S ENIOR GITIZENS APT. SOON TO0 GOMEI TO TH15 SITEI \VH-1> a \ bUVV LINO CLU tOME ANID JO/N 11$ NE a W M EM9BERS VELCOM[ Dur roving photographer found a littie humour on Brock Street South as the Whitby Lawn Bowling Club house is being torn down. Photo by Mike Burgess NOTICE if you -q own a travel traiter or camper. .. NOW is t he Urne ta have your propane equipment and appliances thoroughly inspected and adjusted. Be sure of a fun-filied, carefree holiday with dependable propane cooking. cooling and lighting systemns. Ail it takes is a phone cal for an appoiniment. Complete service just $1 2.00 PLUS PARTS GLEN COQ KSON at 668-3328 (Whitby) WHITBY YMCA FLOOR HOCKEY. TOURMENT The tearns from the Y Floor Hockey League at Hen- ry Street High School set the pace in bath Junior and Sen- ior levels in last Saturday's tournarnent. The Y teans, from Henry Street played against the Y teams from Dr. Robert Thorn- tan School and Meadowcrest School in a regularly sched- uled Saturday afternoon tour- nament. Alternate Saturday afternoons the Y holds inter high schoal badminton tour- narnents. The Whitby YMCA has been featuring Saturday Floor Hockey at three sehools each Saturday marning for a nurn- ber of years. Henry Street High Sehool teams are led by Bruce Williams assisted by Paul Sutton, Dr. -Robert Thornton tearns are led by Rager Gomes and Meadow- crest by Wayne King assisted by Ed Holnman. Each alternate Saturday afternoon the teamns mieet in a tournament. In the Seniors Henry Street Highi Scriooî #1 won 5 points, Meadowcrest #/2 earned 4 pts. as did Meadowcrest #1 and ,Dr. Robert Thorroton were in anchor position which is-un- usual for themi. In the Juniors Henry Street #1 and #'; were tied for top wilîh 5 points. Dr. Robert Thiornton in second place and Meadowcrest in the bottoni. The league is very active. The tournamients have heen very well contested. Thie fi- nals Will likely be held May 5th for 'the inter Y Floor Hockey Championship. The final games will be at Henry Street High School. THE CARSON FUNERAL HOME & CHAPEL Personol Famiiy Service To Brooklin and Surrounding Arecs Robert J.Carson - Funeral Director 655-3662 Day or Night Funerals Within The Meons 0f Ail Familles 79 Baldwin St., Brookin (Hwys. 12 &7) WHITBY FREE PRESS, THURSDAY APR IL 26,1973, ýPAGE 9 by Joyce Read For period April 29th to May Sth CAPRICORN - Dec. 22 to Jan. 19 This i% an excellent wcek for you Capricorn. Some of your hopes and wishes should be attained at this time. Early in the week domes- tic life and your home base of operations are stressed. This would be an excellent time for an open house. AQUARIUS - Jan. 20 to Feb. 18 This is a rather changeable Week and your home will assume impor- tance. There is unfinished business in the air. The week wili be one of a hectic pace that will grow to.a climax over the weekend, when relaxation will be doubly important. PISCES - Feb. 19 to March 20 Your significant day during this seven day period is Saturday May 5th. The emphasis is on relations with one of your parents. Com- pletion of projects and .the need to build on a solid base are also spotlighted. A decision about your home, personal environment, or property matters are likely te be made. Be specific about details, leave nothing te chance. ARIES - March 21 to April 19 You are plunged into a stepped-up 'energy cycle on Sunday the 29th, and Monday the 1 st, your most significant days of the week. Difficult situations appear simple to negotiate. Events are moving very f'ast. This is a period where dreams can be realized, wishes grantcd by those in authority. TAURUS - April 20 to May 20 During the first two days of the \veck there is an accident potential. I would suggest you move slowly, thînk before you act andl drive with care. You can control thiîs trend. Your significant day is the 2nd of' May,. The new moon is in your birth sign on this datc. You will fée] more vital. By the 4tlî a more settled atmosphcere prevails. GEMINI - May 21 to June 20 Significant days arc 1riday the 4th and Saturday thec 5th. A dream cou Id be realized or a goal fulfillcd. lifborn on June 8th or 9th, you mniglht find certain strings attaclhed that mniglit lessen thie impact of your aclhievemient. You arc a strong individual. Gemini, but keep to thic path that you have set for yourself. Do not scatter energy or talen t to the winds. CANCER - June 21 ta July 22 There appears to be a lull in activity early in the week. Projects sceni to be ending and new' ones beginning. Routine connected with occupational interests drone on. You are somewhat bored. This is a good time to activate personal areas for contrast. LEO - iuly 23 to Aug. 22 You may have a rnild' case of spring fever. Shake off lackadaisical feelings. Your two most sîgnificant days are Sunday the 29th and Monday the 3Oth when intuition is beightened te a marked degree. Friends and companions assume importance during the latter part of flic week. VIRGO - Aug. 23 to Sept. 22 This seven day period should be used to tic up loose ends rather than start new projects. If you have any unpaid bills or other obliga- tions mnake sure that they are handled. Otberwise the 3Oth may bring an unexpected expense that has te be paid. LIBRA - Sept. 23 to Oct. 22 Domiestie issues are stressed at the start of this somnewbat languid ANNOUNCEMENT THE BOARD 0F DIRECTORS 0F THE WHITBY FREE PRESS INC. WISH TO ANNOUNCE THE RECENT ELECTION 0F BRUNO HARILAI] AS PRESIDENT The. Board of Directors 1