WIIITB'1Y IREL I> RESS, THURSI)AY, APRIL 19, 1973, P>AGE' 13 Burgoss Girl of tho wosk Pretty twenty year old Brenda Andela îs putting the finishing touches on a Weddirig Cake. When she isn't working for1 Home Bakery, she enjoys, aside from the usual thinys, piaying cards and crocheting. a Hardemoccas?. by Mike Burgess The Witiby Home I3akery, located at 141 Brock Street South, is owned and opcrated hy Mr. James Andela whio also resides at the saine address. Origiriaîîy fromI] loîîand, the land of'tulips, Mr. Atidela bias been a baker l'or 40 years. So necedless-to-say pret îy weII aIl the bakiuîg is donce riglit on the premnises. TUe HFomne Iakery's specialties include faucy cakes, decorating wedding cakes, and fresh îtasty liomie-made brcad bakcd daiîy. Tlieir othier home baked products range fromu douigliin t s(wlicli sel! f'or ouly .8 cacdi), tIo t arts. pies. brownies, turnovens, cooiies, righitt up 1 a l'ive tlier wedding cake withi top iucludd il S40.00. I3ciuîg Iuch, M r. Andela l'inds tliat lie gels a lot of' spe- cial requ esi s f'rom customners fo)r old recipes lion IIoîlaud, whiclî lic tries fa ithfuîly bo compîy wil l. Assistinig the "Master Chefi" is is dauigh 1er Brenda Andela, and George Koilard. Also workiuig part-I mie are two (>111e! ladies whuo UieIp (ou i tout ). Eacîî week. they bake aliuost 10,000 cookies and tarts lu a king sze oven whiclî is approximately ten lce t long, six f*eet high. and about six feet wide. Every two weeks Mr. Andela purchases 600 pouinds of' sugar alone! (Anyhody waut luot rade fbood hbis?) And lfor t hose wlio doîî'î know what 'I lardemloccas' are (like tIi k Free Press reporter) . . . iliey are a round pastry fiîl1ed witlU crushied alimouds, covered wilih bu lier creamn mioclia an d hi di pped i lc(iocola te. TUhis mnou tiiwate n ng treai , typical of' ilie iauy delectable pastries haked by Mr. Andela, selîs Ior orily cighitece cents. The Whitby Hiome. Bakery is open 9) a.nîi. Io 6 pi.m. daiîy, and 9 10 9 on Friday. ber father ai the Whitby Photo by Mike Burgess. DR. W.Ka CHANG WISHES TO ANNOUNCE THE OPENING 0F HIS OFFICE AT 519 DUNDAS STREET EAST, SUITE NO. 7, WHITBYJ ONTARIO FAMILY PHYSICIAN 668-5871 Dunlop Radi@al PIy Tirs HEADQUARTJRS A1TERU¶LEY TIRE SERVKEI 103 butdas st. bust, Whitby HEARDS TAXI 668-3732 Radio Equipped & Direct Line at Arnoîd's Market, 115 Brock St. N. For Your Convenience 150 Perry Street Whitby WHAT 1 DID ON MY WINTER BREAK by Bill Smiley Good old unpredictable Canadian weather. No sooner had I popped into the mail my last column, extol- ling the marvellous open winter and the joy of spring actualiy arriving on time, than we were hi t by the worst storm of the year, howling wind and a foot of snow. Oh weIl, it gave those sybarites who led our brac- ing clime for the decadent tropics a chance to rub it in to us stay-at-homes when they returned from wînter break, sickeningly tanned and fit looking. This winter break bit is becomning more exotic every year. It used to be called Eas- ter hoiidays, and wasn't much fun. The skiing and curling were over, the fishing and golfing hadn't started, and the weather was usually rotten. But in these affluent imes. people go winging off in ail directions, tracking down the suni or the snow or whatever their pleaisure is. Distance and money seem no object. 1 know people who flew to Colorado for skiing. flew -t0 Barbados for bikini- wvatching. flew to Jamaica for rum. tîewý, to Cornwail for Cornish hen, flew tb Paris for french fries. And now the students are getting mbt the act. From our high school alone. three dif- ferent groups went soaring off to Greece. Germany and France for the week*s holiday. They are accompanied hy teachers. who have the job of planning the trip, collect- ing the nmoney. and trying to keep their charges fromi knocking d o wvn the Acropolis or strayîng into a br-othel by mistake. Preventing young pul- chritude from being pinched in the Piraeous is not my idea of a fun tIpý for a teacher. Non an I1 thriiled at the thought of stopping stnapping young male students from becoming addled in Athens or maudiin in Munich. Howe ver. it*s every teach to bis own taste and my col- leagues who have tried such a jaunt during winben break assure me that the whole thing is a breeze. that there's no more confusion than there was on the Titanicjust befone she wenb down. No matter. it's a wonden- fui education for the kids. How else couid îhey learn th.at foreign cabbies, waiters 1Ad urie tanthose at. food is flot only prettye,xpen- sive but often awfui, and that' there's nothing in the world to touch an honest Canadian hamburger? Where could they get a better course in driyer educa- tion than on the blood- soaked avenues of Paris? Two young student acquaintances of mine took a month off 'during the winter, and flew ail the way to India. They couldn't afford to eat in the big hotels so they just ate what the natives did. They had a won- derful time. They were sick during their entire stay. Now how could they have Iearned ail that by staying in school like ail the weak confor- mists? Ah, it's just jeaiousy. kids. 1 know you boys had a wonderful time ogling the gais in Greece, the belles of Bavaria, the poules of Paris. If 1 went, I'd have to take my wife. And even if 1 didn't, 1 don't know whether 1 could throw a good ogie any more. Haven't had any practice in years. And 1 know you girls dis- covered what 1 could have told you in the fiïrst place and saved you ail that money -- that Canadian girls are the prettiest in the worîd and that the ones from your home town are the prettiest in Canada. 1 ask only one thing. You can bore me for hours teîîing me about your trip. You can put me to sleep with your col- oLIred slides. You can awe me to tears by showing me the genuine gimcracks you pickèd up for a song. But please. please don't ask me whýat 1 did on my winter break holiday. Ail right, then, if you're adamant. ,1Iltel] you. 1 shovelled a foot of snow off the sidewaîk. I put out the garbage. 1 spent a prettv e\otic baîf-hour at the l1h- rary. 1 helped my wife vac- Luum and clean up the house as she didn't want to leave a dirty house in case some- one broke in while we were away. Oh, yes. we went away. We didn't go to the Bar- bados. as we had planned. But we went ail the way south to the city. My wife went shopping. It wouîd have been cheaper to go to the Barbados. And while she was out, battling our way toward the poor-house. I just sat back in the luxury of our hotel room and had myself a whee of a time marking exam papers. Then we came home and fed the cat. The whoîe thing is an experience 1 shaîl neyer Care for Goresk's Summer Resorf Ltd. CLUB ANNRENE A MODERN DANCE HALL. PHDONE 9135-306a Fishing - Swimming - Trailers, Camping & Marina ONLY 20 MILES FROM WHITBY -R. R. 3o PORT PERRYIS- ONT.