Whitby Free Press, 10 May 1973, p. 14

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PAGE 14, WHITU REE PRESS, THURSDAY, MAY 10, 1973 otWA DIRECT To 'VS Nms.Se, tupoRmum FI st 9&qI6ieSh ALS4WAt.1 Help the Whitby Historical Society SAVE LYNDE HOUSE $35 ,000 of 1812. Donations payable at Royal Bank or mnail to Box 281, Whitby, -- Ail donations income tax deductable. Contributions received to date: Town of $5,000. E. P.. Taylor ..1,000. For further information, call 668-4023 or 668-4174. needed to move and restore this historic relic whitby... I WHITBY TIHE]ATRE Company nIne~t.n ocated at 73THE WHITBY CENTENNIAL BUILDING COMPLIMENTARY 300 B3YRON STREET, WHIT3Y, What bas been recog- nized by many as the grea- test comedy written by the late Noel Coward, Blithe Spirit, will be pre- sented by the Tliornbill Little Theatre, ini associa- tion witb the Whitby Tbe- atre Company, on1 Friday May 1l and Saturday,May 12, 1973. The ingenious plot tells how novelist Charles Condomine invites into bis placid country home an eccentric, breezy lady me- dium in order to learn the language of the occult. Little does Cbarles or bis ioveiy second wife, Ruth, dream that tbe seance sta- ged by the medium wili summon back Charles' first wife, now "passed over" for seven years. But tbe lady from beyond, still handsome, stili miscbie- vous, appears -- wraith who torments Charles by reminding him of tbeir Swimining tîme at Carden Pools, Whîtby YOUR NEW LOCAL POOL CENTRE "AQUA-PLEASUR E" POOLS BY CONVERTIB8LE INGROUNO VINYL LINER POOL SJIEK19 MORE FUJN WITI4 ABOVE G ROUND POOLS CONCRETE POOLS SPRING SPECIAL - 16# 32' INGROUNO VINYL LINER POOL ALL JACZZIEQUIP. KIT ON LY - $1 625.00 COMPLETELY INSTALLED ON A DELUX HARO BOTTOM $3223.00 (DIFFICULI ACCESS MAY REQUIRE A SMALL ADDI- TIONAL CHARGE) BANK FINANCE AVAILABLE OUR NEW DISPLAY CENTRE WILL BE OPEN SOON IN WHITBY CALL-655-3431 SUPERIOR ALUMINUM WHITBY 576-1442 SIDING - A WNINGS - DOORS- WINDOWS SOFFITS - FA SCIA EA VESTRO UGHING Made 0f *25 Vear Wrtten Guarantee ,W1 *Instruction'Kit If You Wish To Do t Vourseif *Free Estimates4UM Mark 0f Quality ONTARIO (11~ b.~1 ION FRCHANOr *MOTHERS: Here's the healthy pure water ingredient for baby's formula delivered to your door. :The perfect mix for juices, coffee and drinks. Great for cooking, soups, sauces. Find out more *-phone or write- OZOPURE LIMITED P.O. Box 473, Oshawa, Ontario- TELEPHONE 725-0566 PLEASE GIVE ME MORE INFORMATION AT NO OBLIGATION. NAME .......... ... .....I......-... ..... * AODRESS ......... . ..............P OE................. days and nights together. Only Charles caîî see or bear ber. A fioating vase, banded to bier ont of thin ait, finally convinces Rutb that Charles is tiot losing bis mmnd -- that bis first wife is indeed ini the room. The first wife bas a gbost- iy plot in mind: if slîe can get Charles into an automobile accident and make a ghost of bim, life in tîhe spirit world wil bave more appeal for ber. Mistakes occur, bowever, and it is Ruthi wbo takes the fatal automobile ride and passes on -- only to return witb tbe first wife to plague the utterly be- wildered astral bigamist! How Charles manages to extricate bimseif from these two very blithe spi- rits makes an hilarious con- clusion to this very un- usual farce. Last September, under tbe sponsorship of tbe Thornbiil Presbyterian Cburch, a Group was forrn. ed wbich met weekly to study the bistory of stage and drama and later, to read a series of plays from Greek Tragedy tbrougb contemporary works. At the conclusion of the read- ings in Marcb a desire was expressed to present a play, and from this the Thornhill Little Theatre was born. A great deal of interest and support bas already come from various sources in Thornbill and it bas been decided (bat, BUY NOW BEFORE SALES TAX INCREASE MAY 1ST. LARGEST selectuon of used Volkswagens ever. From 1966 to latesi models. Ail cars compleely recondi- tioned and guaranteed for 1,000 miles or 1 Month. OPEN NIGHTS UNTIL 9 P.M. