Pert and pretty nineteen yeaî aid Lorraine Menard is a secretarial student at a local business calege. And when she's flot f ishing, Lorraine works part-time at the Ahi-Baba Steak Kiouse. Sh. says 1h. Flaming Shi"sh -kbab by Mike Burgess Your first impression after entering the new Ali Baba Steak House on Brock Street North in Whiîby is the sîrik- ing decor reminiscent of' the Arabian Nigbîts, complete with stucco walls, flickering lamps, candles on the tables, and Persian-like rug. Tbe soft music and subdued ligbiting al help Io create a very relaxing and ehegant atimosphere in the dining roomi; which is actually subtly divided int five semi- private rooms. Owner Terry Coker, wbo lbas been in tbe Wiby area for the ast fourteen years, first started 'ini partncrship with Henry Krebs on the first Ahi Baba Steak House in Waterloo about ten years ago. The response was so good that they opened another oneC in Straîford. And about six mionths ago Terry opened the doors at this Witby location. Presently the Al Baba is 'dry', but the iquor licence application is being cons.idered and hopes are that the licence will bc approved next nionth in lime for Mothers' Day. lronically many similar businesses obtain their liquor licence. before they even open tbecir doors. The seating capacity is around 1 70, so you would think that reserva- tions aren't nccessary, but on a weekcnd (especially Satur- day night) we would recommend y0L1 phone for reserva- tions Io avoid any possible inconvenience. The Ahi Baba is already gaining popularity as a favourite spot for business men's luncheons (i's quiet enough to talk business) and is she caught the fish in the photo, but we think that's just another fjsherrman's tale. Photo by Mike Burgess especially conducive to private and company parties. Terry will give special rates 10 groups who are flot ordering 'a la carte and gives coniplete dinners ail inclusive. When asked "what is the specialty of the house?", Terry always replies "the Flaming Shish-Kebab"; which is made up of mnushroomis, green pepper,, tornato and tenderloin (beeO), which is servcd on a flamning skewer. About amiusing incidents. Terry recalîs the tiie that a customier left his Cadillac parked smack in front of the front door. walked in, mnistook Terry for the doormian and handed hiiiii te keys [o park his car. But what was worse, when the customier lefi, after Terry broughit the Caddy up for him, the flush customner ncver even gave Terry a tip! Terry hopes that when th1e business is establislbed he will have a doormian on1 band to park the customiers cars for themi. After the grand opening, which will happen as SOOfl as the liquor licence application is approved, Terry will bring in entertainment of thie low key, soft sounid variety 10 play on weekends. Open fro i 12 floofl o10 Ip.m.i.during the week, Friday and Saturday 12 noon 10 1 a.mi.. and Sunday 12 noon 10 10O p.mi.; tlhe Ahi Baba Steak House lias got 10 be one of the bettcr cating establishments in our area, giving top quality food backed up by top quality service at a modest price. FREE PRESS SAFETY TIP Motorists! A good driver is a ahead . . . think ahead . . . act defensive driver. le recog- ahiead! Remnember . . . by nizes collision producing situ- keeping constantly alert and ations in advance and is ablc developing safe driving habits, t0 take necessary preventative you can hchlp prevent colli- action. The rule for defen-,- sions. sive driving is . . . look 1r INSIDE SALESPERSON, VERSATILE, MINI-1 MUM GRADE 12 EDUCATION. ALL COMPANY BENEF ITS. FIRESTONE STORES 942-3625 DR. W.Ks CHAIS WISHES TO ANNOUNCE THE OPENING 0F HIS OFFICE AT 519 DUNDAS STREET EAST, SUITE NO.- 7, WHITBY, ONTARIO FAMULT PHYSIGIAN 668-5871 Dunbp Raldial PIy 11e A1TTERU¶LEY TIRE SERYKE, 103 buudasseSt. tWhIfby Goreski*'s Summer Resort Ltd. CLUB AN.MRENE A MODERN DANCE HALL PHONE 9S5-306S Fishing - Swimmrng - Trailers, Camping & Marina ONLY 20 MILES'FROM WHITBY R R.R. 39 -PORT PERRY., ONT. Burgess Girl of the wssk WHITBY FREE PRESS, THURSDAY APRIL 26, 1973, PAGE 13 'lVEON j OUALTY~k 'FUEL NOW!j coufle 1w eà d.7 mf.. rpCSuuh Su@mm DX FUEL OIL 668331 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS ESTATE 0F HARRY MOSLEV,' DECEASED Alil persons having dlaims against the estate of Harîy Mosley, late of the Town of Whitby, in the County of Ontario, who died on the 8th day of October, 1912, are heîeby notified ta send particu- lais of same ta the undersigned on or bef ore April 3Oth, 1913, af ter which dlate the estate wiII be distributed with regard only ta dlaims of which the undersigned shail then have notice, and the under- signed wilI flot be fiable ta any person of whose dlaim they shai l ot then have notice. DATIED March 29th, 1973. ZELTA PATTERSON, Administratrix of the Estate of Harry Mosley, by her Solicitors. McPHERSON AND BINNINGION, 34 YVonge Street South, Aurora, Ontario. HELP WANTED