Whitby Free Press, 19 Apr 1973, p. 14

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PAGE 14, TIIURSI)AY, APRIL 19, 1973, WHITBY F)RI.I SS Conso1lidated Bu«ldi"ng Corp major' igt win tournament Tie Brookiin-Wliitby Con- The second gaiiic ai the Thîis ceîds a very succe soiidated Buildinig Corp. nia- îourianiîeuit for the Brookiin- season l'or the Brookiin- jor midgets îook part in thie Wiîitby boys was an easy 12-1 by miajor inidgets. The Bay Ridges Midget Tourna- win over tue hast clutb froin played a total af' 82 ga ment duritig the pasi week- Bay Rîdges. 11, tilîs gpie, This inciudes regular icý end, anîd camne home witiî the M i ke Rowley and Ha r ry gaines, piay-oft's, tournain "A" Chamipion sli ip. Forbes picked up Ilîrce goals and exhibition gamies. The C.B.C. club defeated the Sauit Fleet midgets 3-i in their first ganie, as Garth Bush, Steve Sandford and Mike Rowley each scored single markers. 1972 VOLKSWAGEN, type 111 3fastback demon- strator, balance of factory varranty. Lic. DRY 989. 1971 VOLKSWAGEN, 4 door sedan, Iow mileage, like nevv. Lic. DYS 788. 1969 VOLKSWAGEN tnotch back). Spotless. Lic. DYT 194. BUY NOW BEFORE SALES TAX INCREASE MAY 1. ALSO SEE OUR COMPLETE SELECTION 0F USED VOL KSWAGENS AND OTHER CARS 942-1881 942-1401 AUTHORIZED V-W SALES & SERVICE FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED APARIMENTS NGW AVAILABLE PHONE 568-061 LAST WEEK'S WINNER: THIS WEEK'S WINNER: Mrs. E. WH ITBY - 106 Byron St. S. 668-6495 or 668-9909 each. Ken Clarke anîd Terry Harper added two goals each, while Darreli Staley anîd Dave Sarichetti ecdipicked up singles. The final gamne of the weekend f'or the Brooklin- Whitby teami was a 4-i winî aver Port Perry for the "A" Championship. Harry Forbes scored twice l'or the winners in tlîis gaine, whle Joe Forbes and Dave Panisu added the singlee narkers. Thîis gave the Brookiin-Whitby t e a ni the "A" Clpîinslîip. Mrs. Gond Hawes prescnted the trophy. The mienbers of the Caoi- soiidatcd Builiîng (orp. mid- gels were aiso preseîîted witli îindividui trophies. essfl'u te ani cague lienHts The CABC. Major Midgets won 16 of 20 league gamnes, 4 of' 7 piay-ot'fs ganmes, 1 6 of 34 cx- hibition gaines with 5 more gainîes tied. This gives tie teani 11i3 ao' a possible I164 points. The tlîree top point get bers for the teami are: Keuî Clarke with 48 goals 60 assisîs for i08 poinîts. Caria Carnazzoia - 55 goals and 50 assists l'or i1O5 points aiid Harry Forbes with 45 goals and 48 assists for 93 points. Tue players and parents wishi ta îlîank Mr. Joe Rowley (Coachi) anîd Mr. Gord Kinuie (M anage r) f'Or tlîeir mnany hours of' ha rd wo rk (liai lieiped ta make titis a vcry successfl'uiyear. PR EGNANT? NEED HELP? Adoption Services, Prognaricy Testing, Etc, ... CAILL: tlnul Férmily Planning Council, Ltd. ~ SALES IIO Tl01IAI SERVICE PARTS KING ST. F.OSHAWA (1 MIlu EAST Of MAMONTfRD) 723-1176 The FRIENDLY FLEA MARKET 'We buy and sell anything" 23 KING ST. WEST 726-9783 OSHAWA 20% oDSoUNT DIRECT TO YOU -Nm,9 m to 9prm.-Fri 6860 SeS.m to .1m66 m60 LUCKY PIZZA[ CONTESI WIN q$5000 Every time you buy a pizza from PIZZAZIP - you could win $50.00. Just f iii out the form on the top of the box and mail or bring it in, enclosed in a plain envelope to either of our two locations. Every Sunday there is a draw. Corne on in or phone, YOU COULD BE A WINNER! Mrs. Edith White, 264 Huron St., Oshawa - 723-0004 Arbour, 920 Walton Blvd., Whit by - 668-3925 OSHAWA PIZZ ZZIP 766 Si mcoe St. S. 44 The Whitby Minar Base- bail Assoc. lias announcced that for the comiîng scason Winston Muschett wili be the convenor of the Tee-Bail Di- vision anîd Perry Stover wil act as convenor of' the Tyke group. Muschett is returning ta guide tire Tee-Bailers, hav- ing acted as convenor iin '72, thc first season l'or the graîîp. The W.M.B.A. organized the Tee-Bail progranmme 10 pro- vide activity f'or 6-8 yr. oids wlîo wcrc toI) young to par- licii)ate ini the regular pro- grammie whicli starts at 8 yrs. The response was enthusiasîic and over I100 boys gaitiîheir first taste of' basebail in the nîodified version of the gaine whcre nio pitcher is usêd and the batter bits the bal] off' a stationary tee. Boys under