Whitby Free Press, 10 May 1973, p. 10

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PAGE 10, WHITBV FREE PRESS, THURSDAY, MAY 10, 1973 starscope by Madje Rutter (May 13th to 19th) TAURUS' (April 20 - May 20) This is a good time to begin new projects and ad- ventures. Someone will Maulox E- seek your advice - listen, and adopt a positive atti- tude. Take the initiative and patch-up tlat long- neglected friendship. The l6th of the month is fa- vourable for both public and private relations. GEMINI (May 21 - lune 20) This quiet period will enable you to complete anything unfinished. Be VASELINE WHITE PETROLEUM JELLY )8 oz. - Sugg. List 89c 5 ~CU RAD "VALUE PACK" 9 -.100ASSORTED BANDAGES .4 Suggested ist $1.75 LYSOL SPRAY DEODORIZES! DISINFECTS! m2 PEPSODENT ~~ TOOTHPASTE se 50% More Free" - 1 50 ml. 8 MA1.21 ANTACIDm2 LIQUID, 12 oz. or TABLETS. 50*s EACH extra attentive to your partner or spouse - lie or slhe deserves it! The l3th and l4th of the month are significant for outdoor sports and activities, wh- ere you wîll meet many new people. CANCER (lune 21 - July 22) At the beginning of the week lands, properties and leases are empîasized. A change of atmosphere se- ems very appealing to you. Romance and cidren are stressed on Wednesday l6th and Thursday l7th. Take health precautions on the weekend; watch your diet. LEO (July 23 - August 22nd) Your career is empha- sized this week, you try improving work habits per- haps take a refresher cou- rse. A short trip may bc very relaxing and give you time to think. A re- lief from routine on the l8th and l9th of the mo- nth. VIRGO (August 23 - Sept. 22) The slow dcvelopmeîit of a partnership, whici may become a marital onîe, is in the air this week. A good day for you is the l3th, when you may hear of a personal finaiî- cial boost or a project of financial interest to you. Use caution on the l7th, gossip could be dangerous for you. Pie week ends on a more stable note. LIBRA (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22) A vers' bLsy week - display your talents and impress others. Take ex- tra care of your personal appearance the l3th and 14th - it could pay off! A good time to strive for a better relationship with your family. SCORPIO (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21) A good week for acc- complisiments - you could see your dreams and pîsil see your dreams and plans becoming a reality. Keep your emotions in chieck - failure to do so could cause embarrassment. Be practical - don't spectilate. Take nothing for granted. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22 - Dec 21) Behave with diplomnacy and itigenuity this week. "Co-operation" is a key work. Take time to be yourself, and leave your- self time to think. Keep calm and try your best but always keep one step ahead of everyone else. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19) Activity cycle builds slowly, when asked for advise be very helpful, but don't give a%%my any se- crets. Form future plans. If engaged in researcli you may reacli your goal and find what you've been loo- king for. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18) Keep well-informied and uip-to-date at work, science travel and philosophy wvill arouse your interest. This is the beginning of a four- week period favouring ar- tistic and musical abilities. The end of the ek ji. '»COMIE HOME TO ASHBURN good for friendly get-to- gethers, especially if the crowd is large. PISCES (Feb. 19 - March 20) Communication is str- essed - understanding is high, and you are appre- ciated to a greater degree than before. Make your feelings known - a timne for change. A good op- portunity to travel arises. Be positive. ARIES (Mardi 21 - April 19) Competitors are very creative, almost ingenlous this week; keep on your toes. Even your spouse or close associate will op- pose your views. Whitby O.PP to hold open house Iu conjunction with Na- tional Police Week, May 13-19, 1973, Whitby De- tachment of the Ontario Provincial Police will open its doors to the public so that any interested per- sons may tour the facili- ties and inspect the equip- ment used by the detach- ment. Personnel will be on hand to conduct you thr- ough the building and ans- wer any questions you may have in regards to the use of any of the equip- ment on hand. - For your convenience, personnel will be on hand fromn 12:00 noon to 8:00 p.mi., Monday to Friday to conduct you through the building. By Heathor Bradley A special invitation has been extended to aIl ex- pupiis and former resid- ents of Ashburn to attend its 'Corne home to Ash- burn Day', being held Sun- day, May 27th. A day when old friends may a- gain meet, to reminisce the times of thie past.' The Ashburn Commun- ity Centre, formerly Pub- lic Sciool S.S. No. 7 Whit- by, shaîl be open fromn 2:00 to 5:00 in the after- noon. An antique exhibitshall be displayed in thc com- munity centre along with old photographs of school classes, neighbourhood ac- tivities and historical buil- ings. Good old fashioned homemade cookies, coffee and tea will be readily available throughout the afternoon, at the centre. A special church service shaîl be ield at 11:30 a.rn. at Burns Presbyterian Ch- urci, located directly a- cross the road from the Community Centre, with a guest speaker, the Rever- end Frank Conkey. Brian Winter, the Whit- by town archivist will be showing slides of the his- torical buildings in the Ashburn, Mlyrtle, and Bro- oklin area. This presen- tation will also be made at 'the church. V05 HAIR SPRAY % 1 c 7 oz. - Sugg. list $1.89 99 liai Fil~ ci NliIR4» LOI NWWM 1 3 tu kt «jýM vowm SL âmm etoo«tioo 1- ý P PRICES EFFECIIVE MON. MAY 14 TO SAT- MAY 19 - 1 UPEA 6 sPECIALS mua DAY"E

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