Whitby Free Press, 19 Apr 1973, p. 8

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PAGE 8, TIIURSDAY. APRIL 19, 1973, WIIITI3IY UREE PlRlE-SS KALNINS' Noltinaiy people here and elsewlîere are aware of' Kaîins' otiier talents besides news photograpiiy and stirring up somne trouble ix nîy weekly colunînii. Newspaper people, however, know that aI onie lime or anothien I have been a featore witer, photo edi ton, travel columnnist and inost recently a roving cauîeraîîiau. Soniehow, few people know of~ Alex Kalffins as -a îiîuicin atwo-hingen piano player and a finîst raied opera singer oh' note. I bel ber skip iny concert career as a budding pianist sitîce 1 teven mnanaged to 'reaclî the lheigli Is of'îimusical genios like Richiten, Gieseking, Bussoni on Mn. Iianist I i,îî. self' the ever durable Anrthon Rubinsteini. My formiiier teacher, Elizabeth Foot, of' the Royal Con- senvatony of Music, onice bold nie: "'Aex, 1 tliiuk you have a beautifoil voice, bu t I don 't know how youi are goillo to gel through with ihose piano fessonîs. Youn I ingens are veny nouîiib." Slîe was rigbt. Lveu nowv as I type this story. h keep strikimîg the wrnîg keys on myiy ickety typewiten whiiî1 have been pouiiding for tlhe past tive yeairs. Musicaliy spcaking, soon af'erwards my obvious talcents werc cirected towards the vocal art. I was fortunate enougli 10 g -! a good teachen. Mine. Gina Cigna., a oneielime opera ,star oft Lt Scala in Milan, agreed wi 1h my p),iano teicher -a nd iminediateiy enroiled me in lber opera class al. flic Conserva1- tory. During my Cirst lesson Mmne. Cigiiuiaaiînost rau ou t of* hie ciassnoomi. 1I bad bthie ic"h igh C"witllou t knowing il. Apparent ly , il wasnt (lie righ t way 10 stan o(ff'. "M r. Kaînfins (shc prno10nced niy naine wiliî a well- nouinded Ital ian accent) please sing a lit île soi'ter and stop) slioutIing; tiiere are soîne o lier people nex t dooi" sluc told me witl a n openat ic gusto. "Now t ry once aga ini pian issimno, dolcissimîo and palato." AI îbouglb my openat ic ca reer ail first seeiîîed Io be douied, 1 kept doiîîg nîy daily vocail exencises. lnuabout tiîiree or fou r niouths 1 st art cd Io show a sI igh t progress. I could aiready sing a Schiuber t Iullaby, a Freîclî clîausoiie tte and a classical song by Tost i. As i speili more timie a t tlle piano, sitiudy iîîg y operat ic scores, iii the toIlowing two years I1nîastened a nutniber oh' grea t ope rat îc arias f'or a ly ric buîi to ne. Tiie re pe rt oire rangcd [rom En Tu (in Maskcd Bal) tb Vienî Leonora of 1)onizetti's L Favorita. And tien, came my opcratic debut. Luckily enoughi, i'y [irsi audience consistcd of sorne 50 hard-corc opera fans. Many of' tlîcm didn't Llfderstand a word 1 was singinig. Neitlher dici I. Somielow witbi a f*ew miumbli ngs and coun t- less portanl1ent(>s ( tley sounidcd rcally' good !) nîy firsi public appcaraîîcc was termced a success. A local cit ic from a Latvian-language newspapCr wryly obscr-vcd: "Mn. Kai js was inii splendid vocail formi, but lie must îimprove bis diction." As timie wCH t by, my interest in opera gncw, but my wallet was dnainecd 10 a well-notiided figure, known as Zero. My teachen decidcd 10 leave Canada and lhcad back tn lier bcloved Sienna. So hiene I was with sonie 30 operat ic arias uinder my liel t but no place Io go. 1 also neal ized that tb survive in thle opera world. oie lhas 10 praci ise almost every day. This was f iinaially imipossible. Sooni afterxvards nîy second careene was lauinclied buit, neediess to say, witliout tliose bel canto finewonks. I'm qutite happy the way il îurned ou(t. but l'or the rest of' îiy Iife 1lIl nemain a [rosi rated opera singer. Student travel and Iearn More thanl 8,000 Cainadian Ji i g h sclh o ol1 studeuits [roi acnoss the couîitry wilI bc travelling 1 Europe Ibis terni on a series of teacher-led study prognainis o varîous subjects. Tiiese tours. organized by The Society [or tlhe Study of' the Heritage