Whitby Free Press, 19 Apr 1973, p. 6

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PAGE 6, T'IILJRZSI)AY, APRIL, 19, i973, WIIITBY [H RS BIYRD 'S by eJI. Quaul It struck nie the otdher day as i watecbed a tli-c f out tyke t ryim, t o lhan a fou r foot pýaper bag tuait WC 0f en fèrge t a very importan t part of the newspaper business caHied. flec'paper boy'. No mnat 1er lîow big or sm-all the ine\vspapiler is i t iust couldnî't get along wi îhout fthc paper boys. AI thougli tlie papor boy is the iast eniployee in the clhain of' people xvho are responsible for- 4 newVspaper f roui the rîers and publishier al lic way down the Iine, the pmper boy is stilli the 01W t o fialiy get the paper t o you the rouder. Too of-teni a reporter gripes about haviiig to cover a1 story ini lousy \vea ther or duriîîg a hockey gaine buti the paper boy doesni't have it any easier. Oin a \veekly pmper thie reporter miay have sonie Ieaway iin liime Mien i t cornes to writing a story bu t the paper boy fias to get the papers out aîs soon as tliey show up on biis doorstepi. As a reporter fori- te Fr-oe Press 1I have biad to stumible through muddy fields, trip over tire buses and Id og pud- dles and nmany limies f ollow a persou at a bocî ic pace be- cause tbar person didu î xvant Io bc part of' lte week's news bu t i can t reienimber biaving been biassled bi\ a dog. 1 wonder liowv many of' our paper carriers luiave got ten lfw'\ay up a driveway or sidewalk to suddenlv f'ace soute- body 's nasty looking pooclb. And of' course tuie ouwiîeiaI- wvays says. O01 it*s okay. lie wnVOOt bite you! To a ten year old paper boy a large dlog can hlook frigbitening no ia tter hiow tune ftic owîîers in 1gb t lbi nk lie is and nobody canibMaine the paper bu\' f or- an i ing 0 stec-er cear of that hiouse but tbe office sa\'s thte îxpei's are 10 be delîvered to aIl the biouses so wh'at 's a guy t o do? Tliere's oie thing the Free Press lias goiîîg f'or itbaï,tfice Toronto Star cail t matcb ,nd that's lte Wcliibt of'thie paper. Fifty of' ou r papers isu it oo bad t l au h ari d but 50 Stars, forget it . At leasiounr kids don 't lbave t o use a wagon to gel the papers out, A paper boy is always faced wîti baIl kinds ui't' nresist- able urges such as dropping tire paper on tbe sidewaýlk ini- stead of inside tbe door. Anoîber uirge is IL finîisb tbe ball g aine or sîrcee hockey gaine before gel iing mi it It lie deliveries bu t suonei or ha ter a cusl omeî Itrips uip liiose uirges wiib a caîll tbe office. Ai the Frece Press we'i e iî becauiseilWoi ri dcis don 't goet their pupers or)i thoy don l't arrive on tlime, we ieýar about if and WO wouldi-l't have if any otber w'ay. Bu t we sure caîi't cnt icize our îpupor Carriers ci ther becauso wo tlîink tbcy're tops. I say papeî' carriers as opposed to paper boys, nof because of' wonîen's flb but bocause wo'ro 'proud f0 bave a lot o ae girls as weil as paper boys. This is the lime of'te year wien dclivering papei's isn'l 100 miucb of' a chore in the nice Spring woa iber butf l'il bot wîn fer is st il I pret îy f'res i in tue iiiinds of' a lot of' our carriers. l'le days ibiat biad dî'izzle or frocezing ramn or siiow up t l ere will hoe the oiios long remieinbcrod by the carriers and, probably by a lot of' the carriers'9 parents foo. On those days moiiî or dad tlook pi îy on the 1fbmlily 's.i nnior busiiess- nian and decided t0 cIrive tbe young entreprenleur arlounid te r-ou le 50 ic or shie wouldn 't Catch pneumionia or soilte- tbing worse. Ltickiiy oîîe hardsb ip our carriers don 't bave lu put up wi tI is cuileci ing moiiey f'rom the custoitters. A lot of peoptle îlîink the Free Press was called sucli because the palier' is f'rceebut il really lias lu dIo with being aille to repor Itii ings as we see tîtein wi tho t ccliisorsllip. As a paper Carrier in Torontlu I Cali relie niber ina îîy a Sat urday inloru ing absoliuîely ru iîed because 1 Iz d to ma ke nîy rounîds l'or Col lections. Ilt seemed nio niaiter wvlial imne yuu st opped in ait soîie touses you cou Idni'I find tliein homie so you \vent by l'or aîiother week witliouî înoney f'ronîibat cusîuiîer. Iflil 's aiîy Consola tion