RESS ÀÀÀÀ VOL. 3, NO. 17 THURSDAY, APRIL 26th, 1973 10 CENTS WHITBY CHAMBER 0F COMMERCE EXECUTIVE - 1973 Back Row, Ieft to right: William Winter, Brian Winter, Gord Wick, George Lofthouse, Joe Southwell, Fred Brown (Past President), Tom Sanders; Middle Row: Rick Raczkowski, Jack Woodward, Ken Purdy, Russ Batten, Bobb Gibbs, Bob Collins; Front Row: Gord Hanna (2nd Vice-president), Dorothy Hepburn (Secretary), Karel Schaaf (President), Lois Wells, Jim Caiger (lst Vice-president). Absent are Ted Sims and Nigel Schiking. WHITIY CHAMB1R 0F COMME9RCE ARE This year marks the 45th anniversary of the founding of the Whilby Chamiber of Commerce. Althougli a charter was issued in 1 928 the story of business and industrial promio- tion goes back nearly 1 00 years. In its early days the town did ils indust rial promotion through the council, whichi in the 1 880s imade a concerted effort to lure industry from Toronto. Witlh attractive ho- nIUSes. the town succeeded in securing three or four indus- tries, mne of whichi was the old buckle factury. whichi con- tinued in operation for 66 years. The first huard of trade was formied about 1900 and in the years before the First World War, offered licre sites and checap power, for fac- tories". Witli the comiîng of' the wa r, the board of trade ceased tî"ftinctioni. On Jonc 19, 1928 a mneeting was lîcld iii -the town clerk's office to reactivate the Board of'Trade. A comimit tee was noninated 10 mQçet with the town coicil and within a week, 40 buinessmleni voted unaninmuusly to reactivate the charter which lîad lapsed aboLut 10( years belurc. A list of ufficers was preparcd aiid a mienibership drive Undertaken. Ilt was sLIggestcd to estahlishi a cred it bureau and nd ust rial coiliiit tee and to lhold regular lunclicon mieetinigs. A tow11 resident wrote to the Board of Trade suggcsting il could promnote an interest amnong the ratepayers in îimproving thecir prol)erty and beauffify the town. iuly 20, George W. Mecb, îgli lin, president1 of the Oshawa Claiber of Commerce and Sccretary [Qon Fraiser add ressed the first general meeting of' the Board of Trade in the old town hall. More than 125 persons at tended and R.A. Hutchii- soni, president of tlie Whitby Board of Trade acled as chair- 45 YEARS main. Mr. Mc Laughlin referred to the good feeling between Whitby and Oshawa and pointed out the town's Advantages of being between that City and Toronito. Mr. Fraser went onl Io speak of the orgaiization of the Chamiber of Comi- mnerce in Canada. By mid-August the Board of' Trade annejunced its inten- tion tu apply for a charter as the Whiîhy Chamiber of Commerce. This was in keeping with a suggestion received from the London Chamber, urging the British title of Cham- ber of Commerce he adopted. By Septemiber the charter was received. A let ter was received froum a mnantifactuirer of overalîs who wanted lu locale iii Whitby. î-le výas enicouraged 10 comne, but whether he did is not kniown loday. The Chamber formed a committec lu inispect federal and luwn property at the harbour with a view tuward recoiuinenidinig imiprove- mients. The ('haijîhe r also took part iii a lieated local isstîe, slip.- porting the' purchase of the lanid on Trent Street niorthlof Cen tennial Park hy the town for- addition 1tu e park landRs. A special meeting was ld Lurginig the towni council to îiLt up the proiject. The ina t er fiia lly came 10 a vo te o f« ic electurs aiid waIs tUrned down. The following were the' off'icers of the l3uard of' Trade and SUhseLluenltly the Chamiber of'ommerce whenl il Was formied ini 1928: Honiorary presidents: i- udge Thomlpsoni, Judge Robert Ruddy, W.H. Moore, Mayor J.W, 13a.temun aiind Dr. T.E. Kaiser, M.P. Hotnorairy 'vice-p)res.: - Mrs. George A. Ross, Mrs. Dr. O)LD Stevenson, Mrs. T.A. Mc-Gillivray, the presients of the Womnen's Institute and Ontario County Old Girls Assoc. The president, was R.A. Hutchison, county public sehool inspeetor; vice-president, Theodore King, owner of the King Tannery; secretary, James H. Ormniston, editor of the Continued on Page 8 INSIDE THIS WEEK MOTORING ............. BIRD'S EYE VlEW........ THE "NATIOýNAL" STORY KALNINS«'(OLUMN ...... STARSCOPE -.... BURC." SS GIRL.......... PAGE 5 PAGE 6 PAGE 7 P~ E' 8 PAGE 9 PAGE 13 WVE FAMILY RESTAURANrTS' LVVHITBVY & OSHAWA,À