of' Canada, per- mit participatig stodenlts to study the subject of their choice, on site. (The ist of schooîs îaking NOTICE TO part, iîîcluding tiose [roi Heritage Study Society is a non-proft ilongaimationi xitîi brancies across Caniada. Tihe Society lias neceived wide sup- port l'rom educators îhrough- out Canada ['or its youth study p rogra ms. The Society is forecasting close 10 I100 per cent incnease ini demand duriiîg the I1973/74 school year. CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE 0F JOSEPHINE ROBERTSON, deceased. Ail persons having dlaims agaitàst the estate of the above mentioned, laie of the Town of Whitby in the County of Ontario who died at the said Town of Whitby on the Il th day of May 1964, are required to file proof of same with the undersigned on or before the 141h day of May 1 973. Afier that date the Public Trustee will proceed 10 distribute the estate, having regard only to the dlaims of which he then shall have had notice. DATED at Toronto this 4th day of April 1973. PUBLIC TRUSTEE, 145 Queen St. West, Toronto ADMINISTRATOR Senior Citizens to Ottawa 1 OTTAWA 0Que tilousaiid Senior Cil izenis hiii ail11 acno)Ss (Canada wiII ti avel te Qi ia\va tiiis sprnîg, a t grea tly neduced raies, iîianks to a special grant of niouey imade ava ilable by thie Secretany oh'State. The grant lias tîcen awanded tu e Society [on- hie St udy of the leritage of 'Caniada wlîiciî is a Ca nadian noii.prohi t orgafizat on. Thîe Society necived a sinailen subsidy iast yean wicli eîîabied îheîîî 10 arrnuge a sinîian 7-day t rip to the (Capital f'or 700 Senior Citizens. This yean. the grant is langer and il will provide a rewand- iîigexperieiice l'onri,000 Seniors, who will travel ini May and A snîaii registrationî lceeof' %20.00 ecdion S-30.00 Ipen nîannied couple wiiI be changed. The programmuie xviII include travel, acconmmiodation anîd meais al, no extra change. Thie Society wouid like to îîîake conitact with indivîdutais wvho feel ihlat tley arce ciigibie. '[ie Society is ai ready ini contact withî îîaîîy Scnior Citizens Clubs who areliiig witlî the seiectioii of applicanis. Alil interesied parties sîiouîd write to the Society l'on the Study of the Ilenitage oif (Canada, 77 Mac Larnî Street, Ottawa, Ountario K2P OK5. SUPERIOR ALUMI WHITBY 576-1442 SIDING -.A WNINGS - DO OR%' SOFFITS - FA SCIA EA VESJ *25 Vear Written Guarantee *Instruction Kit If You Wish To Do t Vourseif *Free Estimates NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS ESTATE F HARRY MOSLEY, DEC EASED Ail persans having dlaims against the estate of Harry Mosley, late of the Town of Whitby, in the County of Ontario, who died on the 8th day of October, 1972, are hereby notified ta send particu- lars of same to the undersigned on or bei are April 3Oth, 1973, atter which date the estate wilI be distributed with regard anly ta dlaims of which the undersigned shail then have notice, and the under- signed wilI flot be hiable to any person ai whose dlaim they shah flot then have notice. IJATED March 29th, 1973. ZELTA PATTE RSON, Administratrix of the Estate oi Harry Mosley, by her Sofîcitors. MePHERSON AND BINNINGTDN, 34 Vonge Street South, Aurora, Ontario. INUM Boys and girls SWINDOWS on bicycles "RO UGHING Made 0f Drivers! Now that winter is w O tjust about over, more and more young cyclists wiiî be * o ut each day. You can heip cyciists stay out of accidents * by siîowing themn extra con- sideration at A times. Always l/m i eu~ overtake and pass thern care- fuliy and courteousiy. Re- Mark 0f Quaîity memibe . . .their safety can FR11 PIZZA WITH THE PURCHASE 0F ONE LARGE PIZZA COllER PIZZA OPEN am 668-880O7 WE DELI VER Mi --1am. 6688608 24 BROCK ST. S. HELP WANTED INSIDE SALESPERSON, VERSATILE, MINI- MUM GRADE 12 EDUCATION. ALL COMPANY BENEF ITS. FIRESTONE STORES 942-3625 Alex the opera singer SAVE ON kFUEL N W CuUtlYf 1 mmP., C.uwt.. hu DX FUEL OIL 6684381

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