io ou r carriers we dolîî't cuu îemiiplate cIta rging luor lihomie dol ive ry fui' a lonig wvlile yel. Tîe re used lu hie a cred o by the imail doparm n teî a~bouti raiiî or sîtuw anîd allIlta but I uf*teiî thouglit il applied jusl as îiucli lu the paper Cairrie rs wbo bave lu iiiake lte sainie lrotiiids but, uiilike our iîiailineii, uur carriers bave to do eacl aind every lionse. Su wbeiî vo coliîsîder lte deadles anid hIe Ipressure îo1 gel te papers outI ouil Ile si reel s, hlie obst acles anîd ilie f'oulI iîîcleîîeîî weaitlier otr paper carriers have lu lèce I1lthiiik yu ill a Il agree îliey have a prei îy iotîgli job every week. Anid iliit*s just wliv 1îlîiîîk We slîoufd ail take offoir fiaIs anîd give a sînarn SafLito luIte paper caririers ul hie Wiib Free Piess. Wliere woîild WC bfe Wiilliouî leî' Odd job service by YMCA Silice Sp! iutis uui u ititvfm ise hioid odd jobs iave becutigitu! cdîhuigii [lic wiitei. seasoni. Thiis iuîîc o Cýrwoi k pifes tip anid ltlll seenlis lu gel doule. "ie\'iib YMUCA lias ait Odc j oh service avai ha ble lui the public. I hîglit Scîtof u deis ai e r (oiluiake Iaw~ils. 0, i dcII. bab o Ili cJeanu Ilion se. Stir di(lls 11have i eg i ie*ed lfor udd jobs. paîiîiimie andc l'i11ili e jobs 1aIllfe \Wfîii- by YM('A. If yo u iîeed ia fîî Il' ttme bab}'sîlei or a bo\ lu1 cuit IlIte lawut regcufan-y . cuit- tact Ilhie Odd job Sr ioiw. l'un) 1,iInoimtionni cailIlte \VIhî , b YNI(.\ ali~S4 -iliu i s kl'orIllhe (dd job Sci \ icc. NOTICE 0F APPLIVCATION 8V THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY FOR APPROVAL 0F A BY.LAW IMPOSING A SEWER RATE The Council of the Corporation hearing wiîh be given only 10 th'ose of the Town of Whitby intends persans who have given notice of ta apply to the Ontario Municipal objections as provided for above Board for approval of the con- DATED at the Town af Whit- struction of a sanitary sewer on by this 19th day of April, A.D., Thicksan Road South, Dundas 1973. Street East, Scott Street, Lloyd Wm. H. Wallace, A.M.C.T., Street and Garrard Road at an C LE RK, estimated cost of $521,500.00. It The Corporation of the Town intends to charge the whoîe of of Whitby, the casl of the work as a sewer 405 Dundas Street West, rate for a periad of 15 years upon Whitby, Ontario. liues that wilh or may derive a benefit thterefrom. SHDL A It is proposed ta raise the SHDL A whole of the annual payments by COMM ENCING aI a point on an annuaf rate estimated at $1.63 Thickson Road South approxi- mihhs. The folfowing is an example maîely 1,000 feet north of the of the annual charge an an average Canadian Pacific Railway where il dweîling property having an assess- intersects Thickson Road South; ment of $5,000.00. THENCE northerîy aîong Thick- $8.15 annualfy for a period of son Road South a distance of 15 years being a total of $122.25 approximately 1,850 feet; (a) The area upon which such THENCE easterly and narth-east- sewer rate is 10 be levied is erly on easemnent a distance of -described in Schedule "A" at- appraximatehy 2,571 feet toaa tached to and farming part of point on Dundas Sreet East ap- Ibis unotice. pro ximately 1,,350 feet east af (b) There will be na exemptions Thickson Road; granied. THENCE e a st erf1y on Dundas Any ratepayer may, witîn 21 Street East a distance of approxi- days afier the f irst publication of ma'tefy 667 feet ta the intersec- Ibis notice, send by prepaid post lion of Dundas StreLt East and to the Cferk of the Town of Scott Street; Whitby, aI ltte address given be- THENCE no nb erhy on Scott low, a notice in wvritiug stating Street a distance of approximatefy his objectionutot such approvaf or 552 feet ta the intersection of to the imposition of the special Scott Street and Lloyd Street; rate. THEINr.F peatrhi nuon lod Streept The Ontario Municipal Board may approve of lte said special rate pursuant ta the Statutes and may approve of the said works, but before doing 50 it may ap- point a lime and place for a public hearnug Mien any objections wilI be considered, but notice of sucb a distance of approximately 726 feet ta the intersection of Lloyd Street and Garrard Road; THENCE southerly on Garrard