eigbt, except for the exceptionally gifted do not have the co-ardination and skiiis îîecessary ta consis- ten îly îiîrow a bail ini the strike zone, wlîiclî is ria sur- prise since niajor-icaguers if'- ten hiave the sainie problin! Tee-Bail provides a gaineî wvhich i s interesîing and cri- joyabie, ai the samne timie de- veiopiîg 5oilC of' the skils for conveni mai basebail. In 72 a iîigiîy successi'uIl league lîad six teanis piaying Ilîrou)tgli- WHITBY MINOR BASEBALL ASSOCIATION 1973 REGISTRATION Basebail - Tee-Bal Saturday. April 14îil Saturday. April 28iîh 10 a.i. i12 1100h Whiîby Lgioi I LIII Brîooklin Arena Wcsî ninsîcî i i ed (iîîrchi 1 5 Ali îîon d sAve. l'c Pi Bo\ l i'i Fl11111% RENTALS DO YOUR SPRING WORK FASTER & EASIER RENT OUR TOOLS & EQUIPMENT LAWN & GARDEN - Rota Tillers - Mowers- Rollers - Power Lawn Aerator - Power Lawn Comber - Hedgeshears - Pruners - Chain Sawvs - Ladders - Scaffold - Cleaning Equipment - Post- hold Augers POWER TOOLS - Saws - Sanders - Grinders - Polishers - Rotary Hammers - Power Trowels - Cernent & Mortar Mixers MANY OTHE R ITEMS STORE HOURS - 8 a.m. - 6 p.m. Mon. to Sat. GOOD FRIDAY - 8 a.m. - 12 a.m. only *Bob Cawker ENTERPRISES LTD. 400 MARY STREET EAST, WHITBY PHONE 668-9881 out the sunîniier with play- offs ini September. Muschcîtt has been active in Whitby basebali siîîce coin- ing ta the town froni Wex- ford wherc lie was aiso active in nîinor sports. He lias acted in previauIs seasons as con- venor of the Tyke Divisioni and lias also coachied a Tyke House League ciubI. This ycar along withi his dtîties as Tee- Bail Convenor lie is Secretary of' the W.M.B.A. Perry Stover is taking over the reins of the Tyke group for the corning season. A'na- tive of Western Ontario, hie played in the Tri-County league, which has praduccd such iunîinaries as Reno Ber- taia who was witlî the Detroit Tigers and Fergusonl Jenkinis of the Chicago Cuibs. Since corning ta, Whitby lie has been qîlite interested iii the activ- ities of the Whitby Minor Hockey Assoc. and the Whit- by Y Basketbali progranmme. Last year there were ten Clubs ini the W.M.B.A. Tyke HouIse LeagueC, probabiy the nmost importanit division iii the whle systeml sinice it is lîcre at the ouLsd of" iîir basebal carcers that buddinig players lcarni the funldamninais of the gaie whiclî are so vital atid aiso get their first taste of the BASEBALL NEWS "White Wall Tires "Rear Windowv Defroster "Four Speed Synchromesh Transmission "And Many Others BESTWAY MOTORS DUNDAS ST.W. WHITBY 6684-792WM rîiics and the discipline of the garne. Good news Heartening nlews was the assurance given this week by Whitby Town Counicil that the screen and backstop at the E.A. Fairmnan diamond 15 10 bc provided with a canopy to prevent foui bails fromn going up and backward int thc adjacent yards. The con- dition lias been bath. incon- venient 10 the residents of the area and dangerous. Workou ts started Ken MacDonald who is ai the helîi of the Legionaires, Whitby's entry in the E.O. B.A. Pee-Wee circuit has had his charges working out aithe AndersoiCollegiate gym on Thursdays frorn six until eight o'cdock. The first few sessions hie concentrated on having oîîiy prospectijve pitchers and catchers on hand, but is now îssuing an invitation t0 ail players of' Pee-Wee age who wouid like to take a shot ai catchitiv a berth on the club. Gary Steane hiad the Lasco Steciers ouIt t E.A. Fairrnan on Sa îurday afiernoon work- iîîg out thc winter kinks was t 'i ist club to gel out of' doris luis season. Record registra tion List SaîurIday. lregiSilaîioii dav. saw a record nuniber of' boys sîmiuiî 1aiid W.M.B.A. Regisi ia i Gerry Robiiîsoni re- iinids ail p rospe ctive bail- J)iayei Wlio lhave îlot yet re- gzîsIc ied thla IthI l'i i a ire gisi ra- Ilin wii be liîid on April 28 ilt. Tche ni gdeadiime îîînst be en Ioce bgive con- venuors anid officials Ilhe t ime îîcccssary lu Set up îeains and sciieduies wvhiciî is a tretîiln- dons îask \vlien îover 000 boys aie iiivoivcd. The W.M .B.A. is goiîw wt kic k ofi' ,thle Sea SOor t,01Ile 1) a . C in t S wiîi licir Uspring L)ance to bie heid on Friday M'ay 4t h a t the Hecydensiore

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