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY UNTIL 6 P.M. PHONE 942-1881, 941-1401 TORONTO UNE 1839-5050 PICKERING CAR CENTRE LTD. BASELINE ROAD AJAX - ONTARIO , Marne. "" commencing next Septem- ber, the Theatre wiII func- tion as a community group staging five or six legitimate drama produc- tions eacli season. The group is, at pre- sent, under the direction of Ken Thatcher, wlio also piays the part of Charles has liad considerabie ex- perience witb the amateur and semi-professional stage ini England, having design- ed and beiped run the Chieltenham Civic Play- bouse whicb ran tbrough Worid War Il on a reper- tory basis ini competition with the professional.thea- tre in that town. At the moment, Ken Thatcher is engaged in the famiiy owvn- ership and running of Dale- Lite Ltd. in Toronto, one of the oldest estabiisbed firms specializing in sale, rentai and operation of theatre Iighting of ail sorts. Eileen Samuel, "Elvira," who bails from Alberta, has appeared as a folk- singer on radio and tele- vision both out west and iocaiiy. She bas toured the Maritimes with a cho- rai group and bas appeared in documentary films. Her last straight dramatic rote was in John Masefield's "End and Beginning" in 1972. Ruih Wagner (Ruth) bas done no acting ilically since she arrived in Ontar- io from Vancouver where she bad extensive experi- ence on the amateur stage. She makes a very attrac- tive Ruth, weli able to cope with the various moods necessary for the bewildered woman whose home is i.nvaded by the gliost of ber husband's for- mer wife. Jay Campbell, who pla- Ys Dr. Bradman, bas, witb- in the last few months, arr- ived in Tbornhill from London , Ontario, wbere he was a member of the' London Little Theatre. He appeared in their plays for many years, and his la- st role was in "Auntie lu IASCJAT)ON WiTiS. PREeEr' NO EL cOWAWeo 6ReT er Co MlED'r fWnM'O I SiTML VVE &0< SME F# SA lb ANDP bTT,,e 7YEA1m W T"E >JIlS op TNe ?P0fiAsDC AU 0 IS -'$ @20 ÇMUm.ti A newcomer to t he sta- ge is Jean Gaggi in the im- portant roie of Madame Arcati. This is ber first appearance in a tbree act play, but she presents a well tbougbt out and com- pletely zany cbaracter wh- icb stands up well in com- parison with otbers who have played this part.. Dorothea Tbàtcher and Anne Shipley round out tbe cast in the parts of Mrs. Bradman and Edith, the maid. The Whitby Theatre Company considers this, association witb the Tho- rnbill Little Theatre imp- ortant as it is tbe former group's first endeavour to bring outside threate gro- ups to the community, and we are pleased to have Thornhill's participa- tion. Advance ticket sales are available tbrough Mid- dleton's Book Store, 113 Dundas Street West, and Anne's Fabric Shop, 113 Byron Street South in Whitby, as well as at the theatre on the evenings of the performance. Tickets are seiiing at $2.50, each for adults, and $1 .50 each for students; bar facilities will be available. (Continued frtm Page 5/ An old legend states the stone for tbe basement of the bouse was brougbt. up the creek in scows from the marsb at Lake Ontario. The bou se is one of the oldest in Whitby and Ont- ario County and a rare example of arcbitecture of the period. The Lynde house was originaily ciaphoard but was stuccoed over in 1939. In 1968 a wing at the back wvis destroyed by fire. The bistorical society bopes to raise enougb mo- ney to make ih Possible to move the bouse witbin the next year, and is ho- ping for public support to provide a permanent mu- seum for Wbitby.

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