Road a distance of approximatefy 240 feet and northerfy on Garrard Road a distance of approximately 6362 feet. NOTICE 0F APPLICATION to the Ontario Municipal Board by the Corporation of the Town of Whitby for approval of a By-Iaw to regulate land use passed pursuant to Section 35 of The Planning Act. lAKE NOTICE that the Cauncil of the Corporation of the Town of Whitby intends to apply to The Ontario Municipal Board pursuant to the provisions of Section 35 of The Planning Act for approval of By-haw 920-73 passed on the 26th day of February, 1973. A copy of the By-Iaw is furnished herewith. A note giving an explanation of the purpose and effect of the By-Iaw and stating the lands affected thereby is also furnished herewith. Any person interested ruay, within fourteen (14) days after the date of this notice, send by registered mail or deliver ta the Clerk of the Town of Whitby notice of his objection to approval of the said By-law together wîh a statement of the grounds of such objection. The Ontario Municipal Board may approve of the said By-law but before doing so it may appoint a lime and place when any objection ta the By-law wifl be considered. Notice of any hearing that may be held will be given only to persons who have f iled an objection and who have left with or delivered to the Clerk under- signed, the address to which Notice of Hearing is 10 be sent. The Iast date for fiîing objections wiII be the 26th day of April, 1973. DATED at the Town of Whitby this l2th day of April, 1973. Wm. H. Wallace, A.M.C.T. CLERK, 405 Dundas Street West, Whitby, Ontario. THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY BY- LAW NO. 920-7 3 WHEREAS, the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Whitby deems it advisable ta amend By-Iaw No. 1784 as amended. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ENACTED AND IT IS HEREBY ENACTEO AS A BY-LAW 0F THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY BY THE COUNCIL THEREOF AS FOL- LOWS: 1. THAT Section 4 (t) is hereby amended as folîows: (a) The words "lor" be and are hereby deleted from the last line of subsection (i). (b) The words "/or" be and are hereby deîeted from the second last line of subsection (îii. 2. THAT Section 5,. be and is hereby amended by adding the following:- Ex ceptio ns The provisions of Schedule "A" to By-haw #1 784 respecting Minimum Lot Area, witb Public Waîer Supply or Public Sani- tary Sewers, and Minimum Lot frontage, with Public Water Supply or Public Sanitary Sewers for First, Second and Third Density Residential Zones (RU, R2 and R3), within the area defined by Schedule "A" annexed hereto shaîl not apply and the following shaif apply: (a) Minimum Lot Area With Public Water Supply and Public Sanitary Sewer Residential Zone Ri1 Inlerior Lot 11,000 square f eet Corner Lot 12,375 square f eet Residential Zone R2 Interior Lot 10,000 square f eet Corner, Lat 12,155 sq uare f eet Residential Zone R3 Interior Lot 9,000 square f eet Corner Lot 11,2 50 square f eet (b) -Minimum Lot Frontage With Public Water Supply and Public Sanitary Sewer Residential Zone Ri Interior Lot 80 feet Corner LoI 90 f eet Residential Zone R2 fnterior Lot 70 f eet Corner Lot 85 f eet Residential Zone R3 Interior Lot 60 feet Corner Lot 75 feet BY-LAW NO. 920-73 3. This By-law shaîl come intofarce on the date it is passed by the Council of the Town of Whitby subject 10 the approval of The Ontario Municipal Board. BY-LAW READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 26TH DAY 0F FEBRUARY, A.D., 1973. Wm. H. Wallace CLERK D.G. Newman MAYOR PURPOSE AND EFFECT 0F BY-LAW NUMBER 920-73 THE PURPOSE AND EFFECT 0F BY-LAW NUMBER 920-73 IS TO PERMIT A REDUCTION IN LOT AREA AND FRONT- AGE ONLY WHERE BOTH PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY AND PUBLIC SANITARY SEWER ARE AVAILABLE WITHIN THE AREA DESIGNATED IN THE BY-LAW. ALL MATERIAL FILED CONCERNING THIS APPLICA- TION IN ON FILE AND OPEN FOR PUBLIC INSPECTION AT THE BROOKLIN MUNICIPAL OFFICES, 14 CHU RCH STREET, BROOK LIN, ONTARIO. SUBJECTAREA FORMER WHITBY TOWNSHIP BOUNOARY SCHEDULE 'A'TO BY-LAW 920-73

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