". At this meeting, called by the Whit by Recreation Advisory B3oard, Mr. Wil- son compared leisure time to freedoru froru constr- aints. "We gear recreation to the dlock, but we don't ail use the same dlock" said Mr. Wilson. He also said that the unemployed, the retired, and the physically disabled have an apathy to recrea- tion. He went on to say that another factor that affects the choice of rec- reation is class. The ex- ample he gave was a 4'B.B.- C. investigation on this subject where it was found tha -the working class in England chooses passive recreation while the midd- le class seek more active arnusement. Mr. Wilson felt tha t"4We now need community ini- volvement not to control, but to co-ordinate our lei- sure time" and to do this 46we need to know the needs of the people." He added that recreation has to provide a challenge, stimulate interest, and get people involved. Another speaker at the same meeting was Mr. no, Say$ Wilson Gordon Richards, plant manager for Dupont of Canada Ltd., Whitby, who spoke more on the indust- rial aspects of leisure time. Mr. Richards feit that ini lus opinion the availability of nmore leisure tiîne lias liad a great effect on our standard of living. -The family lias a great more Iei- sure time they must use," hie said. HIe went on to say that everybody lias a split view- point and that "they ail want to get their job done and they ail want their vac- ation when they want it". This causes problems to employers, because most peopleNs vacations are gea- red towards the summer during the school break. Mr. Richards pointed out' that this problem is allev- îated somewhat by hiring summer students, and at Dupont vacations are sche- duied with priority given to seniority of years of ser- vice, and not position in the comnanv The problem with hiring new workers [summer stu- dents] is that "you've got to train them, and in our plant it takes 5 - 8 working days just to train them to work safely, and yet an- other week to train them to do the job", said Mr. Richards. In summing up hie said "there is a definite trend towards increased leisure time and it must be acc- epted by industry", 'and "if this increased time is spent wisely, it will be a real gain to our standard of livinîg". What have you done for your backyard Iately? Here are a pair of "Patio Pairs" to make your backyard into a summer relaxation room. When you start thinking about this summers fun, start thînking about your own backyard first, Thats where Natural Gas goes to work. with a "Patio Pair '-a gas barbecue and outdoor lamp combination that cari put great eating and romantic lighting into your summer nights at home, CHARMGLOW BARBECUE model JAK Paicfr-settt'r dînong gas barbecues CHARMGLOW PATIO LAMP modet 300 Distinctive stylirg adds charm to your outdoor setiîng SPECIAL PATIO PAIR PRICE: Si 99.00 Price includes installation and up to 40' of pîping. Units must be within 15' of each other. ARKLA BARBECUE model GR 40 You'Il be impressed by the superb cooking abilities' F ALCON BARCELONA model 425 Spanish or Medterranean style SPECIAL PATIO PAIR PRICE: $239.00 C!3oasu es.~ a WHITBY FREE PRESS, THURSDAY, MAY 10, 1973, PAGE 3 {*SAVE ON -lkm Ag . a m Robuilding the Arona The Ontario Municipal Board may approve of the said special, rate pursuant to the Statutues and may ap- prove of the said works, but before doing so it may ap- point a tiine and place for a public hearing when any objections will be considered, but notice of such hearîng will be given only to those persons wbo have given no- tice of objections as provided for above. DATED at the Town of Whitby this lOth day of May, A.D., 1973. Wm. H. Wallace, A.M.C.T., Clerk, The Corporation of the Town of Whitby, 405 Dundas Street West, Whitby, Ontario. SCHEDULE 4"A" COMMENCING at a point at the south-west angle of the former Town of Whitby where it intersects the north shore of Lake Ontario, THENCE northerly along the west limit of the former Town of Whitby to its nortîî point ini Township Lot 31, Concession 2; THENCE east parallel 40 Drndas Street (No. 2 Highway) to a point 660 feet west of Cochrane Street; THENCE north parailel to Rossland Road to the east linmit of the former Township of Whitby; THENCE south along the east limit of the former Town- ship of Whitby to ILake Ontario; THENCE westerly along the north limit of Lake Ontario to the place of beginning. M . . . . . . . . . . a d FUEL Wé DX FUEL OIL MS4.1 NOTICE 0F APPLICATION BY THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY FOR APPROVAL 0F A BY-LAW IMPOSING A SEWER RATE The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Whit- by intends to apply to the Ontario Municipal Board for approval of the construction of a sanitary sewer on Front Street from Brock Street to Charles Street, on Charles Street from Front Street to Victoria Street and on Vic- toria Street from Charles Street to a point approxi- mately 300 feet west of the westerly limits of Henry Street at an estimated cost of $150,000.00. It intends to charge the whole of the cost of the work as a sewer rate for a period of 10 years upon lands that wilI or may derive a benefit therefrom described in Schedule "A". It is proposed to raise the whole of the annual pay- ments by an annual rate estimated at 0.6 milîs. The fo- llowing is an example of the annual charge on an average dwelling property having an assessment of $5,00.00. $3.00 annually for a period of 10 years, being a total of $30.00. (a) The area upon which such sewer rate is to be levied is described in Schedule "A"' attached to and forming part of this notice. (b) There will be no exemptions granted. Any rate payer may, within 21 days after the first pu- blication of this notice, send by prepaid post to the Clerk of the Town of Whitby, at the addressgiven below, a notice in writing stating his objection to such approval or to the imposition of the special rate. 1001

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