PAGE 2, TFIURSDAY, MAY 3, 1973, WUIITBY FREE IIRESS *'ttr té t' e.dio'i box 206. h t Coun cil. Tables Arena Decision At a special meeting in -i Counicil Chambers Mon da y Inight, fine te n d ers were broughit forth for considera- N tion regarding the Iroquois I 1' Park Arena. The tenders had been submiitted with two fig- ures quoted, figure 'A' for the total job, and figure 'B' with the up s taiîr s banquet Isquare feet deleted making omofprom atl2,0 1difference of approximately $25 ,000. II .1 The lowest bid submitted was by Newtown Construc- tion Inc., of Downsview at $1 ,036,772 with Mel-Ron of !;j& L E SWhitby asking about $1 1,000 Iewe Newtown and Ml 'Due E L P Ron, the next lowest bidder, H E L P would increase to approxi- Deto the phenomenal growth of Llpton "s'ladies' wear mately $38,000 if Mel-Ron specalt shpswe re penig a ne stre n Sar. meets the various alternatives specalt shps, e ae oenin a ew torein car and qualifications. borough Town Centre. Positions are available for ex. Reeve Edwards feit that an Iperienced sales personnel, manager, assistants, sales extension of Ffeydenshore help, alterationists and cashiers. nPvlo ol eabte ~investrnent than the banquet Qualified applicants with successful sales records can roomn, but Mayor Newman *:look forward to excellent opn benef its and *ponedou ha dltig h ant workcompaonditiens.banquet roorn would flot workng c nditons realize a saving of $25,000, *For interview appointments, please but would only nmake a ditf- * ference in the net savings of *phone 1'$15-$20,000 depending on * Mr. Koffer.. Toronto 259-e9635 * the Provincial grant. Assistant-Reeve Goodwin Positions are also available at other Lipton's stores. isuggested postponing a de. Icision pending further investi-j gation into the costs. Dr. Hobbs replied that lie didn't1 Jfeel postponing the decision would be worth the great in- convenience that would be Wcaused ail the people who would be using the arena. He also said "do we go for it? 1 personally and politically say yes." Dr. Hobbs added I really don't sec where you cari cut down. Either you buy it or you don't buy it. 1 don't personally think that this arena is grandiose in any way. 1 Reeve Edwards po in t ed out that Mel-Ron is a local company hiring local people and stated ". . .Mel-Ron Con- struction is whom I'm sup- porting." And then after some more discussion from the Council members, Reeve Ed- wards said that he had heard Newtown Construction had hiad labour difficulties in the past, and he felt that New- town would just bring labour troubles to Whitby. Dr. Hobbs backed up Ed- wards by saying I amn aware of labour difficulties on one of the schools Newtown was involved in." Councillor Bob White moved that the motion be amiended to have the mat- ter tabled and brought back for further discussion, and clarifîed his motion by saying I think it's ridiculous ini one hour with the little informa- tion we have now to mnake a decision." A vote was taken, and it was passed that the matter bc tabled and referred to the operations committee for a' report to a special (open) council meeting to be held Monday May 7 at 7.1 5 pa. Ob... On Saturday, April1 28, Denis O'Connor High School hosted the sixth and final tournament of the Pro-Con Forum '72-'73. This tourna- ment consisted of two rounds of extemporaneous debating, the students having t hi rt y minutes to prepare their de- bate. The topics were: "Resolve that space explora- tions be discontînued." ",Resolve that schools should adopt a four-day week.", Over-alI trophies in the three divisions (novicejunior, YMGA Offors Bicycle Program The Whitby Family YMCA is offering an excellen t bicycle pro g r an for children who would like to know a littie bit more about their handy vehicle. This prograni will in- volve the actual niechanical fitncss of your bicycle, care of it, safety films and a final biking excursion. Children of 8 years to 1 3 years are wel- the schools with the highest number of wins in their three best tournaments of the year. Denis O'Connor captured al three trophiels. Each- of the three Denis O'Connor divis- ions had a most enviable rec- ord of 1 7 wins and 1 loss. Denis O'Connor debaters are the following: Novices- Tracy Heffernan, Rick Shep- pard, Doug Keenan, and Wil- ma Van Berkel; Juniors - Mary Louise L-aBarre, Ed Jet- ten, Peter Sheppard, Kevin Roche; Seniors-Deidre New- man, Bob Stoffler, Ben Jetten, corne to. come. This course is being led by Dinah Giffin who has had a great deal of experience in, riding and car-* ing for bicycles. The course starts Wednesday May 2nd at the Whitby Centennial Build- ing from 4:00 - 5:00 p.m. The cost is only $2.00 for Y members for the five week course ending May 3Oth. You've Heard about US on THE JOHN IGILIERI SHOW C..H.U.M. Radio are NOWzil Coming to the Pickering - Bay Riudges United Church Hall 69 KINGSTON ROAD, EUR IKERIN6 WEDe. MAY 2nd 7:30» p. m. (and every Wednesday thereafter) SPECIAL PROGRAM FOR MEN# WOMEN AND TEENS WE OffER- -PRIMAE WEIGIIGS - IIGHLY QUALIFIED INSTRUCTORS 7 0 RECIPES WIIEN REGISTERING -FREE MAINTAINER'S PLAN -FREE LIFETIME MEMBERSIIIP -LOW WEEKLY FEES b lTm area! St. Martin's Anglican Church St. MARTIN DRIVE, SAY RIDGES THURS. MA Y 3rd 7:30 p. n'. (and every Tlwrsday thereaffer) NO OBLIGATaION mTO JOiN AT ,f\ QPEN HOUSE ITFS IN TO BE THIN THE DIET WORKSHOP WAY"#I FOR FURTIIER INFORMATION REGISTRATION STILI $3-00 WEEKLY MEETINGS ONLY $2.00 ****e eee*ee ee* e. e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e DENIS O'CONNOR HIGH SPEAKS BEST e e e e e e e e e e e We m e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e o e e e e e.